Catherine Speaks …

“In October 2019, when everybody in America was being entertained by the teenage sex life of the Supreme Court nominee, Kavanaugh, the House, the Senate, Democrat and Republican, both sides of the aisle, got together and approved Statement 56 of the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board, which said that they could keep secret books. That was everybody, together, OK? So there is no right versus left, there is no Trump versus Biden. There is a machine …”

Read it all on The Burning Platform

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1 year ago

Yes, I read this yesterday. I agree with Fitts. Furthermore, I will not be voting.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jane

Personally, I call that wisdom. Not everyone gets it, those who do, not at the same time. YMMV

Nolan Parker
Nolan Parker
1 year ago

Years ago I noticed that the Worst legislation was Bipartisan. It Is the Uniparty against The People. The rest is just theatre, it’s as fake as pro wrestling.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nolan Parker

Bipartisan = double penetration (and its an elephant and a donkey, that’s why it hurts so much)

1 year ago
Reply to  MrLiberty

Would you say this in a church?

1 year ago
Reply to  MrLiberty

Where is our Ross Perot today? If the uni-party hadnt threatened to kill his family on his daughters wedding day…just think where wed be today!

1 year ago
Reply to  OPM

The last vote I ever casted with any sense of pride.

Wes Rhinier
1 year ago

Very Important Video. Thanks for posting

1 year ago

No one is coming to save you. Except the person looking back at you from your mirror. Maybe. Do you trust that person?

1 year ago
Reply to  Nobody

Too corny!

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

Good info, and the relevance of mass migration after the kill shot. exempted themselves pretty quickly did they not, a coordinated genocide. The whole of this stinking rotting illegal regime needs to hang for their crimes.

1 year ago

More and more I realize there is no solution by voting. This applies all the way down to the HOA level. Folks with good intentions or even Godly perspective are outnumbered and overwhelmed by the evil whether it is local or global. And, from a larger perspective, I see no way to restore anything at this point. There will be fighting, of course. Many will die. Things will only get worse. Nothing good will come of it except…..folks will get to decide whether they side with the Lord God or with Satan. As for me, I will choose God and Christ Jesus. And yes, I will fight when the time comes. But I will not partake of wholesale extermination.

1 year ago
Reply to  EddieHnatko

Wise words.

1 year ago
Reply to  EddieHnatko

Non Participation. Carlinesque, perhaps. I also see no Biblical example or inference thereof- but to each his own.

1 year ago

I’m still voting for Trump. Far better that who we have now. They want you to not vote.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ray

Yeah I don’t remember 2020 either. Must have been all that Covid in the air.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ray

Me too Ray. Trump is so hated by both political parties I’m voting for him if for no other reason than to anger them.

1 year ago
Reply to  Alan

And we might get really lucky and get him in? We know what the outcome will be with Biden.

1 year ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

In local I can FIRE YOU Politics WE the People CAN Still have effects.

Don’t surrender the local politics. The local Politicians LIKE their Cushy jobs and a strong group can politely let them know about RECALLS and such.

Don’t have to threaten like Idiots, just remind them with a Sign quietly held by several members SHOWING the Exact Process of Recall and such. THEY NOTICE and Police here will not arrest you and thus silence the meeker members.

Proverbs 25:15 NLT
Patience can persuade a prince, and soft speech can break bones.

Worked in New England small towns that kept Drag Queen story times out.

Otherwise, I suggest we make them WORK FOR the CHEAT.

Trump is but one man against the entire Deep State and they are using LAWFARE to Bankrupt ONE OF THEIRS (Rich Folks) to MAKE A POINT to Joe 6 pack and his family.

I welcome facts to the contrary.

Wes Rhinier
1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

LOL.. been there done that got the T-shirt… Local is just as corrupt if not worse.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

There is not a political solution, federal, state or local TINVOWOOT, PERIOD.

1 year ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

My folks have gotten one seat warmer removed and the replacement knows we are watching.

So far, NO Drag Queen nonsense, no child porn in the library, a troublesome librarian gone back to Boston.

Sorry your area is so far gone.

1 year ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

I think you guys are being ridiculous with all the non-voting stuff. You are doing yourselves and the rest of us a great disservice. My idiot liberal sisters would love having you as non-voting members in their communities because they always vote and I guarantee not in your interests.
My town recently had a local election for city council that was actually a referendum on reopening the town which had been basically shut down since all that covid nonsense started. Almost 4 years of streets being blocked off, huge traffic headaches, all kinds of extra costs incurred, etc. For years we have been trying to get the city reopened but the city council completely ignored us. Well the end result of the election was one commie member getting tossed after more than a decade on the council. The rest of the council finally got the message and the town is now open again. And we did it by VOTING. Small victory? Yes, but any victory against the bad guys is a good one and proves that sometimes TI-VOWOOT. And it took all of 5 minutes to vote.
So go ahead, don’t vote… make it that much easier for them to rule over you. I’m sure they will be really impressed by you not voting. Give my sisters an easy lay up because… principles or something like that.
Yeah there’s definitely election fraud, huge amounts, but just maybe if you all actually bothered to show up, they just might get surprised and run out of pre-printed ballots.