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- Survivormann99 on Can We Close the Border to California?
- Survivormann99 on Can We Close the Border to California?
- Survivormann99 on Can We Close the Border to California?
- kal kal on Maybe the Lord Is Punishing California…
- kal kal on Maybe the Lord Is Punishing California…
Can Coopers veto be over ridden?
That was going to be my question, pretty late in the game to try and fix the corruption now.
Yes, they have a super majority and he can’t stop it and the dirt bag knows it. Cooper is pushing democrat voter fraud and he should be arrested for high crimes.
Wonder why we don’t have constitutional carry yet with a super majority?
The rinos are stalling the bill and they are getting there rear ends handed to them by because us owners are demanding the bill go forward or they will be replaced for not doing there job. Even though we have a super majority you still have rino a holes still pandering to the weak and pathetic demonrats in both chambers.
I don’t understand why this is even an issue. What’s the point of citizenship? What’s the point of having any government at all? All you end up with is the oppressor and the oppressed, the master and the slave.
citizenship isn’t in question it’s the corrupt demonrat establishment called the government that is in question.
Pretty sure the NC legislature has a veto proof majority, and have used it at least once. No reason not to use it again
I watched a clip of Bill Maher interviewing Nancy Pelosi. Paraphrasing the interview: He asked her about the California bill to give$15oK to illegal aliens for a new home. Nancy said its about the American dream of home ownership. Bill said but this is for illegal aliens. Nancy said well I hope to make them citizens. The illegal alien audience cheered. Bill tried to make the point these were not Americans. How do we justify non-Americans entitlement to the American Dream? We seen this with the Dreamers nonsense of free college for foreigners. I was waiting for Bill to say “but there is a process for legal immigration, why should these people be put in front of the line?” but sadly he never did. This is a in your face example of the problem. Its a sad day when we need to legislate citizen only voting. If I recall the founders only granted voting rights to citizen land owners.
Kabuki, theater for the masses. VOAT MORE HARDERER! You have exactly on vote left that can’t be ignored or stolen. Be careful when casting it because it will probably be your last. VOTE; 308 & FREEDOM
Anyone who thinks voting in any election should not be restricted to those who are legal citizens—please let me have a say in how you spend your income because I can use some extra cash.
The political cataclysm heading our way in November 2024 will be biblical. We know, they know, they know we know, and they don’t care. What will the fresh gubmint installed in the fUSA resemble; a pastiche of 18th, 19th and 20th century half wits burning, beheading & looting their way through the streets?