Americans Need to Find Their Spine and Fortitude to Stand Up and Fight. It’s Time We Cut This Evil Out From Our Society.

You know why this government isn’t even hiding their intentions or anything anymore? Because it’s been a year since “two weeks to flatten the curve” and we didn’t drag them out of their cozy little government offices and string them up from the lamp post for the whole world to see. We have allowed this pandemic, that is not a pandemic, to be used against us and we have done nothing. So why wouldn’t this evil government continue to rape us on a daily basis. Hell they stole an election in broad daylight and still we did nothing.

We are all guilty. I have never wore a mask, but I will never forgive myself for limiting mine and my family’s activities and contact with people for those two weeks. It was a huge mistake and I regret giving the government the benefit of the doubt for those two weeks. When we trusted the government on this “emergence of a deadly virus” we basically gave them permission to do as they please from there on out. They found their trigger, their method of control, and they are going to continue using it until we stand up to them, with force if necessary.

This evil government is not playing by the rules and why would they? We are allowing them to strip us of our freedoms day after day, willingly. This Deep State will lie, cheat and steal to maintain their power and yet we do nothing.

Things are as bad I’m willing to let it get. However I am but one man. I have a family to protect and I do not wish to be a martyr. Do I take my family and move off grid and withdraw from society? Is that fair to my children? Is it fair to my children to leave the burden of freedom to them and have them fight for it? Are we to just wait until they come knocking down our doors to fight back? That will be too late to start shooting the tyrants. The time is now, while they think they are untouchable, guarded by fences and razor wire and out of shape guards who seem to just be collecting a paycheck.

Everyone needs to face up to something. We are at War! If you think being nice and playing by the rules with this evil government is going to bring peace and unity, you are sorely mistaken. They will continue to walk all over you until their boots are covered with your blood. It’s not pleasant to think about. Dark days are here and yet we do nothing.

Carl von Clausewitz quote: Kind-hearted people might of course think there  was some ingenious...

If you’re just going to roll over and accept Biden as your pResident and try and figure out how to survive the next four years then we’ve already lost. If you think you are going to vote these bastards out next go round then we’ve already lost. We need to start thinking about actually fighting for Freedom. Remember these people want us dead. This is a fight to the death and right now we’re pretty much letting them know we’re not even in the fight. Hell we can’t even convince people to quit wearing a face diaper. We need to quit playing by the rules. The rule of law is dead and we need to start acting accordingly.

Where are all the honorable men? It’s time declare our Independence from this government which does not represent us, just as our founding fathers did. They were willing to fight and die for the declaration they crafted and signed at their own peril. So should we. It was heavy-handed authoritarian control and unfair laws our founders were against. We have suffered way more if you ask me. Sure we’ll be vilified and called traitors and radicals, but that is no different from our founders.

Americans need to find their spine and fortitude to stand up and fight. It’s time we cut this evil out from our society. We need to think about what kind of future we are going to leave to our children and grandchildren. I for one don’t want my children to ask me why we didn’t do anything to stop the evil we face. But I can’t do it alone.

May God help us and guide us.


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tom finley
tom finley
4 years ago

We are at the point of no return, you are right we have to stand up and fight. our Country is in the hands of the globalists, and foreign actors. I for one am with you 100%.

Last edited 4 years ago by tom finley
4 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

I am in agreement with what you said, but it’s one thing to say we need to fight back and another to have a plan. You don’t say how, write letters to our congress. That’s not going anywhere except in the trash and your name on a list for them to watch your every move. As we tried to move forward and wait for the courts to stand up for us, they have failed due to the amount of corruption. I am waiting to hear of a plan that would benefit all of us without being sent to jail or worse. I continue to hear we need to stand up. United we stand divided we fall. How do we unite? Does anyone have a plan or agenda to follow?

Shirley Pino
Shirley Pino
4 years ago
Reply to  jaw

Jaw, I was going to say the same thing. We are willing to stand, and even die if necessary we just don’t know what to do. All the angry letters and emails don’t matter because they don’t care what we think or want. They laugh and laugh right to our face. They pretty much call us out and say “What are you gonna do about it” and laugh some more. We need a plan not just words telling us we need to do something. We need a leader. We need a “David” Just about everyone I know would stand and fight if they just knew what to do. And look what happened to the people at the Capitol that tried to do something, that got screwed and abandoned because we have no leaders.

4 years ago
Reply to  Shirley Pino

Shirley & Jaw -- Why not formulate a plan instead of waiting for someone else to? Read Mike Vanderboegh, Sipsey Street Irregulars. Read Wolfe & Periz, Basics of Resistance. Read Hammes, The Sling and The Stone. Read Martino, Resistance to Tyranny. Suggenstion: small cells bringing ‘extreme convincing techniques’ to your local progressive, leftist, marxist, socialist, communist activists.

4 years ago
Reply to  AlphaDog

I have already, as an Irishmans, from an IRA Family in Dublin, with a huge email list, suggested a few months ago, Guerrilla CELLS to Americans.I do not know if they have started doing that,BUT I suspect, from subtle FEEDBACK they have.
I cannot offer much more than advice as I am now 81, VERY FIT, but still not with the same ability, anymore of a 25 year old.
We won our WAR against the British Occupiers, who outnumbered and outgunned us by 10 to 1, in 1949, by using Guerrilla tactics, only now to be fighting against the same Zionists, who have infiltrated our Government AND yours.
My Handle is FREESPIRIT and my email is freespiritreturns(at)protonmail

4 years ago

As an American, as a Jew who proudly served in the USAF in a few C-5’s and C-17’s and a Zionist, I am sad that if worse comes to worst, that such a stupid FedPost (‘Imma retired monkey, err, guerilla, email me and lets meet. I’m in the tinted, black shiny Suburban’) may possibly lure in the unwary. As any real Irishman knows, good spirits are not free which may explain Freespiritreturn’s moniker. It’s gotta be some crappy ass whiskey to warrant a return.

4 years ago
Reply to  AlphaDog

While the thought of bashing some commie thug skulls is enticing, that will do naught but accomplish the government’s goal of having a “white supremacist hate crime” to parade on the MSM as the reason for further boot-to-face action.
They don’t give a fart for those lackeys, just as they don’t care for their irregular forces in Syria and Iraq; they are merely useful tools and bullet sponges to the elites.
I agree that waiting for some shining leader is a pointless exercise. Remember the rules:
No one is coming to save you
Everything is your responsibility
Save who needs to be saved
Kill who needs to be killed
Always be working

4 years ago
Reply to  Shirley Pino

“david ” is a fable. what we need is another fictional character a ‘dirty harry”.

