Day One Should Tell Us Everything We Need To Know About What Is To Come

Let me start this article off by saying, I’m very grateful that Trump was allowed to win this election. We have been blessed with a reprieve from all the evil that surely was going to be unleashed had the other side been chosen.

Did I vote? Absolutely not. I stayed true to my word and like I have said numerous times before, I will never vote in any elections, ever again.

But I am grateful for this little respite. You see, I spend practically every day at a baseball or softball field with my children. The world is in turmoil and I’ve come to realize that we really won’t do anything but Vote at our problems. Everyone is still very comfortable. And I am grateful for that. I love helping my children chase their dreams. I love playing with my children and watching them grow. I’m proud of my kids and their work ethic. It keeps me young also. I spend most of my days obsessing over baseball and softball. I haven’t written much lately and now you know why. Has anyone really missed me though?

What I have noticed since Trump’s victory was declared, is that people think everything is going to be alright come January 20th. The world will magically be healed on that day and the world will be saved. I don’t really say much to anyone when they start talking politics anymore. I’ve been called crazy long enough. It’s funny, all the people that woke up for that brief moment when Covid came to town and said I was right about many things are back to calling me crazy again. So, I have kind of withdrew from talking or writing about much. Even the comment section lights up when I point out that some of Trumps cabinet picks are troublesome.

This video I posted yesterday barely got any traction. But it made me feel good, because someone out there feels like I do. We won’t do anything because we don’t want to be inconvenienced.

I’m willing to give Trump the benefit of the doubt. But many of his cabinet picks and policies coming out are troubling. Trump doesn’t act like a man should after the Deep State tried to kill him at least two times. Were it me, I would be on a holy roll of revenge terror with all the power and momentum that he has at his fingertips. Trump is still all over the place.

His first act, on day one, the moment he is sworn in, should be to pardon all the January 6th prisoners/participants. If he doesn’t do that, it will be a huge red flag and a signal of things to come. I’m still wondering if they will let him live that long as to be sworn in. But I’m also starting to believe he has made some kind of a deal with the Deep State. So, he’ll probably get in there. But then what? Did Trump do some good things the first time around? Sure. Did he do some bad things? Yep, and they far outnumbered the good.

Let me remind of you how I felt about Trump two years ago: Trump is the standard, the example and the false idol against which every issue, candidate and movement is measured against. He has such a demonic emotional hold. He’s our Judas and no one really sees all that that entails. He really is the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man of our side. He is the form of self destruction we chose and now we cannot exorcise him from our midst.

Trump wasn’t “weak” or “misguided” or “corrupted.” He didn’t “try” or “mean well” or “wanted to.”

He NEVER WAS one of us. Trump has been an elite all his life. Trump was loved by the Deep State.

He IS our Enemy Within and I am convinced he has been since the very beginning.

But what does that say about us? There was a widespread blind emotional hubris that fell for this cad as hard as any teenage girl ever fell for a Casanova. That’s the “sin” that those who voted for him twice won’t open their eyes to and repent of.  Yes, he’s a liar. Yes, he’s a cheater. But it was US who deep down HAD to have known that – and “supported” it anyway. We BEGGED him to use us. We looked at God’s standards and then threw them away on Trump as quickly as any teenage girl “in love” ever threw away her virginity. We’ve got to face the ugly truth about ourselves and how we fell for such an obvious scam. If not, we’ll do it again. (And we’re going to in the heat of the next Presidential election cycle). Look, I voted for him reluctantly when he was running against Hillary. I did not vote for him in the primaries. But I did not want that witch Hillary to win. Looking back I wish she would’ve won. The Civil War most likely would have started the moment she was declared the victor. Although we watched our country stolen right out from under us in the previous election and did nothing, so who know’s.

I’m willing to give Trump just a tiny little bit of a chance. If he is allowed to be sworn in, Day One will be telling.

But I believe that there is no fixing this evil government that is ruling over us. There is no voting our way out of this mess. I believe we’ll have to fall and then we can rebuild from the ashes.


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Joe Blow
Joe Blow
3 months ago

Winner winner chicken dinner!

Roth Harbard
3 months ago

My problem with Trump is his support of the tiny hats. Everyone of his announced appointments, so far (with the exception of Matt Gaetz) is an “Israel firster.” Whatever the Jews want, the US taxpayers will provide … even to their own detriment. The actual problem we face is pretty straight-forward for anyone willing to face it.

