For Your Consideration

🎉 Right to life liberty and property. Liberty and the ...

It appears that some clarifications need to be addressed. Most readers do not know that I have a community center and a rifle range. Most do not know that we hold classes for carbine training or that both my wife and I are NRA rifle instructors, range safety officers as well as having to pay a yearly fee for insurance for training with firearms at the range. The first day of the basic carbine class is in a classroom setting. No ammunition is allowed, all rifles are cleared and checked and no pistols are allowed in the classroom other than cadre.

I will not go into the safety reasons for this policy but I will tell you that the class and its structure was developed by a former special forces soldier for whom I have the greatest respect. In these times, there is no reason to take unnecessary chances AND there is no reason to trust anyone that you do not know personally. I will not go into details but I will say that I have seen people with whom I have trained and trained with for several years, suddenly freeze or flip out in training exercises.

So the point of this is based on an incident that occurred at our Communications’ class yesterday. When we hold training classes, we check everyone at the door when they enter the community center. We do this to verify the people’s identity and to track who did not come for future reference. We also go over the house rules for the class which were two fold: no cell phones or firearms. One man left because he did not agree to being unarmed. I was not privy to the actual incident as it occurred but I would not have changed its outcome.

There were several objectives to the class yesterday including the initial vetting of new people. My wife and I I have invested most of our personal assets into the community center and its purpose which is to provide a safe haven when the SHTF (which is where we now are). Since when it is anyone’s right to dictate what rules and regulations apply on someone’s private property?

One of the key principles of the class was how to gather information effectively so that it can be analyzed for intelligence. For more information on this, see Sam Culper’s book and his site. The foundation of effective information collectors is trust based on personal interaction over time. Trust, like honor, must be earned. A good example of the negative consequences of not having good security protocols in these times is the Gov. Whitmer kidnapping case.

However, the issue now is whether I have the right to deny another person their 2nd amendment right and that this action reflects badly on a proConstitution site as I have been told. I must confess that I do not consider this site to be proConstitution. While the founding documents were a great achievement, the Republic based on the Constitution no longer exists. You may as well said that I denied someone’s rights under the Magna Carta. Anyone who wants to argue this point would have a hard time winning their argument but if they want, they can start a discussion with any of the January 6th political prisoners. Proper household etiquette for someone entering another person’s property is to ask for the property owner’s consent to enter with a firearm.

I have interviewed Stewart Rhodes ten years ago and asked him when the oathkeepers are going to uphold their oath. The question still stands for anyone who swore an oath to uphold the Constitution. You may not like the answer but the truth is the Constitution and Republic were overthrown because people did not honor their oath.

Back to the proConstitution label. IF I was forming a new Republic, the Constitution is a great start BUT I would make the following changes to be adopted:

  1. No slavery. Labelling slavery as child sex trafficking is an abomination. Making people into wage slaves to fund wars and the political elite is one of the main reasons we lost the Republic.
  2. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness would become Life, Liberty and Property as originally intended in the Declaration of Independence.
  3. Supreme Court Justices would not be appointed for life.
  4. Supreme Court Justices could be removed under several conditions: mental deficiency, misconduct or judicial malfeasance such as rendering opinions based on blackmail
  5. Senate terms would be two years. The reason for the original six year term to negotiate treaties is no longer applicable.
  6. Term limits would be implemented.
  7. Members of the government would not be able to enrich their personal assets using their office.
  8. Executive orders would not supersede Congressional approve of wars under the guise of police or kinetic actions.
  9. The government would never interfere with overthrowing another country’s government as originally intended.
  10. The 9th and 10th amendment would be upheld to preclude the overreach of the federal government. Scratch that. Include the bill of rights into the new constitutional compact.

There are more changes to include but this will not happen. A convention of states is not the solution. I will make a statement that everyone should consider: even if the Constitution was in place, it does not give anyone the right under the 2nd amendment to enter another person’s property without permission, armed or not.

David DeGerolamo

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Rick Pettit
Rick Pettit
2 years ago

Amen. I agree fully with everything you said in this email. The constitution is a great document but loopholes and ambiguity need to be corrected.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

In watching many old westerns and yes (actual history) how many cities, towns would disarm a person as they came into town?
Abide by the rules or move on.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

A town is different. It no someone’s personal property.