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
4 years ago
Reply to  Shirley Pino

What do you think Special Forces do?
Their main job has been to set up guerrilla groups, what you need to do is look for these men who are now civilians (and there’s a ton of phonies out there too) and get them to help this nation setting up teams everywhere. Remember the local, local, local that we’ve been talking about for years now? Guerrilla Operations field manuals are available online, along with many others, all you need to do is look and ask. Unfortunately, this nation is composed of too many internet Rambos who already know everything from playing video games. There are of no use in reality.

Richard Gary Mooney
4 years ago
Reply to  jaw

Our only hope now, rest in a close, intimate relationship with Jesus, or refuge and fortress. Read and make sure your dwelling in the secret place of the Almighty. Psalm 91

4 years ago

You are a fool, and part of the problem. Your God gave you All of the tools to solve this, and expects you to turn faith into action. Yet you keep kicking the ball back to him, and blindly following a institute that has Zero to do with him, aka the churches. Churches are about as far from faith, or God as one can get, yet you keep helping enslave your fellow citizens by supporting them. Churches are tax exempt government indoctrination centers for weak minds, and your God warned you about this. Faith is a personal pact that is enriched by actions that reflect the creator. Churches exist to pervert his will and subjugate his flock, and its working. If you want change make it happen and stop funding the organizations that were created to subjugate you. If you can’t see this and are content creating a distorted reality for peace, refer to my first lines of reply. Now find you set, and stand or get the f#@! out of the way. Rights only work if you excercise them.. the mind works the same way.

4 years ago

utter nonsense.

4 years ago

No disrespect to your beliefs Richard,BUT your “God” gave you a Brain and Body to solve your own HUMAN-MADE problems.The enemy knows that and is laughing at you, making their “job” easy, while waiting for “God” to solve your problems, just like the Christians in the Roman Arena did and they paid the PRICE for their foolishness, of being eaten by the Lions.
Your “God” is too busy keeping the UNIVERSE operating, to be fighting your personal battles
Those Christians could have all stood up together and faced the lions with yelling and acting aggressive.I know from my travels in the Bushes and Jungles of Africa,South America and North America, that MOST predators will run away if you act aggressive enough, especially if there are more of you than one.
The moral of this is STAND UP, FACE your ENEMY and BE AGGRESSIVE, or you will be “eaten” by those Human Enemies.

4 years ago
Reply to  jaw

love thine enemies, bless those that persecute you. its a spiritual battle and not a physical one. Your thoughts of love will topple the wisdom and rulers of this age which are coming to nothing. Look outside and love where you are at. STOP WATCHING TV. Your thought are creating reality. LOVE LOVE LOVE and watch reality change.

Joe Parker
Joe Parker
4 years ago
Reply to  jon

Sure, why not? After all, it worked for the Jews in Germany, right?

4 years ago
Reply to  Joe Parker

the jews were the cause of germany’s issues. dominating the law, media and banks. they were expelled as jews have been from over 100 countries thru time.

4 years ago
Reply to  irish

More sadness. Will need ammo in blue magazines for this type. And capitalize “Jew” since,if as you posit, they own all the strings of power… you wouldnt want your digital assets to suddenly become all zero’s, would you? And to be cruel, Irish, how many Irishman worked on the Manhattan Project? I meant as scientists, not barkeeps handing out free spirits….

4 years ago
Reply to  jon

stop listening to perverted priests ,ministers and rabbis

4 years ago
Reply to  jon

That kind of thinking is WHY we are in serious trouble.
Read my comment above to Richard, if not for yourself, FOR your Children

3 years ago
Reply to  jon

“bless those that persecute you. its a spiritual battle and not a physical one.”
Riiiiiiight, and that’s why Jesus said to sell your cloak and BUY A SWORD!!! Even Jesus Himself knew: It’s not (only / mainly) a spiritual battle!! My! How the churchians have *weakened* you into a mewling child! “Thoughts of love” have NEVER in the history of humanity ‘toppled rulers’!

4 years ago
Reply to  jaw


Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
4 years ago
Reply to  jaw

People still read newspapers. I moved to TN 5 years ago. 3 years ago I submitted a letter to the editor. I was pleasantly shocked when it was published. After 2 years of steady success, I decided to broaden my area. I looked up newspapers of different cities. Some had introductory offers of as little as $3 for 3 months. If they didn’t publish any of my letters, I dropped them. I had one newspaper in a college town publish all 5 articles I sent them. When calling to verify my article, the lady on the phone said that sometimes people don’t bother to read the front page but they always read the opinion page!

4 years ago
Reply to  jaw

its impossible to “unite” since trump beat the drums of hate the blue team for 4 years,and the msm continues it by denigrating the democrats endlessly. the way to unite is do not worry about jail or prison and the corrupt govt. just revolt.

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
4 years ago
Reply to  irish

The masses can’t see they are being divided by certain groups, for exactly this reason. Keep the people fighting among themselves and they leave their handlers alone. When you show them who’s behind the curtain, they go into denial.

4 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

the right? no one needs globalist approval to revolt. it takes bravery.

4 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

So am I 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

Peter Built
Peter Built
4 years ago

The problem with any plan that is developed is the deployment of that plan. You and I know that they are monitoring everything we say. Any plan we propose will be shut down before it goes very far and if it gains any traction at all, they will infiltrate and cause havoc. So do we not even try because we are already defeated. I say to hell with them. We have waited for the military to step in long enough. Let’s set a date to storm Washington, take back our country … and show up a week early before they expect us.

4 years ago
Reply to  Peter Built

All plans fail in their first few minutes. But planning is essential. The idea is that yes, we must plan, but no plan will succeed as initially designed. The warrior must be infinitely liquid, adapting to the battlefield as it changes and develops. Plans need to be flexible as needs change. Defeat in one battle leads to changing plans and perhaps success in the next battle. But nevertheless the battle must be engaged. If we do nothing because there is no leader or plan then we lose.
Communicate -- Engage -- Move -- REPEAT

4 years ago
Reply to  Peter Built

excellent. action!

4 years ago
Reply to  Peter Built

STOP using Smart Phones.
Use HAM RADIO and if you must use a CELL PHone, use a “Throw-Away” which can be discarded because it is cheap, and itis not tracked as well or as easily as the Smart Phones can be..
Buy ANY communication equipment out of state AND without using REAL ID.
NEVER use your REAL ID for anything ,even your EMAIL, AS I DO.
Use either “Proton mail” or for more secrecy use “Tutanota”, For texting, use TELEGRAM ( for now) and your BROWSER should only be TOR. ALL other Browsers are compromised, even BRAVE. DUCK DUCK GO, should be your only Search Engine.
If you don’t mind being Tracked, Traced and Compromised use anything else you want.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
4 years ago
Reply to  Peter Built

How does storming Washington, D.C. adhere to Local, Local, Local?
Do you think it might be wiser to arrest your local Superintendent Of Schools and tie his shoe laces together?

