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Let the cities burn. They’re nothing more than criminal hives.
Did anyone notice the impossibly & very high number of totally Nordic Participants ?
Memphis has, for a long time been a Third World Nation. Yes, there are pockets of normal folk in scattered old/established middle class neighborhoods, but the feral animals swarm as evidenced in this report.
But YOU say that you don’t live near Memphis and none of this will affect you…. Possibly, but not likely. There are only a few bridges over the Mississippi River and the one at Memphis carries the bulk of East-West truck traffic. When the Schumer-Hits-The-Fan shortly, the ferals will attack every truck and seize its contents.
Yes, you will then be personally affected.
Memphis, like other cities is already a Third World Nation and getting worse.
Get out of the cities, all of them, if you plan on having a longer life…. (H/T to Ole Remus).
The longer it is tolerated or ignored, the worse it will get. It is spreading fast. LEO will hand out traffic violations all day in the peaceful suburbs populated by YT, because it’s safe and guaranteed revenue.
It’s truly amazing how the white trash globalist elites use Low I.Q. dumb ass blacks and get them into positions of political power for them to advance there causes of the total destruction of our nation, and white conservatives, Christians, etc. and they continue performing there dirty work for them without ever realizing they are destroying themselves as well. When things don’t go well for the white liberal globalist elitist trash then they throw the dumb ass Negroes under the bus because things aren’t going the way as they planned, but the dumb ass Negroes continue doing the work for these dirt bags while getting caught at every turn thru there corruptible practices. Then we move onto the globalist using the FBI, CIA, DHS and any other four letter corrupted federal agency to advance there plans quicker when the dumb ass Low I.Q. Negroes aren’t doing the work they were hired to do for them correctly, So, the feds step in using false flag incidents to murder blacks in there run down/bankrupt cities because it brings attention to the idiot sheeple in both parties, then Feds dictate to there whores in the fake media to continue sounding the alarm and the need of gun control/gun confiscation schemes to disarm the American people, like clockwork and this is continually played out by them. These satanic wicked globalist elites must have there cult new world order so they can bring in death and total destruction of our nation. The play book these fools use is so old it doesn’t work any longer on people who know exactly what they are up to. The Patriots in our nation know what they are doing and what they must do at the precise time to counter act this. May God have mercy on us all if they are allowed to get away with there evil plans.
It’s all by design. It’s the work of the Globalists. Death to the Globohomo Empire.