Feed the Kraken: A Message to All Patriots and Patriot Websites

A Republic, If You Can Keep It | Tenth Amendment Center

Current Totals:

$2475 Sidney Powell

$625 Lin Wood

We cannot win this war without uniting. There have been calls for over a decade for a “leader” to step forward. There also was a call for all patriot websites to issue common messages as a means to spread information to a larger audience.

Sidney Powell and Lin Wood are two leaders who are fighting for the truth and our future. They are not funded by the federal government and the cost to combat the Deep State is high. I ask that you support their efforts immediately. I also ask that you spread this message across the country. If you have a budget for firearms and ammunition, consider using that amount for a donation since the supply is scarce (or non-existent).

Someone asked in a comment here about coming up with a slogan for a rallying cry to save the Republic. Feed the Kraken by donating to these legal teams is a good slogan to start until something better comes our way.

https://defendingtherepublic.org/ to donate to Sidney Powell
https://fightback.law/donate/ to donate to Lin Wood

I “kickstarted” this campaign with $100 to Sidney Powell. If you wish, I will keep a running total of the donations here. Email me at DRenegade@ncrenegade.com with your name and amount or put in the comments below.

David DeGerolamo

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4 years ago

email address DRenegade.com is not recognized by gmail. I sent 100 to Sydney powell.

steven Wright
steven Wright
4 years ago
Reply to  1chota

Donated 25

Thank you for your donation and defending the Republic!

Your contribution to the Legal Fund for Defending the American Republic is crictical to the integrity to the elections and the Republic’s survival.

Defending the Republic is a 501c4 Non-Profit.

For more information please go to the main page of the website http://www.defendingtherepublic.org and fill out the contact form or email us at info@defendingtherepublic.org

4 years ago

Thanks David —- donated $100.00. Also asked that they forward my name to those communists that are making lists of President Trump supporters —- am waiting with bated breath for the festivities to start.

Steve Montgomery
Steve Montgomery
4 years ago

Add another 100

Jeff Smith
4 years ago

God bless Sidney Powell. Another $100

4 years ago

https://www.bitchute.com/video/Hay3FYxce9yv/ A MUST LISTEN COPY/PASTE IN BROWSERhis one is important. Talks about the Hydrogel Sensor This is being put into the Covid tests and vaccines. Skip the first 5 minutes. The video is 1.5 hours long but this is information you have to know. If you don’t have time, just listen to the second half. I have never seen a video where David Icke sat there and didn’t say hardly anything for an hour and a half. Celeste kinda blew his mind. She does far more scientific research than he does and can back up what she says. What would we do without her? She has been essential to our awakening of what the agenda really is.

4 years ago

I have donated three times at 25.00 each and will go another 25 right now.

Bob Weber
Bob Weber
4 years ago

$100 for now, more to come soon.

Michael D
Michael D
4 years ago

$100.00 to Lin Wood

John Pippin
4 years ago

Donated 25

Publius Huldah
Publius Huldah
4 years ago

Yes, I too have sent her money and will continue to do so. and I sent her appeal out to all on my lists. Many of them donated to her!

Molly P
Molly P
4 years ago

Plus $100.00 for the incredible Ms. Powell. Thanks for holding out the donation hat for us to keep supporting these two patriot attorneys. It’s the very least we can do.

4 years ago

$50 Today. Thanks for all your excellent work here.

4 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

“We” may be All in this together, but it’s Repubs in Atlanta fighting against Sydney and Lin.
Lawyers for the State of GA. controlled by Elected Repubs denying access to Dominion servers.???
and they expect me to try elect “their” Repub Senators while doing the Et Tu Brutus to President Trump???
CW’s are nasty, confusing, and conflicted things. States and Pol Parties getting Rendered in the processing.
Meanwhile the Bolsheviks continue “seemingly”. unstoppable as the Treason is not only Within the Country, but amongst those we even are supposed to elect???
I Know only one thing, The Elitist sElected Repubs are not going to save the last vestiges of this Republic.

