Concerning the Debate

I watched the first Presidential debate since we are on the precipice of WWIII which has a high probability of being a nuclear war. Here are some takeaways:

  1. I was surprised that people were disappointed in Biden’s mental faculties. Where have you been?
  2. I was looking for some truth concerning Ukraine, Israel, China and the “vaccine” but was disappointed by Trump.
  3. I was pleasantly surprised by the moderators and the format.

I will not go over Biden’s performance but I will review shortcomings from Trump:

  1. He said that any Ukrainian solution would not involve letting Russia keep the Donbass. Why? This region was bombed by its own government for years (including Trump’s administration). He gave Putin no credit for his restraint and patience: Minsk accords’ treachery, CIA Maidan color revolution, Nord Stream bombing, supplying arms against Russia and sanctions. Sanctions have failed miserably while allowing a new economic alliance based on gold to develop.
  2. He will continue to side with Israel and its genocide in the West Bank. He barely mentioned Iran’s role, the impending war with Hezbollah in Lebanon or the humiliation of our Navy by Houthis in Yemen.
  3. He did not address Taiwan, North Korea or an impending civil war here.
  4. I had hoped to find out who would be his vice-presidential choice.
  5. He should have thanked Joe for using lawfare to give his campaign contributions and polls a boost more than a brief mention in passing.

What did I want to see? I wanted to hear Trump state that his priority is to stop a nuclear world war. I wanted him to say that justice will be restored and the people who usurped our Republic would be held accountable. I wanted an outline of his first 100 days and I wanted him to put Congress on notice that they would be held accountable to restoring this nation’s status, economy and eliminating the debt crisis.

In other words, I wanted to know that the government would be held accountable to do the job that they were elected to do. And on that account, I give Trump a failing grade.

David DeGerolamo

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7 months ago

I have to agree with you about Trump. He just doesn’t have a clue. Joe is toast. But we’re still screwed with Trump. He knows nothing about foreign affairs. Nothing.

David Bovender
David Bovender
7 months ago

The sad reality is Biden has us underwater and we are drowning. Trump allows some gasp for air so we survive maybe. Really no great choice but either drown or struggle on.

7 months ago

.how many times does a guy like me have to post they are on the same team… GLOBO HOMO……how many times do we need to post trumps own statements that….”I am the most GAY friendly president EVER !……”I have done more for the BLACK and BROWN community then any other president”….”ISRAEL FIRST” !!………….and more.
.neither of these candidates or their parties give a single shit about the country about the laws , the Bill of Rights and especially about you or me.
They serve the MIC they serve Lucifer and themselves ……there is no voting our way out of this mess….the majority in their ignorance and willful stupidity (a choice) will blindly support a failed two party system designed to convince them they have a choice and a vote and therefor a VOICE in the country. NO YOU DO NOT ! Yes trump will continue just as he did the last 4 years he will appoint neocons he will not fire anyone he will not right the wrongs of J6 the fraud in the banking, the treasury , the state dept , the justice dept , did I mention the JUSTUS dept….the border will remain open as it is no wall no deportation.with the exception of a few “EXAMPLES” the administration will foist upon said public that WANTS to believe !!!! they want to BELIEVE it will change and will continue with their head in the sand , bread and circus and we will continue down this path to the end………………………….

CTR Wolfman
CTR Wolfman
7 months ago
Reply to  mrapp

100% correct! Remeber when pedobido mentiined the hooker to trump? The obvious “come back” is the mentioning of a certain shower. Either pedobido has something really nasty on trump, or there was a “no below the belts permitted” agreement. Totally scripted.

kal kal
kal kal
7 months ago
Reply to  CTR Wolfman


7 months ago
Reply to  mrapp

Word. All we can do is keep prepping and stay healthy and vigilant. Take care, my friend.

tom finley
tom finley
7 months ago
Reply to  mrapp

And Trump has not and will not denounce the kill shot, TINVOWOOT.

7 months ago
Reply to  mrapp

So what’s your point?

7 months ago
Reply to  mrapp

Truth. Nothing but, but there is a LOT more…

7 months ago
Reply to  mrapp
.you won’t listen to me …..try Michael

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
7 months ago
Reply to  mrapp

mrapp, freedom connect several years ago? if so good to see you are still standing strong.

7 months ago

Nothing will change no matter who wins, the government/bureaucracy will collapse under its own weight of hyper corruption, filth and pervasions. The entire demon-rat party are all reprobate filthy perverts including their constituencies, as well the Rino republic-rats along with their constituencies who keep electing them over and over again. But most of all this republic will not stand any longer because the almighty God has is slated for destruction, just as Sodom and Gomorrah were obliterated along with their surrounding towns. The only survivors will be Gods people who he selects.

7 months ago

The sooner people realize that Trump is controlled opposition the sooner we can possibly move on to something meaningful. Rep and Dem are 2 wings of the same bird!! It has become rotten and corrupt. We were a republic not a democracy.

7 months ago

These are the political progeny of Washington, Jefferson, Jackson, etc.?!? Sweet Meteor of Death for the biblical reset please.

Gary Hartman
Gary Hartman
7 months ago

Thank you for your excellent insight

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
7 months ago

Trump has to appeal to the ‘main-stream-a$$-wipe’ conservatives who comprise the majority of our movement. These people are barely on Level 100 of the information agenda FYI. They are mostly the Hannity and Senator Graham watchers. And in no way they are ready to receive the Level 400 and 600 material which we all here are accustomed to. Let me refer to that line out of that Tom Cruise movie… “You can’t handle the truth!” It boils down to that.

