We are at war. The United States’ Constitution has been usurped by a fraudulent Presidential election. The military supported the coup. Both political parties supported the coup. Social media and the mainstream media supported the coup. Our unions and educational institutions supported the coup. Dissent was quickly dismissed and political prisoners were arrested and illegally detained. Immigation, a pandemic and economic sanctions through shortages and inflation are crippling the American family by the new regime.
How do we win against overwhelming odds? Let’s look at some positive points:
- There are more of us than them. The issue is when or whether we fight.
- People are become sapient to the facts of the “pandemic”
- We are armed.
- The United States has a large land mass that requires manpower to control under tyranny.
I could list the negative points but let me put it succinctly: the other side has the power, money, media, justice system, educational system, military and law enforcement at their disposal. We cannot defeat the enemy without an effective strategy that will divide them from within and consolidate our efforts. At present we divide our efforts along too many issues and preparations. What if our strategy focused only on the pandemic?
- The original narrative has fallen apart and it is now accepted that the Chinese Communist Party bio-engineered this gain of function research that was funded by the United States. This fact weakens the credibility of the government’s actions for all aspects of the pandemic and their recommendations.
- Effective treatments such as hydroxylchloroquine were discredited by the government as part of their effort to marginalize Donald Trump. In order words, people died because the government did not like the President.
- Effective treatments were also discredited in order to make money off of mRNA vaccines. In order words, people died in order for pharmaceutical companies to make money.
- The vaccines were not approved by the FDA initially and no liability claims could be made against the pharmaceutical companies at Trump’s direction. The side effects and deaths by the vaccines have been hidden, suppressed and ridiculed. In order words, people died to make money.
- The government has instituted programs and policies to divide the country into vaxxed and unvaxxed contingencies where vaccinated people have more rights, educational opportunities, employment opportunities and more freedom than those who are not vaccinated.
- Established medical knowledge concerning natural immunity is discarded even though studies have found natural immunity to be 23 times more effective than the vaccine.
- Established studies have shown that the spike protein is not only toxic, it sterilized men and women. In order words, they believe that we should not be able to reproduce.
- Social media and mainstream media have banned any information regarding the side effects and misinformation by the government and medical community. The truth is not allowed, only propaganda supporting their agenda.
- They want to vaccinate our children in order to attend school even though child deaths represent 0.04% of the deaths. This means a minimum 99.96% survival rate but it is much higher since children rarely contract this disease.
- The videos coming out of school board meetings show the people do not agree with the government’s programs against our children.
This strategy will work. It is already working since the attorney general has instructed the FBI to protect school board members from irate parents who have been labeled as domestic terrorists.
Ask people these simple questions:
- Why is COVID-19 rebounding in Summer and early Fall which is atypical for viral infections?
- Why are countries banning the vaccines across the world?
- Why are people coming in illegally across the border tested and released with COVID-19 infections into the general population?
- Why are countries who have high vaccination rates suffering the largest outbreaks of COVID-19?
- Why is the government discounting natural immunity?
- What is the correlation between vaccinations and the current outbreak of COVID-19?
- Why is no one held accountable for funding this illegal research?
- Why are valid treatments as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin withheld and ridiculed?
- Why is the government using regeneron monoclonal antibody distribution to be based on political boundaries?
- Why do the vaccines need to be administered with multiple boosters to be effective?
All we have to do is ask questions and people will organize a national consensus against this illegal government. People are already waking up so the initial ground work is done. Never accept that the “science” is established. Science would never allow human testing of a drug with a 100% death rate in animal testing. Science would never suppress medical studies or information concerning the vaccines or treatment. Science would validate the effectiveness of natural immunity. Science would discredit the need for infinite booster shots. And science would never advocate the sterilization of our children, the use of medical tyranny or the funding of a world wide pandemic whose goal is to vaccinate people with genetic manipulation to produce toxic spike proteins.
David DeGerolamo
HR 4350
HR4350 is the camels nose under the tent for the communist disarming of America . I’m sorry to have to explain it but it’s the hill we have to die on . Or they kill us , rape our wife and kids , and take what we own at the point of their guns . Load ’em up folks !
No, it’s the hill to make THEM die on!
Way past time to turn ‘Alinsky’s Rules’ back on them and make them live and die with the consequences of their agenda and actions.