While Heritage Americans taking our country back may be a bridge too far, perhaps a homeland consisting of our folk can be accomplished in a portion of FUSA after the Hegemon falls.

3 months ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

I cannot disagree with you but given the power of AIPAC owning so many of our politicians, what else can he do but work around them?

3 months ago
Reply to  Michael

Edit button not showing up.

Trumps not a King, not a Dictator, he has to work with what IS in CONgress (spelling intentional).

He has no Hit Teams to eliminate bad folks and so on.

But as Wes said in his initial statement maybe he can slow some of the damage of the crazies.

Rabbi Will
Rabbi Will
3 months ago
Reply to  Michael

AIPAC buys them all. It’s the only way to be sure! 7042026922

Rabbi Will
Rabbi Will
3 months ago
Reply to  Rabbi Will

But then again you can’t buy a goy if he’s not for sale lol.

Alfred Barnes
Alfred Barnes
3 months ago
Reply to  Rabbi Will

good excuse, but not a good defense. LOL

3 months ago

SNIP Let me start this article off by saying, I’m very grateful that Trump was allowed to win this election. We have been blessed with a reprieve from all the evil that surely was going to be unleashed had the other side been chosen.

Amen. As many will point out Trumps not perfect. But for the choices put forth before us the best choice.

Will he make errors and be foolish, oh yeah. He’s human. Will he slow down some of the craziness of the past almost 8 years (including His pervious term with the Deep State and CONgress fighting tooth and nail against him) I pray and hope so.

Given so many here have strong opinions about Trumps picks and such can we FIGURE OUT how to send our wisdom to Trump? Doesn’t he have a public forum or email address we can SEND our Well Figured Out Nominees for his review?

When I was running an operating room, I had a sign on my desk.

Problems welcome, BRING a solution also.

Roth Harbard
3 months ago
Reply to  Michael

I’m still hoping I’m wrong about Trump. Assuming Kash is allowed to and serious about exposing the Deep State, perhaps there will be a “solution,” of sorts.
Kash on disclosure.

Pastor Guest
Pastor Guest
3 months ago

The storm has not passed, we are merely in the eye.

Jane Tzilvelis
Jane Tzilvelis
3 months ago
Reply to  Pastor Guest

We sure are.

3 months ago

Thank you for that Wes! I’ve been saying the very same thing, and everybody thinks I’m nuts.

3 months ago

Time will tell.
But I do not live by old sayings, hope or waiting. I plan for the future to the best of my ability. Trust but verify is still sound advice and that was said by a politician.

Would I vote for Trump again. Yes. I see much hope in the majority of his picks but the point people are missing is that the GSA is not funding his transition team. They have no idea what is coming.

If he is going after the Deep State, he will have had over two months to prepare and we will know on January 20th. If he makes it until then.

Pastor Guest
Pastor Guest
3 months ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I expect the nation, if not the whole world, to be in great turmoil by January 19th.

Jane Tzilvelis
Jane Tzilvelis
3 months ago
Reply to  Pastor Guest


3 months ago
Reply to  Pastor Guest

We are in God’s hands. This should be a comfort for some and a warning for others.

3 months ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I hope that there will be so many trials for treason that GITMO will be needed to secure/process the defendants.
I am also looking forward to observing a mass exodus of alphabet agency higher-ups as they try to flee to Patagonia\, Dubai, etc.
Monkey Werks’ website will be BUSY!

3 months ago

Very well put Wes. As a veteran, I feel the same way about our futures!
God Bless America…

tom finley
tom finley
3 months ago

Tinvowoot, there is no voting our way out of this tyranny., I voted for Trump again seeing the tide turning against the tyrants. I am glad he won it will give us a little more time before the inevitable fight begins, either small skirmishes or all out CW. The reason I use Tinvowoot is my belief is that our government is not legitimate and is run by a global cabal. Some how Trump won and I also believe he made the deal with the cabal, only one way to get our freedom and liberty back and that is with a lot of bloody violence. The global cabal understands that all to well, for that is how they stay in power. Just look to what Thune did in the Senate with Mcconnell and the pansy leader in congress. I am praying for peace, but preparing for war.

