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Arizona’s audit recount is coming to its end and it appears that fraudulent ballots have changed the outcome of this state’s election results. The attorney general of the US is caught between two options:

So we now come to a point where the process of reinstating the rightful President will become forefront in the media. It is probable that Arizona and Georgia will decertify their election results. Whether the other fraudulent states perform valid audits may not be relevant if Texas or Florida remove their state’s approval of the current “administration”.

What should President Trump do when he is reinstated?

  1. Ensure all of Biden’s executive orders and legislation by Congress are revoked as illegal.
  2. Outlaw Critical Race Theory and the 1619 Project from our schools, businesses and federal government agencies.
  3. Appoint Rudy Giuliani as Attorney General.
  4. Free all political prisoners from the January 6th occupation and release all Capital City Police Department video footage.
  5. Reinstate a valid border security policy.
  6. Reinstate child sex trafficking policies.
  7. Fire Mike Pence.
  8. Launch a full scale investigation into Congressional voter fraud in the 2020 elections. Georgia and Arizona will tip the scale of the Senate back into Republican control.
  9. Reinstate Iranian, Russian, Ukrainian and Chinese foreign policies.
  10. End all COVID based unemployment payments.
  11. Launch an investigation into the basis of the pandemic and Dr. Fauci’s role in funding this “research”.
  12. Issue an executive order that no one can be fired for refusing the vaccination.
  13. Remove Canadian timber tariffs.
  14. Start construction of the Keystone pipeline.
  15. Declare ransomware attacks on United States companies will be considered an act of war on the countries which are sponsoring the perpetrators.

But foremost, President Trump should buy more rope and hang all of the traitors involved in this coup after a fair trial.

David DeGerolamo

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3 years ago

I agree with all your points. However, you should have included trials for treason, and the penalties that go with it. We can’t consider our house cleaning to be done if all we do is sweep the dirt under the rug.
Reinstate the Constitution and Bill of Rights as written.

3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I must apologize, I did miss that last line. The house cleaning thing still stands. The criminality of individuals goes much deeper than the people running point in this coup. They to have to be held accountable.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  oldtimer505

NONE of this will happen without CW2. Trump will NEVER be reinstated.

3 years ago

Traitor receive the death penalty for a reason and until the board is clean it can never go back to the way it was and since the Constitution was subverted -we need to go back to the word of God and Constitution period nothing less or more will be acceptable -- The Federal Government is not above the law -- If the Federal Gov sends its minions into AZ I hope the Governor sends the National Guard in, arrests and escorts every Federal Government employee out of the State for violating the States Sovereignty

Hank Rivers
Hank Rivers
3 years ago
Reply to  woody8834

Good points! Technically, if anyone gets sent in to stop the rule of CONSTITUTIONAL law (the U.S. does NOT legally operate under the rule of law), they all become criminal co-conspirators. If they are feds? Report them to OPM and have their clearances revoked. Then prosecute them all for CCE, and RICO. And watch how fast the lemmings flip.

3 years ago

And that’s the shortlist for day 1. The first week, we will be hearing the crying and gnashing of teeth as the rest are marched off to Gitmo to await their HANGINGS.

3 years ago

They will never let that happen,so them killing the internet and grid makes perfect sense on July 9th,they can’t hide the fact they committed Treason.Stay Salty Patriots,

gail jansen
gail jansen
3 years ago

I guess I am an old timer this morning also. IF Trump were to go back into the WH, the first thing he would need to do is get rid of ALL existing political appointees from the Dems and his own administration. He needs to take a page from Obama’s plan and bring in all of his own people who are ideologically aligned with him from day 1 and who will aggressively take on the NWO cabal regardless of approval or lawyerly advice using any tactic to eliminate the swamp…not drain, kill off. Specifically, the advisors like Pence (who should be prosecuted for pedo), including family members like Kushner, need to go. Any stench from Trump’s first term needs to be removed beforehand. Then, Trump needs to apologize for his mishandling of Covid-19 and it’s vaxxx. Trump needs to make it clear that he will not tolerate criminal behavior swept under the rug. These steps are so against Trump’s nature, I believe, that a second Trump term is really no different than the first. Trump is so bought into the idea that the way must be paved for him so that he does not appear less that brilliant, that he will sacrifice everyone for his sense of sanctity. Going on, he needs to fully pardon and compensate all Jan 6th arrestees, Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, and Kyle Rittenhouse. Compensate for damages: Flynn, Stone, Corsi, Page, Caputo, and any others from Mullers debacle. Dismantle the FBI, CIA, NSA and all other intel agencies as well as place in deep holes the likes of Brennen, Comey, Millie, Barr, Clapper, Obama (and shills), and the Clintons including the kid. No, Trump has lost his saltness and he is going to have to prove he is more than tv star seeking adoration and that will take up every day of any chance he gets. Sorry, Mr. President, but you are about as sorry as Jimmy Carter and for many of the same reasons.

