Coming to a City Near You

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Roth Harbard
11 months ago

Import the third world … become the third world.

11 months ago

AND I suspect (being nice here) that if folks started defending themselves from the “rioters” THEY would be arrested by the very police that are being attacked.

Just Cloward-Piven in action. Force the police to protect the rioters “Civil rights” or such, demoralizes the police, creates distrust and disobedience from otherwise “lawful citizens” and gets more racial hatred brewed up.

SNIP: The Cloward–Piven strategy is a political strategy outlined in 1966 by American sociologists and political activists Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven. It is the strategy of forcing political change leading to societal collapse through orchestrated crises. The “Cloward-Piven Strategy” seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, amassing massive unpayable national debt, and other methods such as unfettered immigration thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse by overwhelming the United States.

Nothing new under the sun.

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.
Marcus Tullius Cicero

Roth already said the rest of my thoughts.

Steady Steve
Steady Steve
11 months ago
Reply to  Michael

Simple solution. Quietly warn the police to leave the area or risk being shot along with the rioters. They won’t risk their lives for “immigrant scum”.

11 months ago
Reply to  Steady Steve

Give them a face saving “Emergency” across the country and most of the reasonable ones will go or Blue Flu it.

The rest c’est la vie

The police I talked to are well aware of the blind eye and malicious obedience to “Orders”.

As I’m EMS volunteer as well as Operating Room, I have a working relationship with my local police. Most of ours are good neighbors. Some I let deer hunt on my property.

We the people have enough enemies, don’t need to make more without good reasons. I’ll defend my good police neighbors.

As Breaker Morant said “Rule 303 Sir”.

11 months ago

This is all accretive to our GDP. Broken windows need fixin!

Most males even here in rural lands are just not going to become raciss. Even though they are already racist by merely living here.

And so it will continue. The spell cast into the hearts of heritage American men of the magic dirt, blank slate, proper paperwork, legal pathway, melting pot, dreamer, just want a better life for their kids, must be broken.

This is more difficult where there is not yet a coherent spiritual, social, and civic means to express an alternative.

Spiritual ->Social-> Economic.

Nearly all churches are on board with replacement, sanctifying it with their perversions of God’s Children and scriptural blasphemy and globo-missionary preference for distant, different, and diverse over proximate, similar, and homogenous.

There are no longer any legal social institutions or even informal community facing elements that do not submit to the progressive globohomo moral authority.

Every man’s income relies upon him submitting to the State and the corporo-fascist praetorians directly or indirectly which means his paycheck, pension, and economic trajectory are subordinated to the invasion.

If none of this can be discussed in public or even among the already small cadre of productive and capable men locally -- or at the kitchen table because a man’s own home is not in order but rather inverted to the feminized hierarchy of progress, well this is the impasse. Not how -or whether or not, the State is protecting the commons from the invasion.

It’s not blackpill. Just the reality we face every day. The solution hides behind every blade of grass, not just with a rifle, but with those things that need to eject the lies and refill our hearts with the truth and cultivate the will to live it.

11 months ago
Reply to  SirLawrence

“If none of this can be discussed in public or even among the already small cadre of productive and capable men locally…..”

Yes, and therein lies the problem. What it is down here where I live. Sure, we have reinforcement LEOs to arrest and detain illegals. And Abbott building a city to house National Guard (hahaha…lucrative deal). And I’m alone and ready and waiting for the party to start. But, in the end I will die in a hail of……… Oh well……. Been a good run while it lasted.

11 months ago
Reply to  EddieHnatko

Well Eddie we are all on their timeline until we decide we are not.

The whole system is just one big bench warrant on us waiting to be sprung over some broken taillight offense of the future.

So, there is some point that we all must arrive at when speaking the truth and paying the toll for doing so is more important than the status quo -- which is borrowed time anyhow.

What we are doing with that borrowed time matters too, of course, but if we are using that time to build and connect there remains an embedded risk in that by nature of its success bearing fruit that shall not be allowed to exist.