Michael Alexander
Michael Alexander
4 years ago

Sent $100 to Sidney and plan on sending $100 to Lin Wood.

sugary senior
sugary senior
4 years ago

$25, sorry not more

4 years ago

A $100 from me. God bless and will see ya’ll on the battespace if this shitshow goes south 500,000 armed patriot, alpha male warriors amass on the borders of Washington DC. Another 100,000 take over facebook and google disinformation servers and we can right this ship after quick trials and a lot of short ropes.

4 years ago

“Hope and Change”. I spent my Change on some Ammo-

Seriously, the “Lawyers” can present all the Proof of Election Fraud they want- the Corrupt (((courts))) will simply Ignore it. This (((communist))) Takeover of the Republic has been Ongoing for over 100 Years, and won’t be “Corrected” without Severe Violence.

David Cordine
David Cordine
4 years ago

Just pitched in $100. This lady is a true hero

4 years ago


4 years ago
Reply to  vthobbyfarmer

God bless you and your Highlanders!

Bobo the Hobo
Bobo the Hobo
4 years ago

Will send !$100 tomorrow via,check

4 years ago

I sent $50 to Sydney Powell. I will send more as my finances allow.

Marc P
Marc P
4 years ago

Another $100

James Johnson
4 years ago

I donated $50.00

4 years ago

I sent $100.00 to Sidney Powell and $50.00 to Lin Wood.

Tom Winslow
4 years ago

I sent $25 to Sidney and will send more when I can. Please tell me this is NOR BULL SHIT? Whay is to be believed these days?


[…] WHAT: Get-together in meatspace for fellowship, planning, a speaker or three, and a hat-passing to support NC Renegade’s fundraising efforts for Sidney Powell and Lin Wood at: https://ncrenegade.com/editorial/feed-the-kraken-a-message-to-all-patriots-and-patriot-websites/ […]

Thomas Hanna
Thomas Hanna
4 years ago

Sent $50 (number of grace) Prayers more valuable than money. God plays for keeps, so should we.


[…] WHAT: Get-together in meatspace for fellowship, planning, a speaker or three, and a hat-passing to support NC Renegade’s fundraising efforts for Sidney Powell and Lin Wood at: https://ncrenegade.com/editorial/feed-the-kraken-a-message-to-all-patriots-and-patriot-websites/ […]

4 years ago

I am going to send $50 to both Sidney Powell and Lin Wood!
If we do not stop our enemies from destroying Pres. Trump, we will all be destroyed!
Our enemies the mainstream media (MSM) including Fox News, Democrats and those that vote for them, Never Trumpers, Muslim Brotherhood, RINOs, and the benign-sounding U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO), whose membership reads like a Who’s Who of Brotherhood front groups.
We are being destroyed is through gradualism. What is it you ask? To slowly change you, so you do not know it is happening.

Wes Rhinier
4 years ago

$25.00 to Sidney more to come later


[…] “But Sidney Powell, Lin Wood and Rudy Giuliani assure us they have the goods and we need to keep the faith.” I’ve heard that kind of crap for four years now. Did Hillary get locked up? Did Trump drain the swamp? Comey, Brennan, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Holder, etc. Any of those communist been arrested for their crimes that we all know and have seen committed? I, like you, want to believe that there is some great war playing out in the shadows that is going to bring the Deep State to it’s knee’s and have them begging for mercy. I do, I REALLY DO! But the fact of the matter is, so far no evidence of this has been brought to light or discussed seriously in the MSM. Trumps attorneys have been losing court battle after court battle and not one case has made it to the Supreme Court. That being said I am still making a donation to the fight. […]

4 years ago

$25 more for the Kracken Releaser!

4 years ago

$75 to Sidney so far, $25 to Lin Wood.

4 years ago

Hope to see all y’all next weekend up at Kings Mountain for the kickoff meeting of the Carolina/Georgia Legal Defense Fund:


We’ll have an update post tomorrow about this time.

Fellowship, speakers, BBQ, and talk about the future in our region.

Bring a dish to pass, and bring three friends!