3 years ago

Texas Governor Abbott has announced plans for Texas to build its own wall. Along with that will be a fund set up for anyone who would like to donate. I suggest that Trump set up a similar fund for rope.

Charles Martinez
Charles Martinez
3 years ago
Reply to  RHT447

If Abbott returns the states lottery to it’s original specifications, and removes all the leaches from it. He will have enough $$ to built the wall, in a month. BUT -- big BUT- he needs to build a real wall of reinforced Recon, concrete barriers like we had at Camp Leatherneck, instead of that prissy, do nothing, rusting picket fence being installed now.

Bud Johnson
Bud Johnson
3 years ago

The keystone pipeline needs to be restructured. Cease all taxpayer funding for the pipeline. Then, instead of wasting the effort to pump oil to the gulf coast, where not one percent of capacity exists to process the oil. Build a refinery in North, or South Dakota. Decrease costs ten fold over pipeline costs. Create jobs. Bolster the economy in the Dakotas. Spread out our infrastructure. The cost of the pipeline being footed by taxpayers instead of the oil companies would build several new modern design refineries.

3 years ago

Agree that Trump should be re-instated…. Ok, now exactly how is that supposed to happen ??

Let’s say six states have absolute proof the Trump won their vote before the digital manipulations stole it from him. Let’s say well over 3/4 of the Sheeple nationwide agree that the office was stolen from him by DemonicRat operatives using computer and fake manipulations.

So exactly how is his re-instatement going to happen ? By what means, who has the authority, and how will that be handled??

Answer:IT AINT GONNA HAPPEN !! That is because there is no constitutional or even federal statutory procedure that says this feat is allowed and under what circumstances it could happen.

The only way Trump will get back into office before Jan 2025 is if there is a violent civil war and the winning side controls Washington and has the backing of the military.


Nice mental exercise and chance for we deplorables to rant but unless somebody has a plan as to how this can be done, that is all it is: a mental exercise and chance to rant.

Anybody with a plan needs to put it out there so all can see if it has a possibility of success.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  173dVietVet

^ gets it.

Whiskey Tango
Whiskey Tango
3 years ago

Just as their plandemic genocide will continue to press forward in the face of egregious Nuremberg Code violations; more than enough legislators and members of the courts have been captured by the establishment to ensure Viceroy Xiden ain’t going anywhere until America decides to vote with their cartridge boxes.

3 years ago

It doesn’t look like it’s all that simple for him to get reinstated. There are no Constitutional Provisions for dealing with a stolen election. The Constitutional Attorneys I’ve heard address this seem to think Biden and Kammi would need to be tried for treason. Nancy would become president until 2024. Apparently there is a military solution. Which is maybe why the Libtards are trying to destroy it as fast as they can. If someone else has a different spin on this I’d certainly like to hear it.

3 years ago
Reply to  Brad

The Constitutional provision can be found in article 2 section 1 dealing with appointing the executive. It reads “Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors…” Due to the rampant voter fraud, the electors in many states were not appointed according to the laws of their respective states. That was the whole point of the fraud. This makes the selection of the electors unconstitutional and their votes are legally voided. This means that Biden is not and never has been the president.
Trump is the rightful and current president. He is the rightful president since he won the election in a landslide. He is the current president since he was not lawfully replaced and never resigned.
I do not expect the courts which have been complicit in the fraud to remedy this situation. That responsibility falls to the military. It is their duty to remove the false president and arrest the traitors who have orchestrated this coup and bring them to justice.

3 years ago
Reply to  Hawk_TX

I’m aware of Article 2 Section 1. And I agree with everything you say, however Section 1 offers no vehicle to put Trump back in the White House. It may come down to the individual swing states charters.