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
4 years ago

There’s only 1 out of 100 who’s a true warrior, the rest are cannon fodder. Same for the civilians, 1 is a leader, the rest are shark food. And we expect our bubba’s to pull their heads out of their asses long enough to think? They’re followers looking for another shepherd to lead them, anyone who can think a bit more than they do. Harsh facts, but true.

4 years ago

We are at the point where we are waiting for a trigger event that will set things in motion and start the nation empire on the path of transformation. Historically speaking, trigger events are difficult or even impossible to predict in advance, but often clear in hind sight. Previous trigger events include: Pearl Harbor, The firing on Ft Sumter, and the Red Coats coming to confiscate the guns and powder. The event will coalesce society and cause people to act collectively. It will be an inflection point indicating that history has gone around a curve and there is no going back.
The difficult part for everyone is waiting for this to occur, however, one needs to be ready to do what needs to be done when this occurs. What your roll as you, an individual, will be it is hard to say and you may not know until it happens. A large part of it will depend upon the form of the event. The closer we get to the actual event, the more a picture of likely possibilities starts to shape up, but one thing is certain: whatever form the event takes it will deliver a systemic shock to the system and the People.
From where we sit today there are a few things that look more likely and some possibilities include:
A foreign alliance where the major players suddenly refuse to trade oil in USD triggering a financial panic and collapse of the dollar along with inflation and (Chinese) supply chain severing. This would be coupled with an immediate demand for US foreign debt to be paid immediately in gold or another hard currency with the USD not being accepted.
A “terrorist” type event, real or false flag doesn’t matter, that strikes hard at the federal level. I mean everyone already knows that Creepy Joe is just a place holder, how much would it be for the men behind the curtain to sacrifice him?
A police killing that causes massive riots in many cities simultaneously resulting in a martial law type response that is excessive. This in turn leads to States declaring secession. There are other similar scenarios involving things like gun restrictions and other rights violations. The net result would be a sudden Balkanization with a bunch of cities turning into Sarajevo.
Lastly, some group successfully pulling off an attack that cripples the utility infrastructure, primarily the electrical grids leading to a basic collapse.
All of the above, as you can see are outside the realm of the single individual to effect or control but all require the individual to be prepared to defend themselves, their families, and possibly their communities. To be prepared to feed themselves and continue to do so long term.
Another thing that is common to pretty much all of these threads is that the Marxists have been sowing the seeds of racial hate for a long time now. I know people who have been attacked by blacks, simply for being white, with the blacks claiming to be the superior race now. This sort of hatred is taught and it is done over time. Expect that there will be many fault lines upon which the empire fractures but race will certainly be one and it will likely be very violent.

4 years ago
Reply to  Matt

This past summer while traveling a interstate my truck’s radiator blew. With my hood up, steam pouring from the engine compartment and my passenger and I (we are both Caucasian) standing in front of my disabled vehicle we were discussing what do.

For a good 30 minutes we stood there. In that 30 minutes dozens of people (good Americans ?) drove by. Even had a Highway Patrol car buzz by. Kept right on going.

Lo and behold, a pickup pulled over to offer assistance. The driver got out, approached us and offered help. He was a good American. A American whose skin was black ! Race was not a factor for this man. He simply wanted to help those in need. All the “good” WHITE folks drove right on by !

This race crap being high-lighted by a minority of seditious Amerikans, whether politicians, media or fellow citizens, is all about fomenting trouble amongst what is remaining of the USA. Investigate. Research. Read the writings of domestic communist Saul Alinsky. His writings are that of a Amerikan communist.

The forthcoming “war” in fUSA will not occur because of “race”. Rather it will occur because of domestic communists fomenting the discord using the race card to turn American against American.



SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
4 years ago
Reply to  DAN III

The western Christian world refuses to acknowledge who is dividing them, brainwashing them in a centuries old religious war. Meanwhile, the victims embrace their executioners with open arms. To think otherwise is racist.

4 years ago
Reply to  SemperFi, 0321

Are you the same “Semper Fi” who used to also comment on Bob Livingstone’s site called “Personal Liberty” a few years ago?

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
4 years ago

No, never heard of it.

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
4 years ago

I know a place where honorable men meet together 800 west 3Rd Avenue Lexington NC at 11AM. Saturday .At this point I don’t know what else to say about this

4 years ago

While I am not what one would consider “a man of faith”, your words make me tempted to stop by to associate with other honorable men.

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
4 years ago
Reply to  Matt

You would find us an interesting crew.

4 years ago

I get your point and am willing to BET on that !

4 years ago

Hopefully women as well as men

4 years ago

Where to start? Congress? Local “officials”? Military “leaders”? There are so many variables in the equation that it is difficult to solve. There is no United States only States! AMERICA will never be the same, our children and grandchildren MUST learn from our political mistakes, allowing the corruption in the democratic party going unanswered.
TPTB can be shot at dawn or hung by the neck until dead for what they are doing to this country, (imho)

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
4 years ago
Reply to  Guster

Your ignorance of the Uniparty is what got you here.

Richard Gary Mooney
4 years ago

For five years, I have diligently tried to do what the Lord God created me to do. The Holy Spirit has faithfully given me the knowledge to warn this nation. Even during the uphoria after Trumps win, I was shown and warned, it was only a four year reprieve, given to return this nation back to our God established roots. Three years ago the Lord revealed to me, America had crossed the line of no return, and would in one hour fall. [Revelation, chaper 18] . Now for those who truly know their God (very few!), your only hope will be in the Almighty and his Son Jesus. Read and cling to the promised protections in Psalm 91. To the few who dwell in the secret place of the most high, God Almighty, will survive the pestlence, famine, and war, soon to overwhelm this nation.

a follower
a follower
4 years ago

Becoming and staying set-apart.
In the world and not of the world is quite a chore, yet His yoke is not a burden.
The world does not yet understand who it is that brings delusion upon them, nor why.

4 years ago

-Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Martyr-He fought Hitler in the name of Jesus Christ

4 years ago
Reply to  Carol

You still haven’t figured out that Hitler was waging war
on Bolshevists, the same Bolshevists who took over America..
Wake up ! The media is controlled by these Bolsheviks and
it has filled your brain with nonsense like “communist ” Bonhoeffer
being a “martyr”. The brainwashing has been total and all it took is
a stolen election to prove it. America is toast. Americans completely
failed to defend their freedom. Their covid scam has also showed
how decades of brainwashing and indoctrination has worked to

4 years ago
Reply to  Dave

Dave -- Extra Extra, read all about it…When America falls, the rest of the world will follow.

