Fukushima Update: the Nuclear Core Is Outside the Containment Vessel

Reuters / Mike Segar MS

Tuna caught near California still have traces of Fukushima radiation Reuters / Mike Segar MS

You’ve heard bad news about Fukushima recently.

But it’s worse than you know.

The Wall Street Journal notes that radiation levels outside the plant are likely higher than inside the reactor:

NRA [Nuclear Regulation Authority] officials said highly contaminated water may be leaking into the soil from a number of trenches, allowing the water to seep into the site’s groundwater and eventually into the ocean.


Both radioactive substances are considered harmful to health. An NRA official said Monday that the very high levels were likely to be even higher than those within the reactor units themselves.


It was by far the highest concentration of radioactivity detected since soon after Japan’s March 2011 earthquake and tsunami ….

How could it be more radioactive outside the nuclear reactors? The reactors have lost containment, and experts have no idea where the nuclear cores are.

And the problems which have been detected at ground-level are only the tip of the iceberg.  Japan Times points out:


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fed up
fed up
11 years ago

I like to fish at night. I think eventually this will make it easier to see the fish at night because of the glow they have because of all the radiation. I am sure this is just another case of the government looking out for us so we can get some night fishing in. We will not have to eat Blue Berries any more for our night fishing. I have invented a flash light lure called the Fukushima special. It runs on no batteries and needs no recharging if fished in the Pacific ocean. It has a shelf life of 10 thousand years.