Wes Rhinier
3 years ago

It’s nice to have dreams. The Deep State will never allow Trump to be reinstated unless he is actually one of their puppets.
They would just rather have open war than concede power again.
Nothing will happen unless We The People make it happen.
The Whole World knows that this election was stolen and yet we keep going along with the charade.
While it would be nice to see everything you have written come to fruition, No One Is Coming To Save Us!
Looks like spicy time is fast approaching. We are in the Endgame if the Media starts covering these Election Audits. 
I hope to see you after the War my friend.

Wes Rhinier
3 years ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

Here is the answer: nothing will happen. You have a better chance of dying from covid that Trump getting reinstated.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

Thank god someone who speaks reason! NO ONE EVER GIVES UP POWER.

Last edited 3 years ago by NC Rob
3 years ago

What say Brotheren ? Hang the Bastards

3 years ago

Public trials and public executions for traitors.

3 years ago

Hmm, after reading the article twice and reading the letters, maybe I’m too far out in the ball park to know what I’m talking about, BUT, do you think the communist democrats are going to give up that easy. Whether we want to think about it or not , we may end up with even more divided country and maybe, just maybe the chinese and russians will move in to ” provide ” security and ” humanitarian aid ” ( yeah right ). Just my off the shelf thoughts.

3 years ago

I may be on shakey ground here, but I’ll take a shot at this.
I don’t think that a state can legally rescind its certification of an election. If Arizona’s results show that the election was stolen, it may well incentivize Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Georgia to do their own recount. Even if the legislatures of these states engage in a process to rescind the certification, I don’t think that it will have any legal value, much less make Trump president again.
What it will do is fatally damage Joe Biden who will be viewed by all but the most radical Democrats as a fraudulent president. His political agenda will be destroyed. Democrats in purple districts will probably run for cover rather than have their constituents marching on their homes with pitchforks and torches.
Again, even finding that the election was stolen in Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia will not make Donald Trump president. Of course, if Joe takes the honorable route and resigns because it is obvious to everyone that he is not a duly elected president, Harris will have to go with him. Again, this assumes that he is a reasonably honorable man. I actually have more faith in Biden doing the right thing than I do for Harris (“more” is a relative term).
Someone with a greater knowledge of the Constitution will have to opine on what will happen then. Of course, the 25th Amendment provides for a presidential succession of VP, then Speaker of the House, but if things get that crazy, I expect that some sort of deal will keep Nancy Pelosi from being technically President for anything but a brief period of transition that may last no more than an hour or so.
If Donald Trump runs for Congress in 2022, he can choose any district in Florida to represent. Surprisingly, the Constitution does not require that a congressman actually live in the district he/she represents. (Maxine Waters lives in a stately home in Bel Air. There is no way would she live among her constituents in Inglewood.)
There is no way that Demcrats will hang on to the House after 2022. The party in the Oval Office loses an average of 40 votes in the first mid-term election. (Obama lost 60 seats in the House, getting what he called a “shellacking.”) Once elected, if nothing else, Trump could reek havoc with Joe Biden’s legislative agenda, and he could use the Speakership as his “bully pulpit.”
Note that the Constitution does not actually require that the Speaker be a congressman, so, technically, the new Republican majority in the House after 2022 could elect Trump speaker whether he runs for Congress or not. Don’t expect this to happen, given the strong role of tradition. A similar tradition serves as an obstacle for the Dems in their attempt to pack the Supreme Court with new justices. (And the Constitution does not even require that Supreme Court justices be lawyers.)
There is plenty of focus on the Arizona presidential election recount, but I have not heard if the election of the down ballot candidates is being scrutinized, too.One thing not being discussed anywhere I have seen is that, if the Arizona recount also shows that Mark Kelly did not win his race, it may not be possible under Arizona law for him to be replaced unless he is recalled by voters in a special election. (I am no expert on Arizona law either.) I only know that Kelly was a Space Shuttle commander and that he is married to Gabby Giffords. Perhaps I am naive, but I think that it is far more likely that he is not a typical politician and may be well be an honorable man (albeit a deluded Democrat) who would resign, rather than be viewed as a usurper.
If that happens, his opponent, Martha McSally would be appointed by the governor to fill out the term. If so, voila!, the Senate is flipped at that moment.

Dov Sar
3 years ago
Reply to  Survivormann99

Kelly is not an honorable man. He is an anything for power man who took a 27 million or so ‘loan’ from the Chinese.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  Survivormann99

“There is no way that Demcrats will hang on to the House after 2022. The party in the Oval Office loses an average of 40 votes in the first mid-term election.”

