Disney’s Immaculate Conception

The above scene from Disney’s latest Star Wars series depicts how the acolyte was conceived by the force using two Lesbians. The outcry from the public is based on how Disney has destroyed the Star Wars franchise and mythos.

I am sure that there are people who believe the “force” is god and base their life on this heresy. I am also sure that Disney’s point is to replace the immaculate conception of Jesus with the immaculate conception of an “acolyte”. Replacing God with the force and the use of two lesbians as the conduit should be the outcry.

I do not watch or support Disney based on their role in destroying the Republic. I also do not believe that this series will have much impact on our already decadent society. I do resent this overt attempt to once again replace God with the state. Ask yourself why they feel it is necessary to destroy our culture and our Christian religion. Then ask yourself if you will support evil, accept evil or fight evil. Two of these choices will bring you tyranny and death. If you think you have more time or that an election will “fix” our nation, look at the public’s reaction to Disney’s immaculate conception.

David DeGerolamo

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9 months ago

Looks like some satanic witch craft crap to me.
I’ll pass.

Diva of Dance
Diva of Dance
9 months ago

Must have been something in the prior scene(s) to convey that there were two lesbians anywhere in the video clip. I couldn’t see that aspect (I can be pretty dense) but I agree it was definitely evil with satanic rituals of witches. Truth, I haven’t seen a Star Wars movie since Return of the Jedi. The woke Disney’s messages are nothing I am going to allow into my mind. .

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
9 months ago

The beast they are creating will turn and eat them, too.

tom finley
tom finley
9 months ago

Disney is just another vile and putrid conduit of globohomo usa.

9 months ago
Reply to  tom finley

Owned, promoted and run by the (((usual suspects))).

9 months ago
Reply to  tom finley

The Farce is strong on Disney…

Alan Brown
Alan Brown
9 months ago

went to the movie theater to see the original Star Wars movie 3 times. And all 3 times I fell asleep after about 20-30 minutes. I never did see the complete movie. It was about as entertaining as watching golf on television.

kal kal
kal kal
9 months ago

Sickening and utterly disgusting, they are satan’s creatures, and proudly display it.

9 months ago

The greatest number of dil_d_s (artificial penises) are purchased by women, for women. Lesbians, basically.
They don’t like that “men are always sticking their penises where they are not wanted.”
First chance they get in a new sexual relationship with a woman, what do they do? They stick their artificial penises where they are (apparently) wanted.
Funny, though, as a gyn surgeon, the most technically challenging and laborious vaginal/pelvic floor repairs for violent sexual trauma were usually at the hands of lesbians against their (supposedly revered) partners.
Then why all the violence, I asked myself frequently? From whence does it arise?

CTR Wolfman
CTR Wolfman
9 months ago

Look more closely at disney. From the very beginning; sorcery, anti family (mom and or dad gone), witchcraft and more. walt disney, hat else does one expect from a 33° freemason?