Roth Harbard
7 months ago

This is exactly why I no longer vote in Federal elections. We have no real choices. The lesser evil? That’s it? One still gets evil.

Doug Mcgregor for President! Now that’s a choice!

Last edited 7 months ago by Roth Harbard
7 months ago

Ouch!! Dave I disagree with you on a couple points !. Trump absolutely slayed last night,whoever decided to split screen the two of them probably got fired today. Trumps expressions as Biden babbled were priceless, he showed class by not just humiliating him for the gibberish and appeared to be totally in control. My favorite part was the golf handicap part, I’m a golfer and Biden ain’t never sniffed a 6 handicap. Trump looks at him with disgust and say’s “That’s the biggest lie you told so far” I was ROFL. As you know it doesn’t matter who wins the controllers that own Biden will try to control Trump. The deep state is already gearing up to stifle Trump should he win. Personally I think Biden wins in a landslide because they control everything anyway. Killing every man, woman and child in a group of people that intends to do that to you is self defense not genocide. All that aside I enjoyed the debate I never expected to get a clear vision from either one of them on key issues. Biden wins there’s no hope,Trump wins there’s a sliver of hope. TINVOWOOT

Last edited 7 months ago by OldMarine
Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
7 months ago

A vote for Trump is a vote for Israel and genocide. Of course neither candidate nor does either party support White conservative Christians. Never forget Trump brought us the Beautiful Vaccine that in reality is a bioweapon. Trump could have pardoned the J6 political prisoners and Julian Assange but instead he pardoned a bunch of jewish criminals. My understanding is that Trump became a Kabbalah jew in 2017. I am not sure if this is true. He did say while he was President that he had a Kabbalah teacher. This would make sense if it is true and would explain why Trump surrounds himself with zionist jews. Who is $ John Galt?

kal kal
kal kal
7 months ago

DR- agree on points, completely turned off that Trump refrained from going after joe on the present state of affair of the US instigating and pushing the globe towards nuclear war, in multiple theaters at the same moment. Maybe holding back for it to start or for double barrels in September? Orangeman missed the bus, while joe was left on the platform after the train departed the station.

Dave Johnson
Dave Johnson
7 months ago

Trump touched on the fact, hes gotta get elected first. Beforeyoull hear all these important points. If he tells the enemy his plan , that would only hurt his intentions. Trumps not perfect but he can do tremendous good for this country. He absolutely is not a globalist, he is a patriot. Hes the only person trying to stop WWIII in the race. Why do you think they hate him so…

ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
7 months ago

I believe that most of America does not have the stomach for what would be required to return America to the ideals laid out in The Constitution and The Bill of Rights.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
7 months ago

“He will continue to side with Israel and its genocide in the West Bank.”
Still do not believe this is an accurate assessment of the True situation! 

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
7 months ago

David… Trump didn’t have to do anything you really wanted to hear out of his mouth in that debate. Why? Because his opponent was LITERALLY melting down (for the whole world to see) like the Wicked Witch of the West in The Wizard of OZ. In the ‘Art of War’ it says… “never get in the way when your enemy is making mistakes.” Now the ENTIRE Communist-Democratic machine (top to bottom) is in total disarray. Even the commentators on CNN afterwards looked like they were just informed that a massive planet-killing asteroid was due to hit in 15 minutes.

Now all Trump has to do is yammer what you want to hear--doing this in interviews (say with Tucker or Hannity) and come of very serious and statesman like. And honestly if he were to address anything, or allude to anything regarding ‘an impending civil war here’ --it would have been the total end of his campaign--and the fodder for the CNN (and their ilk) commentators to hammer away at his ‘insurrectionist’ ideals, completely overshadowing Biden’s total meltdown. You would not hear the end of it. You know it, I know it--everyone here knows what is really impending, but this does not need to be aired on MSNBC.

Also the huge majority of Christian Conservatives have their mind captured by the Israel paradigm and you cannot unhook them from these beliefs--not until the results of which come home here to roost (war). They will NOT wake up. Ditto with the Ukrainian war--their minds are captured by Hannity and his “Russia bad” (no matter what crowds. Their heads are back in the 1970’s still. Perhaps when we are on the brink of total nuclear war would they give pause--possibly after a carrier battle group goes down in flames, or there’s a few tactical nuclear strikes in Western Ukraine would they have second thoughts… but then it would be too late (as we all know). And it is building up to this FYI as I type. Take a look at this excerpt from WRSA I saw last night which sums it all up.

Now if this is the case--and it seems to be what will transpire, they are going to do EVERYTHING possible to prevent Trump from taking office by starting WWIII--the ensuing chaos here in the USA (as in attacks) will prevent an election from happening… then only way a new president could be elected would be through a direct vote by congress--then holed up in some continuity of government complex and it’s doubtful they’d be rescuing GOP representatives at that point (as an intentional move).

7 months ago

I’m surprised to see so many here with TDS. The debate format didn’t accommodate the type of comments you wished for, but those topics are discussed widely in other forums. The moderators posed the questions, the candidates didn’t pick them. President Trump, whatever flaws he is perceived to have, is our only chance to turn this shit show around.