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- Survivormann99 on Can We Close the Border to California?
- Survivormann99 on Can We Close the Border to California?
- Survivormann99 on Can We Close the Border to California?
- kal kal on Maybe the Lord Is Punishing California…
- kal kal on Maybe the Lord Is Punishing California…
Listen to everyone, read everything, believe nothing unless you can prove it in your own research.” Bill Cooper
lying through her teeth. produce, meats and dairy up by 20-28%. Inflation up Only reason wages are up the massive adjustment that started with the new year.
FJB’s lying black Annie lying for him again.
They can only lie for so long. Eventually people are going to snap and there will be no hiding place, for these people that created these troubles.
Gas is up, big time. Eggs went up two weeks ago, but came back down some. She be lyin’.
Prices haven’t fallen, even if the RATE of inflation has fallen. The GOAL of the FED is to have prices rise 2% EVERY YEAR compounded. How is that a goal we should all be happy with? When we were on a gold standard, prices NEVER truly rose, and increases in productivity actually BROUGHT DOWN the prices of most things….something government actually HATES as they live on debt and cheap repayment with inflated currency.
what country is she living in???? and how do i get there??
Toilet Brush is a paid shill for the corrupt and illegally-seated BuyDem administration.
Would we expect truthful words out of this bought-and-paid for Worker for the Dark Side?
Everything that emerges from her snarky pie hole is a lie.
That isn’t even a human. IT literally has no soul nor conscience.