Former Congressman Unleashes on Attorney General in Rant Against Islam: ‘Go Ahead and Prosecute Me. I Dare You.’

A former U.S. congressman urged Attorney General Loretta Lynch to arrest him after she warned on Thursday that her office would take a more aggressive approach to those spewing anti-Muslim rhetoric.

“I think Islam has a real freaking problem, alright?” Former Illinois Rep. Joe Walsh said in a video posted to his Facebook page. “There is a cancer in Islam, and if they’re not going to learn to assimilate, I don’t want them in this country.”

Screen grab via Facebook video

“You got a problem, Loretta Lynch, with me saying that? Then throw me in jail,” Walsh, a conservative talk show host, argued. “I think Islam is evil. I think Islam has a huge problem. I think most Muslims around the world are not compatible with American values. I don’t want them here.”


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Average Joe
Average Joe
9 years ago

Speaking from experience, I hope his tax records are in order.

9 years ago
Reply to  Average Joe

I believe he wont have to worry about the IRS at this moment they were just busted and sent thru the wringer with hearings under Lerner and her corrupt democrap law breaking ways. so i I don’t think they want to revisit the same type of situation all over again.. Lynch needs to resign or be fired which ever it be. She came from pond scum and Pond scum is what she is. crap like her from Brooklyn floats on the surface. She has always been a democrap operative even as the Brooklyn DA, she was an affirmative action piece of crap, she is an A-Hole and all the ones who bed down with bher.