Jane Tzilvelis
Jane Tzilvelis
3 months ago

Phenomenal essay. I agree

3 months ago

I did not vote either. Believe me, I heard it from my wife and numerous relatives. I was sorely tempted. I even drove to the polling station but just kept driving. I couldn’t bring myself to do it after witnessing 2020. I refused to participate in my own beclownment.

I believe Trump was “allowed” to win also. I have a few theories as to why but I’m keeping them close to the vest right now.

I don’t agree with all of your assessments of Trump but I don’t totally disagree with all of it. I’m not very encouraged by his going wobbly on some important appointments and policies.

We shall see.

3 months ago

I too am glad that Trump won if for no other reason than it is a big FU to the star chamber by the People. The election was a sham. The candidate the star chamber chose couldn’t even make it through the first round of a primary before dropping out, is disgusting and revolting both as an individual and in terms of political policy. They weren’t elected, but chosen and inserted because they’re a willing whore.
All that being said, I’ve been a follower of The 4th Turning theory since I read about it in the 90s. If the theory is correct, the crisis climax should occur around 2025. Historically, that has taken the form of war, total war, not these stupid world police actions the Star Chamber has engaged in for the last 50+ years.
The monster won’t go quietly, it will not be voted out. It must be slayed and that is going to require a high price. One way or another, for better or worse, things will not be the same. We will go around a curve. Unfortunately, I also believe that in this go around, the US is the center of the axis of evil. Yes, we are the baddies.
I also do think, Trump made some sort of deal with the Star Chamber. The result is going to be an attempt at what looks like change, but really isn’t. And yes, as Roth put it, the problem is folks wearing tiny hats.

3 months ago

Those that call you crazy are too ashamed to admit the truth. I never thought that we would get passed 2012, but as a nation, we are far too comfortable to do anything. 99% of this country have no clue about 3rd world problems and spend their entire existence complaining about 1st world crap.
I applaud you for disconnecting and spending time with the kids. I did that during my boys teenage years and I am grateful for it.
The storm is coming.
Too all, be safe.

Will Anderson
Will Anderson
3 months ago

You non voters seem to wear that act like a badge of honor, well f.u and the horse you rode in on. You just sat on the sideline and would have been sad if klown world would have won the election but you didn’t have any skin in the game and just were passive about the future of our country.
Damn right I voted for Trump, and not because of any “demonic emotional hold” that he has…..I voted for maga, I voted for tarriffs, I voted for border walls, I voted for arrest and deportation of those illegally residing and working in my state, I voted for dismantling DEI, and squashing a lot of other sick twisted ideology that infects our government!! That’s what I voted for!! Now whether any of that comes to pass or not, at least I gave it a chance to with my VOTE. You just pansy ass around and then be proud of the fact that by not voting, you essentially gave a vote to the evil side of humanity
God help us with allies like you!

Jane Tzilvelis
Jane Tzilvelis
3 months ago
Reply to  Will Anderson

I did not vote. Do not generalize people “who did not vote” as having no skin in the game. Did you take the clot shot, too? Maybe it has effected your thinking? There are numerous ways to skin a cat. You played your cards. The non voters have not. Time tells all.

Will Anderson
Will Anderson
3 months ago
Reply to  Jane Tzilvelis

Oh yeah, you’ve got skin in the game, just like me and everyone else in this almost bolt shot of a country, why wouldn’t you at least go to the trouble of casting a vote, not for Trump, but against the3 evil swamp that infests our government?
No I did not take the clot shot, nor did I wear a mask, so that has not “Affected” my thinking.
Well said, yes there are numerous ways to skin a cat, I don’t consider sitting on the sidelines and watching someone else do the skinning as being a participant in the act.
Again you tell the truth, yes I have played my cards, but I still have a hand to play, you just folded without even trying to bluff…..I don’t really care if you voted or not, but at least don’t boast about it. I don’t care what goes on in someone’s bedroom either, but I don’t appreciate them rubbing their lifestyle in my face.
And yes, time will tell.

3 months ago
Reply to  Jane Tzilvelis

Jane, do you see how your disagreement with the actions of one man turned into a false assumption concerning the “clot shot”? Remember what I said about using facts to back up your opinions.
Maybe you should explain how Trump was selected and not elected with facts as you stated in another comment.

