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Bigus Macus
Bigus Macus
2 months ago

Biden economics, it’s like a reverse energizer bunny.

foot in the forest
foot in the forest
2 months ago

Buy silver, gold if you can afford it.

2 months ago

You can’t “Afford” not to Buy Metals, any metals will be better than No metals. I posted a link re the CBDC & recent Soopreme Courtesans ruling on the Commissar Consumer Protection Bureau above.
Time to Pre-pare is short, yet Nov & Jan ’25 is an eternity away “If” looking to elections for possible reformations.
I have no crystal ball or the hubris to assume Any futurecast, But my Soul Aches and steels itself at the same time.

2 months ago

Buy silver. Silver is poor man’s gold. If you have $10,000 in gold and $10,000 in silver you will be further ahead with your silver investment than with gold.The value ratio between silver and gold has always been about 15 to 1. The Federal Reserve eFeffed it up and now the ratio is about 80 to 1. When things collapse that number will compress. When gold goes up, silver goes along for the ride. If the price of gold doubles, the price of silver will at least quadruple. Your $10,000 dollar gold investment will be worth $20,000 and your $10,000 silver investment will be worth $40,000. That’s $60,000 gross. Subtract the $20,000 initial investment and you have a net gain of $40,000
Now invest the total $20, 000 in silver and ditch the gold. The price of gold doubles and the price of silver quadruples. Your silver investment went up from $20,000 to $80,000. Subtract the initial $20K and you now have $60K profit from that same investment by just not investing in gold.

2 months ago

Deep State “Economics” & NWO Banksters on the Move. CYA*
*Conduct Yourselves Accordingly

2 months ago

When one country seizes the assets of another country, because they can, then this speeds up the process of the other countries to create a new and safe place for their assets. Faster, please.