Glenn Beck Attacks Obama On ‘Transformation’ of America: ‘We’re Literally Living in 1984′

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11 years ago

I know that we all understand what Glenn is saying, but the questions is at what point to we rebel? We have already had the bikers in DC and soon the truckers. Multiple open carry demonstrations in various places, Tea party rallies in multiple places, Senator Cruz on the floor of the senate as I type this fighting obamacare. It seems we are doing everything we can in the non-violent methods and still the march toward totalitarianism continues. It seems to only be a certain percentage of the government and general population who want total government control. Not every member of the police or military is willing to go out and commit unconstitutional acts against Americans, and yet at times these organizations are made out to be the boogey man enforcement arm of the government. I am sure there are at least a few politicians in DC who want the constitution restored and enforced. The question I have is that although I believe we may very well end up in a civil war, how do those who want liberty restored ensure that if they decide to make this a hot war that they are actually fighting the problem makers within the political ranks and not the working stiff cop/soldier/politician who might actually be on their side if they took the time to ask?