From A Simmer To A Boil

CHEF Q: What's the Difference Between Simmering and Boiling?

For whatever it might be worth—almost certain to be little or nothing—my own view is that a general, widespread military-style conflict as most people conceive of it is unlikely in the extreme, regardless of how severely the Country Class is provoked. Geo- and demographic realities militate against it, for one thing. Unlike in 1860, the two sides are NOT divided neatly into North and South; for the most part, Team Liberty and Team Tyranny live cheek-by-jowl. In CW v1.0, Johnny Reb in Charleston probably never met a Boston Bluebelly in his entire life personally, and didn’t know a single living soul who had. But today, your average Real American probably has a Kommie Karen or Ken for a next-door neighbor, with plenty more scattered around the neighborhood.

This situation tends to complicate things, as does the simple fact that, unlike in Olden Thymes, the average American middle-class schlub has precisely no (zip, zero, nada) military training or knowledge at all. Hell, most of ’em wouldn’t know the procedure for inserting a loaded mag and putting a semi-auto rifle into battery, much less be able to hit the broad side of a bull’s ass at 20 yards with it. And that’s under quiet, peaceable conditions with nobody shooting back at him. Under fire, his personal prospects would suddenly nosedive from “not too good” level down to “deader” immediately.

Admittedly, Karen and/or Ken next door viscerally LOATHE weaponry and all the other white-supremacist, misogynist, homophobic military-type trimmings that go along with revolution and war, making their odds of survival against even an all-thumbs suburban klutz even longer. So there’s that.

My own view, which shifts on the regular these days, is that if the current middling-temperature conflict ever DOES go full-on hot, the form it will most likely take will be sabotage, monkey-wrenchery, and shoot-and-scoot sniper activity, perhaps even scattered small-unit raids undertaken by people with the training and experience to pull it off. Don’t expect to see any mass-media reportage of any such things either, at least not in the beginning. Possibly not at all, unless the sabotaging and raiding become widespread and successful enough that even a press as heavily invested in the Deep State status quo as ours can no longer keep things swept neatly under the rug.

And once that line is crossed all hell breaks loose. Because the moment the idea sets in with Big Papa Gov’t that they might actually not be winning this thing after all, and their iron-fisted grip on an increasingly broad swathe of the subject-population might be loosening, the US military will be formally called to come out and play. Which also happens to be the moment when all bets are fully OFF—and, as Aesop has said, life as we’ve all known it is over for good, regardless of how things shake out in the end.

Which, of course, is not to say that Real Americans shouldn’t bother trying to regain their rightful liberty, nor to blanch at any and all means of securing it—should instead just swallow their pride, surrender their natural rights, and accept the ignominious destiny of oppression, dependency, and voiceless servitude intended for them. But it DOES help to explain the seeming reluctance of most Normals to take that last irreversible step into the unknown, don’t it? Hamlet wasn’t just whistling Dixie when he wondered:

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NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago

My own view, which shifts on the regular these days, is that if the current middling-temperature conflict ever DOES go full-on hot, the form it will most likely take will be sabotage, monkey-wrenchery, and shoot-and-scoot sniper activity, perhaps even scattered small-unit raids undertaken by people with the training and experience to pull it off. Don’t expect to see any mass-media reportage of any such things either, at least not in the beginning. Possibly not at all, unless the sabotaging and raiding become widespread and successful enough that even a press as heavily invested in the Deep State status quo as ours can no longer keep things swept neatly under the rug.

Check out Dogsoldiers by James Tarr --

The book is almost like reading the future. Absolutely loved it and possibly could be the most real glimpse into our future.

Mike Hendrix
3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

GREAT book. I’m also constantly recommending Bracken’s Enemies… trilogy, for any who haven’t read it already.

3 years ago

I would say TL drove every nail home. Whatever course of action is taken will mostly be hit and run (i.e. Red Dawn mentality). Only when the opposition decides to come out in force will there be a significant response on our part due to eyes wide open realization that it’s them or us. Just hope I’m still around to participate.

3 years ago

If you really want to be effective you will need to start hitting media outlets and tar and feather some media folks in the middle of the night. Make their job have consequences.

3 years ago
Reply to  X-Beast


Dov Sar
Dov Sar
3 years ago
Brother Antony
Brother Antony
3 years ago

Similar situation in Europe. This article explains:
The pressure cooker is ready to blow | The Conservative Woman

3 years ago

The sheeple who are Unarmed and Unskilled are not really a Factor in any (un)Civil War scenario. They ‘go along to get along’, wear the muzzle, take the (fake, not-a-) ‘vaccine’ and if they pose any danger to Patriots, it is that they may ‘Rat Out’ a Resistor. Chances Are, these sheeple also are ‘government’ bureaucrats, or parasites working for ‘government contractors’. They make soft Targets.
As for the Military taking an “Active Role” in ‘Gun Confiscation’, ‘Coronavirus Checkpoints’ and the like, First, there are Not Enough Troops to control more than a few Urban Areas, and That’s if all of the Troops who know how to Use a Rifle show up…. Look what is happeing in Belgium, where a Single Grunt is the subject of a Nationwide Manhunt, (in an Urban Country the size of a Small State) And All the King’s Horses and all the King’s Men can’t Find Him.
It is claimed that He has taken a few ATGM’s from the Arsenal. If So, He has the ability to do More Damage than just being a ‘Sniper’. Now if you Multiply this Scenario by even just 100 Men, scattered across a Huge Nation, it becomes Obvious that “The Military” is Incapable of “Imposing Tyranny” in the manner the wannabe “Tyrants” desire.

3 years ago

[…] Via NCR commenter Dov Sar. […]

3 years ago

Some understand. The rest are now enrolled for a semester of Super High Intensity Training at the school of hard knocks.
The syllabus is simple, “Justice is what you get, when you don’t get what you want.”

All we wanted was to be peaceably left alone; the justice we will extract will therefore be of that nature -- we will leave none of you living to further disturb our peace.