Hammers Thor
2 years ago

Well, disarming people as they come into town is blatantly unconstitutional, period. If the town was in a territory, and not a state, then the town rules may be valid, not sure. Soneone’s home? Entirely different. David’s home, David’s rules. Especially when he is inviting people in that he may not know. Everything he says above is dead on correct. Don’t like it? Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Hammers Thor

How can you be so confused on what i said? i was agreeing with David, and was making an additional point.
This battle has always been waging.
Is it blatantly unconstitutional for a state or a town to enact laws to protect citizens wishes and or rights? Now when there are lies and agendas behind the scenes, this changes up the entire equation.

Christopher Rasmus
Christopher Rasmus
2 years ago

Yes but the difference being pointed out to you was that disarming people as they entered a public city/town would be unconstitutional, whereas giving up your weapons before someone’s private property would not.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

i should have just said what constitution.

2 years ago


2 years ago

I wish there was a community center in my neck of the woods. I commend you and your wife for putting it together.

2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Have you folks got a website?

2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

David do you need any targets for your range.

2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I would

Chicken Inspector
Chicken Inspector
2 years ago

I would respectfully add one more. NO TAXATION. FOR ANY REASON OF PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS OR THEIR BUSINESSES the sole exception being for government employees or government corporations. EVER. And NO DIRECT TAXATION by the states (California allows direct taxation; to be best of my knowledge without apportionment, in direct contravention of the Constitution for the United States). The government would have to fund itself solely by duties, imposts, and user fees.

Last edited 2 years ago by Chicken Inspector
Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

I would go as far as to say that someone’s business is their own and they should be able to refuse anyone for any reason. You should also not need a license to provide for you and yours. How far We have strayed from understanding liberty and the right of individuals.

No man should be required to server another.

2 years ago

Your house, your rules.
However, no one is responsible for my safety, but myself. I do not abrogate for anyone lightly.
That’s just me. I’d maybe choose to shop elsewhere.

2 years ago

Your changes all seem reasonable, all but one. Congress and Senate should both be 4 years, otherwise they are constantly fundraising and not focused on doing the job they were elected.

2 years ago

My only question is when police or other agency’s enter your property do you also make them disarm ? If not why not? I’m not against what your rights are with regard to your property and life I’m in agreement just curious because they’ve come on my property and I have never asked them to disarm. Others also have come on my property and I haven’t asked them to disarm either. I live in Nevada where we wear our gun on our side everywhere we go.

Rabbi Will Mccubbins
Rabbi Will Mccubbins
2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

You got that right David. I’m a handgun and concealed carry instructor , and have actually had the school system here plant a student . So you are wise in your approach.

Hammers Thor
2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Agreed. One thing is different states have different rules. For instance, if in Georgia, it does not matter if the business has a no guns sign, it is not law. Now, I would never enter a store openly carrying that has that sign, but I would also not go in unarmed. Government offices are the only exception in my book. FWIW, I do not disarm when I go into the bank, despite their no guns sign. I’ll take the risk of the ticket.

Rabbi Will Mccubbins
Rabbi Will Mccubbins
2 years ago

That all sounds good to me David. I still can’t believe so many people have such a problem with slavery. As long as biblical rules are followed , it presents no problem for me.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

Another very confusing topic.
Many people now consider working for a living slavery.

2 years ago

I don’t know why that would even be an issue. Your property, your rules. If someone doesn’t feel safe going somewhere unless they are armed, they probably shouldn’t go to that place at all. An ounce of prevention, etc.

Aime Hart
Aime Hart
2 years ago

Oathkeepers are a joke, a bad, sick joke.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

I commend you on your service, but I would not enter any establishment that wanted to dis-arm me, and as far as dis-arming me coming into a city it is just little tyrants with little minds. This was not your comment but someone else. What part of shall not be infringed is unconstitutional? I also am armed at all times; in my state you do not need a permit to carry concealed.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

In my previous comment, about dis-arming someone coming into to town was about someone else’s comment nothing to do with your article.

Tired of BS
Tired of BS
2 years ago

I’ve said it before and I will say it again now, the Constitution has NOT failed the people, the PEOPLE have failed the Constitution. Changes may be needed but, lets first support and reinstate the Constitution and then debate and institute those suggested changes.