What would I do if I was Putin and had concrete evidence of US direct involvement in the Ukrainian war? I would coordinate with China, declare war on the US based on the evidence, attack the US in a devastating first strike as China invades and takes control of Taiwan at the same time..
Europe could not do anything as their energy, food and economies have collapsed. Our military is more concerned with pronouns and gender reassignment than with our nation’s defense. We have a demented commander-in-chief and Gen. Milley has admitted treason with the CCP without repercussions. In order words, no one is coming to save us as the world turns on our evil nation’s government and traitors to the people.
Get ready for the ride down.
David DeGerolamo
We don’t even need R and C to attack us. We have almost no food processing capacity anymore. We will be eating bugs as we starve, or worse each other. This is the endgame. The door to prepare is almost shut for good.
Not ‘we’, brother. Some of us have prepared, you too, I suspect, but I get your point. I remember when ammo prices went through the roof. Some of us had laid in a good supply, so it didn’t affect us. Then it was toilet paper. Same, same. Now it appears food. Got chickens? Got a garden? Got livestock? Got a deep larder/pantry (3 years worth)? These issues are not a surprise to anyone paying attention. Be the ant, not the grasshopper. The Green Hornet is correct. The door is closing, slowly, then all at once.
A good analyses. Eventually Russia and China will get tired of our provocations.
The question I have is, are our leaders just stupid and delusional or are they trying to start WWIII?
WWIV actually -- WWIII ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union (IMHO). We just weren’t as alert to the tactics and techniques back then as we are now that those are being used against the American people.
Yeah that’s a tactical approach you said for sure. But don’t forget about the 675 cargo ships that are being re-finished for holding and transporting troops and military equipment. Encircle Taiwan and they can do nothing; just sit off shore and wait. Meanwhile they can send up an EMP, then first strike bases and while the decadent American society collapses and starts destroying itself, they can sail over, land and start their genocidal March of extermination.
We turned away from God and we have fallen so far it’s crazy. Again, look in Deuteronomy 28 and Leviticus 26, Isaiah 47, Jeremiah 14, 15, 16, Ezekiel 7. So many dreams, visions, words, have been given by God for us to repent and turn away from our wickedness and back to Him; but we haven’t and won’t, so we are reaping our own way. During this final fall the most important thing is to stand strong in faith in Jesus and minister Him to others.
Hilarious! Yep!
I wouldn’t count Taiwan out of the game so fast. China has a rather important dam that Taiwan has its sight on taking out if China gets too fiery. What a mess and humanitarian disaster that would create -- at least Wuhan might be washed clean…..
oh yes, if and when the special forces of Taiwan blow that dam which is weakened already and cracked in thirteen different areas from what i have read. China’s infrastructure and manufacturing base will totally collapse and headed back to the 13th century never to return to there communist bellicose ways again. oh did I mention it will kill 500 billion people from the tsunami of water that will hit them like a brick wall and destroy large portions of there military bases and major high rise buildings..a rightful end to a disgusting murdering regime.
We here in the USA are on the same path and somerthing terrible is coming our way nd it will be devastating and rightfully so, as well. look at our corrupted leaders and the wickedness of there deeds.
500 billion? Are you using the new math?
no, i meant to write 500 million,don’t hang me on an error since you know there 1.4 billion people living in that hell hole of a nation
It appears we have two US Senators who may escape the noose should justice, at length, prevail.