4 years ago
Reply to  Woo-Man

For the most part “the rest of the world” has already fallen.
Look at how easily most countries fell in line with the scamdemic.
Canada is a straight out communist country run by communist
Trudeau. A great number of Canadians “voted” for him. The conservative party inCanada is no better than the Republicans..
Any dissenting voices are crushed..

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
4 years ago
Reply to  Dave

These people refuse to cleanse their minds of over 100 yrs of Bolshevik brainwashing, instead, we’re the liars for pointing it out. They’re a hopeless cause. Let them embrace their executioners.

4 years ago

Unlike the highly organized Left, the Right is spineless, broke, and unorganized.

Revolutionary organization is from top -- starting with a rich man who has broken with the elite -- to bottom.

We are past the time when organizations could “spontaneously arise” from within, through some random act of cosmic influence. Why? The regime has immediate access to all legitimately acquired wealth.

This is not the eighteenth/nineteenth century, where a handful of rich men could quickly load much of their wealth in bags and temporarily put some distance between themselves and the regime’s influence, then create “committees of correspondence” leading to secession from the regime.

Trump could not remove himself beyond the regime’s influence. His only avenue for “reform” was to run his mouth, perhaps hoping his “deplorable” followers on the bottom would pull a miracle out of their azzes and “spontaneously arise” at some point. If that was his plan, then he was a fool.

But I doubt it. Trump is entirely invested with the regime. That is why there was never a push to formally and informally organize his followers at local, state, and regional levels beyond the auspice of the national GOP (the GOP has been controlled opposition for 57+ years). That is why sedition laws and the Insurrection Act were never implemented. That is why “da consteetooshunal militia” was never called up and deputized.

Any genuine vertical/horizontal, formal/informal organization of the Right is a call to civil war. Trump would not touch that with a ten-foot pole. He would, of course, be happy to continue as a failed leader of the controlled opposition.

The regime and its Oligarchic controllers know they can control Trump. “Mighty nice looking daughter you have there, Don!”

They strongly suspect that they can prevail over his unorganized followers. Knowing conservatives and libertarians as they do, they have legitimate reasons for believing this.

Naturally, the Oligarchs and their regime would like to avoid messes. The illusion of legitimacy makes life easier. They know the racially white, lamestream Right will fall back into line – well within the next decade. The stolen election and SCOTUS betrayals will recede into the distance.

And 80-90% of you will turn in your firearms to eat, drink, stay warm, retain access to poontang, and give your children a chance in life -- even under a white-hating, Leftist regime.

Indeed, conservatives and libertarians are spineless. They are also indolent and comfortable. As long as civil society exists, they will never go against the regime’s diktats or support those that do.

Nobody is “gonna have ur six” under these circumstances. And to go it alone, as you already know, is suicide.

4 years ago

there is no plan
there can be no plan , select targets , at a certain agreed upon time and date
all patriots deal with their selected target
god help us all , i suspect he will if we ask

Ace of Aces
Ace of Aces
4 years ago

Hello Wes. to quote what you shared:

We are all guilty. I have never wore a mask, but I will never forgive myself for limiting mine and my family’s activities and contact with people for those two weeks. It was a huge mistake and I regret giving the government the benefit of the doubt for those two weeks. When we trusted the government on this “emergence of a deadly virus” we basically gave them permission to do as they please from there on out. They found their trigger, their method of control, and they are going to continue using it until we stand up to them, with force if necessary.

Forgive yourself and move on -- a great multitude believed their leader because he said all the right words, and no one at the time wanted to believe otherwise.
Somehow, the American People will prevail -- just as the Australian’s now have.

4 years ago

Like was said years ago… If they can get away with 9/11 what else will they do because they can get away with it…And now we see it

Karen Altman
Karen Altman
4 years ago

We could start if every church stood up to the government by holding church services with no restrictions, NOW. Can the police, sheriffs, etc. arrest every church attendee? Their forces would be overwhelmed. There are millions of Christians. We have ‘gone along’ with the stupid dictates for almost one year, but governors keep moving the goal posts and enjoy their power. Why don’t more pastors have a backbone?

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
4 years ago
Reply to  Karen Altman

Our synagogue has met full time and will continue to do so until Yeshua’s return government be damned.

Karen Altman
Karen Altman
4 years ago

If only our ministers had the courage of those in your synagogue!!

4 years ago
Reply to  Karen Altman

Problem is, too many churches have leaders that are liberals and support the lock downs, voted for Buyden, hated Trump, and are the very ones that want to destroy us.

4 years ago

All “plans” and “triggering events” require organization and coordination by competent leaders deserving of the title -- not because they say the right things or wear Molon Labe or Appeal to Heaven t-shirts over their pot bellies or azz cracks. Resistance and revolution doesn’t “spontaneously arise.” Never do, without funding from outside of the regime’s control.

IQ Test: Do you think this website or any part of the Internet is outside the regime’s control?

Remember: Despite their temporary, low-tech advantage 20+ of the 56 Founders lost their lives/wealth during the War for Secession from Great Britain.

Resistance was much easier 1776. And in 1861. And even in 1969, than it is now.

Your stinking, traitorous Republican party is controlled by Oligarchs. You’ll not take control of the GOPe and its RNC. Trump won’t take control of the GOPe and its RNC. And a “successful” third party will be co-opted by the Oligarchs’ GOPe, just as your laughable “Tea Party” was co-opted.

The regime, as a collective, does not fear “the gray man.” Perpetrators of hits “here or there” are few, cannot long “stay gray,” will be discovered in time, and their families killed/turned into public examples. “Martyrs,” you say? No. The lamestream conservative and libertarian always punches right, every. single. time. The deaths of your wife and children will be celebrated.

Just curious: How many lamestream Blightwingers can say “Remember Ashlie Babbit!” to their coworkers? Or in the classroom? Or to their customers? Or to fellow Churchies?

How many can say, “Remember Cannon Hinnant!”? Uh huh. Thought so.

All one needs do to verify what I say is correct is talk to any random dozen spineless Republican coworkers/neighbors/churchies or visit Free Republic/Conservative Treehouse on the web.

4 years ago

Wait! What happened to trust the plan? Q? The military? Don’t you guys listen to QFrogman5326, GhostEzra, and SpecOperator17 on Telegram. They say Hold the Line! What a Flipping joke….

4 years ago

De-foam. The only way to honestly correct the problem is through research and careful note-taking. ?Shaking your fist=pointless and worthless. Frustrated with govt.? Run for public office yourself. Make us proud, not ashamed. We need legislators who are studied, reasoned, patient, detailed, and competent who aren’t going to go all foamy about something and end up making the problem worse.

4 years ago
Reply to  Bert33

And how did that work out for Donald Trump?

