Democrat Harpies

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General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
1 month ago

What did Hegseth expect from these dopes. I mean they were just ruthless, ripping him up and down. It was pre-arranged. All hit jobs. I would have respected more Hegseth if he would outright have told these communist twats to go and ‘F’ themselves, live on Fox. It’s about time we get someone in there who isn’t a former 3 or 4 star Mo-Mo egghead.

Balanced Rock
Balanced Rock
1 month ago

I feel like those women are insane.

1 month ago
Reply to  Balanced Rock

They are. But they hold the destiny of their constituents and the country in their wrinkled, claw-like hands. Plan accordingly. It’s about to start for real.

1 month ago

Dumbest humans on 2 feet.

1 month ago

Again, Repeal the 19th.

1 month ago

Feminist females: we are tired of pretending we care what you “feel”, and sometime soon we are prob gonna stop pretending.

Roth Harbard
1 month ago

It was a mistake to allow women the vote. It was a greater mistake to allow them to hold political office. There are two types: the harpies (demonstrated here) and the overly emotional and compassionate ones who allow their maternal instincts to override logic in allowing and encouraging third world parasites to invade our first world lands.

Men and women have different rolls. Men are to provide and protect, women are to produce the next generation, manage the homestead, and provide advice to their husbands that moderates their more aggressive tendencies. Men challenge their children while women provide succor. Men tell their children to climb to the top of the tree, women tell them, not too high. It is a natural partnership that has been proven effective throughout human history regardless of race or culture, that is, until modernity taught us that this natural relationship was somehow unfair.

Call me a chauvinist if you will, but the proof is in the experience. Look around at how many police, firefighters, defense secretaries, mayors, national leaders are women. How has that worked out? To be fair, there are women who can capably hold these roles in society. However they are the exception to the rule, the fringes of the bell curve. So we must ask, have they done the better and more compassionate job that feminism promised? You be the judge.

1 month ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

Not only should the right to vote be removed they should not be allowed to serve in position in government and over men. According to the scripture it’s wicked when you allow women to rule over you. Gods states in the last days because of the sins of the nations leaders he would curse the nation with the children and women who will rule over the nation .