This is the proposition before all of us and is a defining aspect of the remnant.

I would hope all here meet a better end than alone in a hail, if even it is back to back with a brother over a pile of warm brass. But there is a whole world to be built that has already begun even if it does not feel like it. The time of ashes will come, but we can still plant a great many seeds right now.

11 months ago

I wonder what will happen when the Eritreans get guns? I wonder if it will be bad. Maybe if we could bring in more of them so they would be happy and nice. (sarc)

kal kal
kal kal
11 months ago
Reply to  Nobody

rule 308, them before us!

11 months ago

“Ignore the will of the people,violate the rights of the free,soon in all of it,s glory, discover your no longer free”

Arthur Sido
Arthur Sido
11 months ago

Importing non-Whites with sub-room temperature IQs can only benefit our country, the TV told me so.

11 months ago
Reply to  Arthur Sido

Diversity is our Strength!

Ricky Bobby
Ricky Bobby
11 months ago
Reply to  Mike

Here is link to news story RE Charlotte. Didnt know there were that many Eritreans in Charlitte to have rival groups

11 months ago
Reply to  Ricky Bobby

It doesn’t take many. When I lived in a formerly nice mid-sized city we had two ethnics that were from neighboring shitholes back home that had centuries of invading, killing, raping -- all the usual, history. 99% of Americans would have never heard of either one before. When some kids lopped the head an elder of one of the opposing tribe while he was high on some kind of root or whatever, because, as it later turned out had been diddling them for years, all heck broke loose in the subsidized housing complex.

A handful of people ended up in jail and a massive sucking sound of forever dependent resource vampires filled the night air along with the stench of curry and rancid garbage. Welcome refugees indeed.

11 months ago
Reply to  Ricky Bobby

Wow is all I can say. Thx for the link. Awful. We are in our final stages.

11 months ago
Reply to  Mike

Diversity + Proximity = War.

11 months ago

comment image

We’re chattering about NYC getting a trucking strike.

When serious trouble strikes major cities across our land ALL food distribution is affected (who blames the truckers NOT wanting to be the Next Reginald Denny of the LA Riots?).

Can you really feed yourself for over a year (a good start) for spicy times?

WE ARE the Carbon our “elite” want reduced. Holodomor isn’t a bug but a feature.

The Holodomor, also known as the Ukrainian Famine, was a man-made famine in Soviet Ukraine from 1932 to 1933 that killed millions of Ukrainians.

Tempus fugit.

11 months ago

Message to government (federal, state and local): as you sow, so shall your your tax-paying, long-suffering citizens reap. You rats.

11 months ago

As a former resident of the Twin Cities, all I can say is, take a look at it now, and compare to 25 years ago. Today it is a shi..hole, with the likes of Ilan Omar, representing herself against the people who have lived there for their whole life. These people in Charlotte, from Eritrea, are the same “refugees “ brought in from Somalia, a neighboring country. Sunni Muslims, whose mission is to run our country just like they did there. They bring more and more in from their country and send our tax dollars that they get from us back home. Charlotte won’t last 5 years if more of them get there with the borders open.
And why in the H are they protesting anyway? Ungrateful pos

kal kal
kal kal
11 months ago

For all those that have traveled and visited some of the less savory locations around the world, we know just how “cheap” life is. Well, those unsavory places are here now, and anyone that might think these illegals give a rat’s backside about our laws and order, is highly mentally deficient. As Roth Harbard says, import the third (fourth) worlds and you become them. Best make sure that all your “Rules” are in good working order, ’cause it only goes downhill from now.

11 months ago

Keep in mind that when a migrant gets legal status they can bring in their entire extended family, legally. Even the elderly and sick. After a 90 day wait the old and sick get SSI, EBT cards, housing assistance, Medicaid and pharmacy. What a country.

Randolph Scott
Randolph Scott
11 months ago

It’s time to KTA and let GOD sort them out.

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
11 months ago

Fires and explosions everywhere in such a short time frame….

tom finley
tom finley
11 months ago Some good advice.