4 years ago
Reply to  Bert33


Ran for office. Twice. Needless to say I never won. Hell, in my 1st race against an embedded, Republican incumbent he was endorsed by a senior Democrat politician ! Imagine that. A Republican endorsed by a Democrat. Should have been the kiss-of-death to the Republican incumbent. It was not.

You need to quit harking and pushing political action. Did you even understand the concerted, communist attack against President Trump ? The ballot box IS compromised !



4 years ago

Not sure why someone would quote Churchill, the biggest war criminal of
the past. Churchill was a true psychopath enjoying seeing people killed.
He could have stopped the war but refused any German peace offers.
He started his reign by bombing civilians and ended the war by bombing Dresden, a non-military target, just to show the soviets the power of the airforce. 5ens of thousands were needlessly slaughtered..

Useless Eater
Useless Eater
4 years ago

This article hits home, where the heart is. I agree. As long as we choose to be US citizens, then why would we choose to consent to the things we don’t want to? As far as I am concerned, as long as you are consenting, then you must demand what you want to consent to. If it is enough for you, then consent. If a redress is not recognized then they are not your government and you are not required to comply. They are not citizens, just like illegals and, at the same time, they (DC politicians) are the largest welfare recipients in the world. Either fight for change or remover your consent, rescind all contracts with them and expatriate to the nation state of your father’s birth (Chapter CCXLIX of The Statures at Large).

4 years ago

I won’t argue with you, Dave. (Maybe you want a battle.) My brain’s fine and I know and see exactly what is and what has been going on. Read about Pastor Bonhoeffer -- he was a shining light for Jesus Christ. Guts for God.
Have a good day, Dave!

4 years ago
Reply to  Carol

How many battalions did Bonhoeffer have? How many lives did he end, or save? What part did Jesus play at Stalingrad, or Hiroshima, or Dresden? Away with your dead Jews and the myths about them.

4 years ago

Just a thought on what would happen if: Lone assassins started the rebellion. No conspiracy, no communications to eves drop on, no set up by the feds. If there was about 1 million lone assassins picking out there own targets at a local level first, and next at the state level and finally at the federal level. This type of action would spread like wildfire and the criminals would have no place to hide. Just a thought, and I don’t advocate anyone to do this.

4 years ago
Reply to  Dean

John Ross’ book, Unintended Consequences.


[…] Americans Need to Find Their Spine and Fortitude to Stand Up and Fight. It’s Time We Cut This Evil…. --  NC Renegades […]

a follower
a follower
4 years ago

By the President of the United States of America.
A Proclamation.
Whereas, the Senate of the United States, devoutly recognizing the Supreme Authority and just Government of Almighty God, in all the affairs of men and of nations, has, by a resolution, requested the President to designate and set apart a day for National prayer and humiliation.
And whereas it is the duty of nations as well as of men, to own their dependence upon the overruling power of God, to confess their sins and transgressions, in humble sorrow, yet with assured hope that genuine repentance will lead to mercy and pardon; and to recognize the sublime truth, announced in the Holy Scriptures and proven by all history, that those nations only are blessed whose God is the Lord.
And, insomuch as we know that, by His divine law, nations like individuals are subjected to punishments and chastisements in this world, may we not justly fear that the awful calamity of civil war, which now desolates the land, may be but a punishment, inflicted upon us, for our presumptuous sins, to the needful end of our national reformation as a whole People? We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of Heaven. We have been preserved, these many years, in peace and prosperity. We have grown in numbers, wealth and power, as no other nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace, and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us; and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us!
It behooves us then, to humble ourselves before the offended Power, to confess our national sins, and to pray for clemency and forgiveness.
Now, therefore, in compliance with the request, and fully concurring in the views of the Senate, I do, by this my proclamation, designate and set apart Thursday, the 30th. day of April, 1863, as a day of national humiliation, fasting and prayer. And I do hereby request all the People to abstain, on that day, from their ordinary secular pursuits, and to unite, at their several places of public worship and their respective homes, in keeping the day holy to the Lord, and devoted to the humble discharge of the religious duties proper to that solemn occasion.
All this being done, in sincerity and truth, let us then rest humbly in the hope authorized by the Divine teachings, that the united cry of the Nation will be heard on high, and answered with blessings, no less than the pardon of our national sins, and the restoration of our now divided and suffering Country, to its former happy condition of unity and peace.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.
Done at the City of Washington, this thirtieth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and of the Independence of the United States the eighty seventh.
By the President: Abraham Lincoln
William H. Seward, Secretary of State.
Last week there was a post with the verse from Chronicles 7:14 Humbling ourselves as a Nation.
Have we done this? Have we turned back? Have we changed our ways? It may be up to Individuals first and foremost?
April 30th is coming and there is a precedent.

a follower
a follower
4 years ago
Reply to  a follower

Since we ought to be no less persuaded that the propitious smiles of Heaven, can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right, which Heaven itself has ordained: 
Of 1789 [April 30, 1789]
April 30, ?
You ever notice mankind must turn upon itself and kill each other before they realize they are in need of a turning back to Yah?

Last edited 4 years ago by a follower
4 years ago

I’m a Vietnam combat vet who also helped find American sponsors for fleeing RVN officers as a member of the Red Cross after the war ended. So I’m in the unique position of having seen that particular war from two different perspectives. I understand the nature of war. You’re preaching to the choir. But, like you, I am only one man. Americans need to WAKE UP or people like you and me will stand, fight, and die by ourselves. Even at that, we’ll still make a dent. There are more guns in this country than there are people, and liberals are cowards at heart.
“We must all hang together, or, assuredly, we shall all hang separately.”-Benjamin Franklin

4 years ago
Reply to  Mongoos

remember the tet offensive , with little to no advanced communications
the VC put a big hurt on American Military , the timing was simple at midnight of the eve of TET holiday festival begin to attack pre selected targets , the mistake of the VC was that they tried to hold ground after the initial surprise attack and they could not prevail toe to toe against an army that had unlimited resupply and air support
the VC should have pulled away after the element of surprise ended , instead they were decimated
we can learn from their mistake and it is unlikely that our military would fire on the patriots especially if they were pre notified of the event NOT the exact timing though

4 years ago
Reply to  sam

…remember also that the war could have ended with the 1968 Tet offensive. The VC were all set to come to the bargaining table after the incident you describe when the antiwar, anti-American press falsely reported that the enemy was actually winning the war! That bit of “fake news” in Feb 1968 gave the enemy the incentive to continue the fighting, and led to tens of thousands more deaths on both sides in a war America should have won easily, had the objectives been strictly military instead of political.

4 years ago
Reply to  Mongoos

Guns, weapons, without the will to use them against tyranny, are worthless.

4 years ago

Since the NG has the Capitol Building and White House surrounded,and in order to redeem themselves with America and save face, they could consider doing an about face, present arms, and keep the “government” from escaping until a genuinely free, fair, and open election can be performed. I will not hold my breath.

