Dare County Board of Commissioners Passes Anti-Agenda 21 Resolution

Aware of the destructive and insidious nature of Agenda 21-style policies, the Dare County Board of Commissioners unanimously passed an anti-Agenda 21 resolution at their Feb 20, 2012 meeting. Commissioner Jack Shea led the charge and we thank him for his leadership.  It was passed by the five Commissioners who were present.  Commissioners Richard Johnson and Max Dutton did not attend the meeting. While this resolution only states our County leaders’ opposition to such policies and does not repeal any policies currently on the books, it is a good start.  It sets an example for the towns in Dare County to follow.  It is now up to us to hold their feet to the fire and inform the Commissioners when we see Agenda 21 creeping into proposed policies and legislation.  And if there are policies and laws on the books that should be repealed, we must find identify those and bring them to the attention of the Board. We must also encourage the towns to adopt this resolution.  Take a copy of this resolution to your local town meeting and speak during the public comment phase and pass out the resolution to all the members. Encourage your elected officials to view the video below.

Click here for the actual resolution


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