Civil War II–Notes on the coming calamity to restore the Constitution

Good morning, dear Patriots, and welcome. The news is dire and the time is short. So, let’s get right down to business.

It is my firm belief that civil war is now inevitable and imminent in America. As with the two world wars of the early 20th century, this will be “Civil War II”–which addresses issues the first Civil War failed to address.

Never before in modern history has there been so much talk even among elected government officials that we stand on the cusp of “insurrection,” “a revolutionary uprising,” and a “war between citizens on our own soil.”

Yet here we are. Even Charles Krauthammer, who is not given to hyperbolic engagement in hysterics, stated that if the Obama Administration proceeds with its gun control plans, there will be insurrection.

And a trusted friend of mine who has significant friends and contacts both inside and outside the government has indicated that war is near and that many militia groups are now poised to fight it. “Let’s get this over and done now so our children and grandchildren won’t have to,” is the sentiment being expressed.

If it were only the gun issue plaguing the current ruling class, civil war probably could be avoided with a simple step or two to back off draconian new gun control laws and gun bans, abandoning plans to register ammo purchases, and focusing instead on sensible security measures for the nation’s children. Guns are used to protect the president, congressmen and senators, government officials, banks, money, and Hollywood stars.

Why not the children?


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