4 years ago

Where is SuperMean when you need him? One that will ENFORCE truth, justice, and the American way?
Not like Trump who let them all go and gave them JOBS instead. Then, in a very predictable moment they kicked his a ss out of there tale (accusations) between his leg.
We a SuperMean type of guy. Because these people DESERVE it. I have long called they be arrested and hanged BY ANY MEANS before we get invaded and destroyed.
What have we to lose? Maybe everything to these uckfing DOPES.

Lance Roseman
Lance Roseman
4 years ago

Yes, Canadians are actually standing up more then Americans which makes me scratch my head. Being Canuck, we tend to be polite and passive but, right now…we have people ignoring cops and walking out of airports. A pastor in solitary confinement for saying ‘no’ etc. Step up to the plate Americans!

Jim Yost
Jim Yost
4 years ago

Stand up and fight? What you’re talking about is a revolution. It will never happen. A revolution would take a lot of dedication, self-sacrifice, and hard work, all of which would cut into people’s TV and movie watching time.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jim Yost

Mr. Yost….never say never.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jim Yost

There are many who would disagree with you.
I am Irish, but my Daughter is married to an American and my Grand Daughters are American Born and although I am now 81, I will be doing what I can WHEN that Revolutions comes. IN fact I am aleady doing what I can to get it started, being sure to avoid what the enemy wants-CIVIL WAR.
Civil WAR will only benefit our ENEMY, so THAT must be avoided at al lCOSTS. Civil War IS WHEN WE FIGHT each other (like the North vs South), INSTEAD OF fighting the ruling Psychopathic, Zionists and Freemasons !
WE must take out THOSE at theTOP. just like you did with King George 3rd, in the War for INDEPENDENCE of 1776, and that is a REAL.REVOLUTION.
I’m on the side of NO MAN, as in Ireland (Eire), only on the side of the REPUBLIC and the Constitution, as imperfect as it is.

4 years ago

the sheeple are too cowed by the manufactured fear of death to stand up and fight. the propaganda using the face diapers has become all pervasive. common sense in short supply before is almost extinct. until the scamdemic is realized as a scam,the sheeple continue to enjoy being “punked” the ultimate stupidity is agreeing to take the shot of death to save them from death. its black comedy.

4 years ago

Here is the problem of Patriots and Traditional Americans opposing the scum one calls “government”. The “good guys” ARE NOT ORGANIZED !

The men who stood and fought on Lexington Green, 19 APR 1775 were ORGANIZED ! I challenge readers here to ask themselves what organization they belong to that is armed, has the will to oppose, fight, die and kill the oppressors of our current government(s) being local gov., citygov., countygov, parishgov, stategov and certainly FEDGOV !

Do you own a tool of FREEDOM, i.e., an ARmalite or Kalashnikov ? Do you have the basic load for your tool of choice ? Hell, is your tool zeroed out to 200 meters ? If zeroed when did you last verify ?



SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
4 years ago
Reply to  DAN III

Americans today live in a fantasy world of game playing where they are all experts and winners without leaving their living rooms. Many have never fired real weapons, let alone MG’s but will lecture you into tomorrow on your boomer stupidity. BTDT.
They will never rise up, too much trouble to get off the couch and do something that will affect the rest of their life. And above all else, the cowardice is neck deep. They won’t even stand up against an illegal school or health board. They’ve been brainwashed into compliance by their (((masters))) and refuse to see it.

4 years ago
Reply to  SemperFi, 0321

SF0321….wow ! It has been awhile ! Hope your health is well. Sure would be gratifying to chat face-to-face. In lieu of seeing you I’ll wish you the best !

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
4 years ago
Reply to  DAN III

Yeah, hadn’t seen your name in a while either.
Best wishes to you too.

4 years ago
Reply to  SemperFi, 0321

Good to see both of you fellow old timers, ha ha. Glad you’re both still kickin’. Had supper with Lineman not long ago…
stay frosty, gents; and be blessed

4 years ago
Reply to  SemperFi, 0321

Hey there brother!
Good to see you here too.
Just posted a reply to Dweezil below.
Some will, hem and haw and pearl clutch and
attempt to ‘find common ground/accommodation’ with
the domestic bolshevest/zionists and their Globalist pedo
bankster masters and enablers and supporters…all to no avail!

There is NO “common ground/accommodation” with those who’ve declared that they hate you and your culture and nation, and then have declared war on you.

There is, unfortunately NO peaceable solution to be had; the bolshevest/zionist enemy has over time taken control of/removed such avenues as the sospbox, jury box and now the ballot box.

That leaves only ONE box left to all of us…and many gun owners DON’T have the courage or spine yet to reach for that box…they’re too heavily enslaved to their ‘lifestyle’ and possessions, let alone “what will the neighbors and family think…I’ll be unfriended on Facebook!!” to act in preservation of themselves, let alone White People, themselves and others.

One can hope that the current secessionist movement that is gaining strength in Texas will continue and succeed but the main issue is to protect our own kith and kin and culture in our own AO’s from the predations of the domestic bolshevests and their enablers and supporters.

Sat Cong! indeed.

4 years ago

Ayup. Let’s go.

4 years ago

Information warfare.
That’s how we beat them. Play by their rules.
I would bet my left nut there are several readers here with the technical skills to wreak havoc on government computer systems throughout the country. Redirect their attention on those who are against freedom. Confuse them with false information. Set up those we want removed from government with fabricated accusations. Hack into voting systems. The list is endless, and can be done without firing a shot (hell, that’s how they did it).
Play smart.

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
4 years ago
Reply to  Ned2

Most conservatives can’t think outside the box, doing something ‘illegal’ scares the crap out of most, and that’s exactly how the left is running circles around them.
They only way to win is be even more nasty and crafty than they are. If you can’t do that, you will lose.

4 years ago
Reply to  SemperFi, 0321

I know several people in the business who could easily orchestrate a total destruction of county records, for instance, but they’re all about “the law”.
What’s their epiphany?

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
4 years ago
Reply to  Ned2

Some folks never have one. You can talk until you’re blue in the face, and even when they have a boot on their neck, it was merely an accident, nothing personal.