As for continuing bullshit like HR4350, disregard it like the bolshi dictated crapaganda that it is. You don’t obey a mugger or burglar, you don’t give any legitimacy to a mugger or burglar, so why would you give ANY respect or obligation to ANY dictates that flow forth from the parasite class and their owned and controlled ‘corporate executives’ aka congress, senate or supreme court?
They DON’T represent you..They DON’T ‘work for you’ and they only appear to listen to you every two or four years so that the Uniparty can do it’s Kabuki Political Theater act and hoodwink you once again into the mental masturbatory herd circle jerk of voting yourself into the slaughter house for good sheepies.
As Paul Elam says, “There are no victims…only volunteers.”
Let THEM pass whatever bullshit they wish from their “Thieves Guilds” whether feral, state or local…no one has ANY obligation to obey or acknowledge any bit of it.
And when they react to abject non-compliance and our ignoring them like we ignore the crazy shabby street people wandering about and deem to send their badged orcs and orcettes out to attempt to carry out their evil desires, shoot them in the face first and don’t forget to scarf up their tactical goodies…after all, YOU payed for them with YOUR money..stolen via ‘taxation’.
Then, if you know where their bosses live locally,..maybe pay THEM a little visit at O’dark thirty…put the shoe on the other foot and see how THEY like it….
Just my .02 worth…adjusted for feral reserve parasite caused inflation mind you….
NorthGunner -- The Truth Is It’s OWN Defense!
Well said, when the only ones subject to law are we the people there is no law.
Word, NG. They cannot do anything unless they use their ORCS & ORCETTES with badges to push their poison. The Sheriff of LA County has already said he will not enforce the mask mandate. Let the “woke” corporations and universities mandate the stick. Employees everywhere are fighting back. Their narrative continues to collapse as herd immunity is taking hold. We do live in interesting times. Bleib ubrig.
True, but there are an awful lot of orcs/orcettes who will cheerfully go along to protect their paychecks.
Absolutely true. Which means we must plan accordingly. The most relevant truth I have read on the WRSA site is this: The greatest dangers to me and my tribe are within five miles of our home. Stay safe.
Well then let them be enemy combatants in the Kings army and we can put a mark on them and theirs for bounty.
The smart Orcs know we outnumber them 100-1 at least . They know what line not to cross and many I predict will refuse to walk into suicidal situation. I talk to many people and most not all fear their government and are aware of their vulnerabilities with such if that Government became their enemies. I feel as though my back is against the wall and I will do what ever I have to, to keep from being injected by force with any thing I do not want in my body. I will not tolerate anyone government or others that seeks to disarm me or stop me from feeding my family. I am happy I have a place to go and find like minded people as I do here makes me feel less alone.
Excellent article sir!
More and more people are waking up every day and this article is a great way of Red Pilling the curious. Lots of friends are experiencing “no shotty no worky” and freaking out. The time for hard choices is at hand. It’s our duty to assist and help those seeking a way out of the Beast system. The time for playing games is over. Team Tyranny isn’t bluffing. They are serious like Sherman’s Long March.
Indeed. An alternate economy. Andrew Torba (GAB.COM) is working on this, and is even running ads for Doctors and RN’s who refuse the poison shot and lose their jobs to join an alternative practice including telemedicine. Additionally, people are fighting back, as Citizen’s top article this AM was about FL air traffic controllers protesting in a massive sick-out, thus cancelling flights in and out of FL. Next will be the truckers.
Excellent article, David. Keep asking questions. Post those questions. Wake people up. They cannot win if we will not comply. AND WE WILL NOT COMPLY.
[…] How to Win — NC Renegades […]
You ought to post this at The Conservative Treehouse. Doing so might motivate those diabetic Boomer pensioners to do something more than sound off 24/7/365 in that online fish tank.
God Bless you David Gelarmo, I hope to shake your hand one day. You sir are a True Patriot, and I would honorably fight and die beside you any day. God Bless America and Fuck The Feds,
Great points David thanks for the positive viewpoint
Excellent article. We now have to look for & find leaders to reinstate our Constitution and Bill of Rights. For those of you who feel that the original document is dead I say, screw that, if you can put new in place you can put the old in place and modify it if it is determined it to be necessary.
Thank you David.
We the people have to say ENOUGH!
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