There is no way you honestly believe that after 11/3/2020….do you?

“If voting mattered, they wouldn’t let us do it.”
-George Carlin

“…the people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.”
-- Joseph Stalin

“If voting made any difference, they wouldn’t let us do it.”
— Mark Twain

Last edited 3 years ago by NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

NC Rob, first, you are ignoring the changes to the lax voting laws that have been already been made and those that will be made before the 2022 mid-term elections. These changes already have Dems howling. “Racist! It is racist to demand that people prove who they are to vote!!!”
Second, the voting shenanigans only took place in certain states. Nobody has said that the election was stolen in all of the states, at least not anyone with credibility.
If the lax voting laws are tightened up in only a few states, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, etc., and if Democrats don’t find ways to cheat in new states, there is little likelihood that Republicans will be manhandled like they were in 2020. Democrats used the pandemic to push through absurd voting changes and Republicans were ineffective in stopping them. Dems can’t use the pandemic as an excuse in 2022.
And as far as “Democrats finding ways to cheat in new states,” given the hypervigilance now in place, that will be much harder to do.
I would like to see a crowd tar and feather Fifth Colunists like Lin Wood. He told Georgians to stay home in the runoffs and handed the Senate election to Democrats because he said that it was all rigged. As a result, Pro-Trump areas of the state saw the biggest dropoff in voting in the January run-off--and now we have a Democrat-controlled Senate.
Thanks, Lin Wood. You did the Republican Party and your country a great (dis)service. Does anyone have extra pitchforks and torches available?

3 years ago

I agree with all the above but…. Jared and Ivanka won’t be onboard with any of it.

Barbara Noelle
Barbara Noelle
3 years ago

Well, I think some of the bigger cities are already planning for this. Dark hats and false flags galore! They prepared for this because they KNEW they cheated!! God help us.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago

I am not a religious person but I believe God would come back before Trump was reinstated.

3 years ago

I aint a dreamer.
We are stuck with The Pedo and The Dumpster
This is all moot

3 years ago

Nothing will Happen. Nothing at all. Nothing ever Does.
The speculation that the feral ‘government’ would send its thugpigs to ‘seize’ the Audit Materials is actually the Last Thing they would (or could) Do; this being it would be a “Fort Sumter Event” showing that Violence will be used OVERTLY to overturn the will of the People.
“Allowing the Results to be Published” ? the kosher media has already been Successful in Ignoring/Diverting from the Election Fraud in the first place, there would be no ‘Downside’ to doing the Same with any of these ‘Audits’.
This would put the States in the position of having to Declare their own Votes in the Electoral College as Void; the feral government would Ignore that, leaving the States in a position of either “Declaring Secession” or putting up with the Fraud.
Secession won’t happen, for the simple Reason that Every State has ‘debt’ to the (((moneychangers))) who could Instantly and Completely Destroy the Economy of any given State, by stopping all “Banking Activity” to or from that State.
Nothing Happens until (and unless) the overall economic situation Collapses into ‘hyperinflation’, and Millions of Heavily-Armed People get Hungry.

3 years ago

No. Nothing will happen. The Media will condemn anyone who takes the law into their own hands. Our children will see that cheating does, in fact, work in their favor, We will once again be the embarrassing posterity of our for fathers for not doing what needs done. And I believe if we did collectively do anything, the Anti-American Lloyd Austin would turn the military on us. Would they follow orders? Some would. We are Not the reflection communists want to see.

3 years ago

Trump will not be reinstated. All this talk is not helpful. Why would we want a leader that did not have the courage to march to the Capital the supporters he asked to rally with him? He did nothing legally to investigate the election. Nothing. Just a lot of cheap talk. So why cling on to this, he is coming back. If anything he is part of the problem.

God gave us all the tools to fix the problems. He even made us Caesar. We just need to want it enough.

Last edited 3 years ago by tangle
a follower
a follower
3 years ago

Trump the “father of the vaccine.”
This is the guy how many will follow?

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
3 years ago

Good Gid don’t tease me….
I’ll knit the rope from my own intestines if it means I get to watch these bastards twitch and swing.


[…] wrote an article yesterday concerning the election audits in Arizona and Georgia. I removed the comment calling me […]