Woodman near Camp Perry
Woodman near Camp Perry
4 years ago

There’s a line in an old Beatles song by Ringo and Joe Walsh that keeps ringing in this ancient head ‘o mine:
Slow down, baby, now you’re movin’ way too fast….”
On your job, your profession, your duties -- just slow it down -- A LOT. We need to first move at the Beast in sly ways. Get the Beast confused at every angle -- he can’t be everywhere at all times.
You guys driving the rigs bringing food to the “hive cities,” you guys on the NG and oil pipeline valves, guys on the reefer and coal cars, muni water plant operators, rubbish haulers,….take 5. No take whatever you can and slow down services and goods.
Create hundreds of little “Grid-Locks” all over the fruited plain. Right now, America is roughly 50/50 -- Freedom and Communist. We need to “:peel off” 10-20% of them that ain’t got food or water or sewage to “come on over” to the winning side. The old “Hearts, Minds, and Bellies” deal.
Ain’t never seen no enemy taking a pot shot at me when he’s HUNGRY, COLD, or DISPIRITERD.
…all the other “hot stuff” can wait. We know we can blow ’em all to Hell and back. Nibble at the edges, then pounce.

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
4 years ago

Most folks don’t know monkeywrenching, it’s outside their spectrum of thought. And especially if it’s not allowed.
If you want to win, you need to think outside the box!

4 years ago
Reply to  SemperFi, 0321

Already hearing talk on jobsites, at lunch… Won’t be long, little stuff, test runs, accidents. Skilled working class guys are noticing the disdain and hate being peddled, particularly if your of the “bad” race and straight. I’ll be surprised if we make it to the end of the year without major incidents. Insult, shit talk, disrespect the heritage, threaten familyand then hand the wrong guy a pink slip… Once it starts accounts will be settled and debts will be paid one way or the other keeping in mind blood may be the only coin accepted by some of us.

4 years ago

You want a plan. Here it is. You Go Galt. Your refuse to spend any money that is unnecessary. You only spend what you need and this is after you have taken an assessment of the bare needs. Not wants. You cut your cable and cellphone off. Buy a burner phone and pay using the time cards like the illegals do. You refuse to shop at Marxist large corps. You refuse any Marxist Chinese products. You only buy local from your neighbors. You grow some or all of your food. You file your tax extension and yes pay the 2% extra its worth it to starve these beast, these corps and marxist and the govt of these revenues. Make heartfelt gifts that will teach people a lesson vs buying them a bday or xmas present. Make jelly and include instructions of how they can do it. Shop at yard sales for used yard items or tools. A $3 shovel that lasts 4 years is better than the $24 shovel that last 5 years. Be as tight as a knats ass with money. Starve the beast. Teach others how. And teach them why and how it will align us as one huge movement. Email and be vocal but use fake email and remain as anon as you csn when you complain to corps about genderless baths and genderless kids clothes. Cali is making it a law corps cannot have gender sections for their clothes. The govt has zero right to tell a biz how they conduct business as to where of how they display their wares. Quit your job and open your own place. Working for the man means cucking your whiteness and complying with racist policies against oNes self. You will have zero freedoms working for them. No free speech. If you take a vacation and camp at a southern historical place and your job finds out they say you were visiting a racist place and fire you. This is how insane they are. Hell they just nailed a contestant for wearing a hoop skirt in the South for a frat party while she was in college. What you eat or day or do today is tomorrow’s next racist agenda to doxx or fire you. Understand the only way is to get out now while you can and understand where this is going and it will get much worse before it gets better. Or you can stay a keyboard warrior and complain until they squeeze all the life out of you slowly while you cuck yourself in your last dying breathe. They get off on your torture. Understand this. They are going mid-evil on us. Prepare accordingly. Start local. At the school board. Get off your asses and run for county commission or seat or mayor. Or support the ones that are off their asses you absolutely know are patriots. Move up. We have a 100 year battle at this point ad it took them 75 years to get here and they are not even in total control for another 9 years. Agenda 2030 they tell you. Duh. Every empire has fallen and we are in free fall look at the national debt and the graph of it the last 200 years and the last 20 is a hockey stick. There is no way out it is happening and the USA will fall. What happens after the fall is what you are fighting for at this point not to restore what you thought you had. Hell the America you thought you had ended in 1960’s. You are just realizing it as the deep state is now uncovered. Love or hate Trump he did the one thing the deep-state hated, he forced them into the light. Otherwise, we would wake up to a nightmare one day and revolution would have started and the govt would have crushed it so fast people would be in shock and awe. Now they are flaunting their power and daring us to do or even say anything and they will make you a literal martyr or a corporate example. They are moving towards nightly news of showing how a $800,000 employee was terminated for one little comment overheard or even hearsay and the courts allow it. They will destroy you and your job and finances. Guaranteed. Set up now to prepare for it. Start build a company or stock hp on products you can build or sell etc. Your number is up as you are branded like a tattooed Jew by the Nazi’s. This last sentence is enough to get people fired even though it is historically factual just stating it makes one a racist in their evil narrative to kill us. They want you to self police your free speech and be so scared so you cannot find other like minded people to revolt with. They will have no social media as they locked us all out. We have no forum and when we do their are spies to rat you out and get you fired. This is a lone wolf operation. Do your part. Go Galt at a minimum. Spread the word and ask questions as to why things are the way they are. Asking “why” can be very powerful. Force people to defend their insanity when they answer by asking follow on questions. Then when you are forced to reply, so the only safe answer, is hmmm that is interesting, thank you for sharing but offer zero opinion. Opinions WILL get you martyred. Digital currency will be here faster than covid mask mandates and privacy gone. Gold silver will become illegal. Coming increased Taxes and inflation will shock you. You will wish for just the 1970’s inflation and supply shortages compared to what is coming! Eventually a single family dwelling will make you the outcast of society as a racist separatist in the coming years. You gotta go rural on acreage and then when this insanity comes to you, by then so many will have had enough you WILL make the choice to die on your feet or live on your knees. But you will choose at that time. Understand this choice you have no choice or no way to avoid making this choice. Many will choose the knees and then like so many Jews in camps they wished they had chosen the former vs go through what they did. It is best to know yourself and have thought about this choice and made it now and prepare for the time when you must follow through on it. Godspeed to you all.

4 years ago

Thanks for recapping Why.
At this point:
1) Stand up to whom?
2) With what and Who?
3) Where, When, and How?
Most people reading this couldn’t write a 5 Paragraph Order, let alone grasp one, and about 90% of them would have to google it to even know what I’m talking about.
They have, on avg., 1/2 a weapon apiece, little ammunition, no time, funds, support, friendly forces, and for 90+% of them, zero training in any meaningful way.
We didn’t invade Normandy on December 8th, 1941.
And we didn’t get here in a day, so we won’t be getting out of it in one either.
I absolutely share your frustration, but one cannot grow a crop faster by pulling on the green shoots.
Now is a time for gathering and preparing, not taking any direct action, and making the most of temporal and financial opportunity while we have it.
“Boy, I wish we’d spent less time in training, and been less prepared and supplied” said no one ever in world history, least of all those entering a battle or embarking upon an entire war.
The first thinning of the herd will be those willing to invest the time and money to get ready for the conflict. That’ll probably move the decimal point of available forces one place to the left, automagically.
One’s time should be spent in
a) being that guy
b) doing the work
c) finding other guys doing the same
d) figuring out what to do, to whom, and when to do it
Unless you’re already a former JSOC ninja with a file cabinet full of CARVER-rated objectives, and a tight-knit vetted cadre of like-minded and capable folks, with an existing support matrix, doing anything more than that is simply a recipe for a short, interesting, and ultimately futile life.
Change my mind.