3 months ago
Reply to  Jane Tzilvelis

Jane -- May I ask what state you live in? Was there not a single referendum (i.e. abortion) on the ballot or local election (i.e. school board) that you cared about?

Jane Tzilvelis
Jane Tzilvelis
3 months ago

One more thought. This was NOT an election but a selection. Deregulating banks, prepare for America as the crypto capital of the world said Trump! Fiat money becomes crypto backed by air! The war and civil unrest was all preplanned as was the pandemic…get ready for techno government controls.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
3 months ago

Has any culture, people, or civilization ever been able to save itself from what is now happening to us? Answer: only one, and they only lasted about 12 years. We surely could pull it off and do even better. It wouldn’t even take a majority, because when enough know and become determined to act accordingly, the non-thinking remainder will willingly go along, just as they always do.
It will not happen by itself, though, or by taking up the cause of “Degeneration-Lite.” A certain positive World View is necessary, as well as a resolve to accept only a High-Trust society. In fact, those two terms are rather a touch stone or shibboleth.

Maybe you would like to look into this. It is no secret and it is currently going on all around you.

mike rodent
mike rodent
3 months ago

boy is this column ever spot on. well done Sir. wont ever convince the trumptards though. all he is, is a stall at best. keep your lamp full of oil.

3 months ago

I voted in the last election. And yes, I voted for the Golden Golem. But my vote was for much more important state issues. Specifically, in Idaho, dark leftist money and propaganda was inundating our state in the form of a disguised proposition touting “open primaries”. In reality, it was for ranked-choice voting. This is a scheme that would have allowed the minority Marxist-Infanticide Party to get their minions into elected positions statewide. It was soundly defeated because CITIZENS WENT TO THE POLLS AND VOTED!!!!!!
As I have posted here more than once, all politics is local. There is a reason North Idaho is filling up with out-of-state white people. They are fleeing Blue Hives en masse. They could not control the ballot box. Their communities were being destroyed by the Marxist-Infanticide Party, their useful idiots, and legions of human remoras who they have imported to stack the deck.
Since I am a cynical ex-cop and ex-VN era Army vet, I have little use for Trump and his bombast. He is a draft-dodging blowhard. And his recent pick of the criminal cop to head the DEA indicates he is getting very bad advice, or he is returning a political favor. But I will withhold all judgement until after 01/20/2025. Bleib ubrig.

Steve Miller
Steve Miller
3 months ago

Lower your expectations a bit your health will thank you. Trump had 16 days left on Jan 6 to pardon those arrested that day and did nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Steve Miller
Steve Miller
3 months ago
Reply to  Steve Miller

Also lest I forget he has had all this time to hire attorneys and provide other assistance for the Jan 6 victims. His lack of effort to assist those victims is truly truly deafening.

3 months ago
Reply to  Steve Miller

It’s hard to pardon someone who hasn’t been charged unless you’re Hunter Biden.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 months ago

Crazy how people are acting. Truly telling times. Are so many truly ‘loyalist,’ even in the public realm and or afraid?
Bonhoeffer 2024 was an excellent movie, many parallels to what we see again in the world. He warned for 12 years of what was coming, a few listened. They say assassination’s on Hitler was attempted over 42 times and all failed, leading one to think yes he had a purpose. Yet i would not suggest leaping to any conclusions to what this purpose was.
God raises up Nations and “leaders.” Even Biden and Obama, served their purpose.

Last edited 3 months ago by a follower, working on it.
Alfred Barnes
Alfred Barnes
3 months ago

At least Trump has been through a bankruptcy or two. Perhaps our national sovereignty will be spared. Nimrod’s vision of the enslavement of all mankind is the goal of the evil one. I don’t believe Trump is the anti-Christ, he is a reprieve.

a follower
a follower
3 months ago
Reply to  Alfred Barnes

Some are calling him Jeroboam, others Jehu, many whispering in his ear. Looking into these people may provide some needed insight.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
3 months ago

I understand your feelings, but you are dead wrong. Trump is not and never was part of the Deep State. He has money, but he is not and never was part of the so-called “Elite” that runs this country. Israel Firsters? Do you think Trump can come right out and start spouting shit like Joseph Goebbels? Get real, please.

Yeah, keep waiting for that perfect White Knight to arise from the wilds of West Virginia or some such place. Ain’t gonna happen.
But you are right about this. Let’s see what goes down on Day One.


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