Europa: What You Didn’t Learn in High School History

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ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
2 months ago

These are facts about the roots and rise of communism that need to be shared far and wide. Clearly you-know-who has made great efforts to obfuscate these important facts, and it is disturbing as you learn these things how sanitized the truths and real history behind the rise of communism has been. The blood of 66 million Russians and millions of others across the globe cries out for justice. There is little hope of winning the culture war that the Western World has been in against communism for several decades now unless people wake up to the truth.

ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
2 months ago

That said, a great deal of the story of communism is revolting, disgusting, disturbing and nauseating. No subset of humanity possesses such a massive, horrifying lust for blood.

2 months ago

True. And, if you have not yet done so, ask which group of people comprised the overwhelming majority of those bloodthirsty Bolshevik death squads against 66 million (primarily christian Russians), as well as brutally butchering the Romanov family?

ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
2 months ago
Reply to  TakeAHardLook

Anyone that isn’t aware of what tribe comprises these bloodthirsty, destructive hordes is simply unwilling to recognize the truth and accept the facts as they are. Its da juice. Always da juice.

2 months ago

Reading a variety of “alternative” history recently and getting an eye opener I was not expecting. Placing myself in the moment and being objective to cause and effect has soured me even more on .gov and the monied influences that have been driving western civilization since the 18th century Frankfurt Judengasse. Nothing is too conspiratorial. IMO