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
4 years ago
Reply to  Aesop

I’ll up your SMEAC with a SALUTE. Well said.
All I see in my AO is most still waiting for “the plan” to unfold. No grasp of what to do next.

Jerry's Kids
Jerry's Kids
4 years ago
Reply to  Aesop

You’ve had more than enough time, and advance knowledge, of what was coming, what to prepare for, and what needed to be done. Stop making excuses.

Bear Claw Chris Lapp
Bear Claw Chris Lapp
4 years ago

To all of us. You go first or lead.

Captain Bill
Captain Bill
4 years ago

Those who took the oath to support and defend are willing to die for their constitution, but they will not give up their careers. Military leaders need a good piece of oak strapped to their spines and return to the governed. A military action will be required. Letters to elected representatives is a waste of time.

4 years ago

There will be no change in the current course until one of two things occur: A) there is widespread hunger B) Old single white guys with nothing to loose and that have been pushed to the limit (gun confiscation?) start doing kamikaze impersonations. These, historically, are the only ways that things go kinetic and real change can occur. Family guys or retired boomers aren’t going to do anything about anything when the lights are on and fridge full.

4 years ago
Reply to  kaiserworks

Most VC in Vietnam had day jobs, and managed to mine roads and snipe our troops just fine without it impinging on their regular 9 to 5 gig.

4 years ago

So, who will bell the cat?

4 years ago

Good to see you here brother!
Hope that you and yours are doing well
there in “RawlesLand”; is the gov still kissing Turkish
Moslem ass to get perks and bennies (and also virtual
signal to the bolsheviests) from Chobani yougurt…what’s
one little special needs white girl savaged by moslem invader cubs
to advance ‘multiculturalism/diversity’?

Worst part is that the local “Romans 13” trans-van-gelicals calling
themselves ‘Christians’ would most likely side with the invaders (the
whole “love your enemy/turn the other cheek” passive pussyitis approach).
From what you’ve mentioned elsewhere, the local civ-nat parchment worshipping
patrio-larpers are no better…”Yes Sir!! Right away sir!! high and how many bags full sir!!”

Most don’t even recognize or care that there’s been an electoral coup by the domestic bolsheviests…then again most DON’T know or care to know that the entire domestic paradigm is nothing more than a never-ending Kabuki Theater replay put on by the Uniparty (under total control by Globalist pedophile banksters, most notably the Rothschild’s and their fellow tribalists). As I’ve mentioned before, they got quiet control of America via their successful financial coup of 1913…all the rest has been merely ‘acquisition of control elements’ and the tightening of said domestic control.

Many DON’T know HOW to think on their own, especially if it inconveniences their current “lifestyle”…sportsball, fast ‘food’ (more like processed death), and total addiction to whatever mind killing subversive garbage that’s spewed out every hour courtesy of the vaunted “Talmud-O-Vision” now available in epic 78inch formats!

So, no, there will NOT be any ‘voting our way back to normalcy’ that ‘box’
has been effectively stolen..same with the soapbox and jury boxes.

Those who work for and serve the Globalist banksters and the bolshevest/zionist cadres that do their bidding have already repeatedly stated that they hate and despise everyone and everything that IS White European in person or nature..they’re not even attempting to hide it anymore.

They’ve declared war on White People and America as a culture and nation founded by White Europeans, many just haven’t been slapped in the face yet by the enemy to realize it.

Yuri Bezmenov warned us about this…not enough people listened.

Stay well my brother!

4 years ago

NC Renegade makes a good point about not wanting to become a martyr. All that accomplishes is to gain your 15 min of fame in the MSM as yet another “lone shooter/domestic terrorist.”
Whatever happens has to be a concerted, coordinated effort, simultaneously, and in multiple different locations. And of course, folks like Renegade, Bracken, Aesop, cannot “call a meeting” because all of the attendees would be federal agents.
So where does that leave us? Inquiring minds want to know…

4 years ago
Reply to  bridger

I don’t see “a concerted, co-ordinated effort, simultaneously…”.
I see it happening like corn kernels popping in a big pan.
First, one goes off.
Then a couple more on the other side of the pan.
Then a few random ones here and there.
And before you know it, they’re popping everywhere, all over the place.
That doesn’t require anything being co-ordinated.
Just requires the heat getting turned up high enough to set the kernels off.
And if nobody “calls a meeting”, just gets together in little cells of 2-4 people that they’ve known for years, if not all their lives, there’s no way to infiltrate that.
That scenario also scares the living hell out of TPTB.
We should learn a lesson from nature: Piranhas don’t call a meeting either, they just all show up for business with the same agenda, and the job gets done.

4 years ago
Reply to  Aesop

The Unintended Consequences or Molon Labe strategy is what TPTB fear the most. Why do you think so much has been put into surveillance? No effective lone wolf or small group plan will succeed without a power outage. Wait for any backup systems to drain.
I agree with the small cell strategy and would stress the need for operational security and effective comms. People talk about their importance but they don’t understand the consequences of not practicing them.
TPTB are scared. They know that they stole the elections and that we will hold them accountable. How do I know? Look at Washington, D.C. If you are waiting for the military to honor their oath or the GOP/CPAC to come to the rescue of the Republic, I suggest that you invest in some junk bonds from Goldman Sachs for a better return.

a follower
a follower
4 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

When the kernels start popping,
1,000 cuts works both ways.

4 years ago
Reply to  a follower

I doubt they will be a threat in this scenario. Besides, it will be easy to spot them: men wearing dresses.

4 years ago
Reply to  bridger

A clarification. David DeGerolamo (DRenegade) is the founder and sponsor of With the addition of several other writers, I changed the header to be NCRenegades. Wes is obviously one of the NCRenegades and the author of this article. See comment below to Aesop.

Last edited 4 years ago by DRenegade
4 years ago

[…] Americans Need to Find Their Spine and Fortitude to Stand Up and Fight. It’s Time We Cut This Evil… If you think you are going to vote these bastards out next go round then we’ve already lost. We need to start thinking about actually fighting for Freedom. Remember these people want us dead. This is a fight to the death and right now we’re pretty much letting them know we’re not even in the fight. Hell we can’t even convince people to quit wearing a face diaper. We need to quit playing by the rules. The rule of law is dead and we need to start acting accordingly. […]