How Tyranny Works

I believe our elections have been manipulated since 1960 on a national level. What is relevant today is that voter fraud now determines our “leaders”. What is relevant is that Congress is using money laundering through “military aid” to Ukraine to promote voter fraud and Democrat flunkies. What is relevant is labelling people who speak the truth as domestic terrorists.

The above video reminds me of the people who falsely believe we can vote our way out of this tyranny. The truth is this is an excuse for people not to fight. We did not fight when voter fraud started in full force under Obama. We did not fight when they unleashed a bio-weapon that killed millions. We did not fight when they forced people to take a “vaccine” that killed and sterilized millions. We did not fight when they selected a brain dead President through fraud. We did not fight when they started a proxy war with Russian. We did not fight when they came after our children who now are aligned with the state instead of God. We did not hold our ministers, pastors or priests accountable for leading us into slavery. We did not fight when they murdered protesters on January 6th and arrested hundreds of people as political prisoners.

So here we are at the precipice facing economic collapse, moral decay and WW III. Maybe the people are correct and no one is coming to save us. What option does that leave us?

Do you ever wonder why it is illegal to be armed in Washington, D.C.?

David DeGerolamo

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Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

What option does that leave us?

The option most have chosen. Hide in small groups and wait for them to care enough about you to come and get you. But I am willing to bet, when a lot of people in those small groups start to go hungry, cannot see a doctor, cannot go to the store, face eviction because they cannot pay their taxes. They will give in. Not all, but most. I know few that I would think could last over a year without any outside help/supplies.

2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

I think you’re right about most hiding, and waiting for them to come…. but…

I’m not so sure that “give in” is going to be their “go to” option when desperation comes. There will be a split. Giving in will likely involve full compliance including jabs, and moving into urban institutions. A large number of these folks already know that would kill them, and will not comply.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  Fido

A lot of people gave into the shot from just a threat. Hope you are right.

2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

I know people who got the jabs. They *still* support this crap. Still vote democrat. But even they know they will not survive in a city. There is a reason people live in the bush.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

You said it all David, You or Wes can contact me anytime, you have my e-mail address. That said I am ready and willing to stand with my brothers.

2 years ago

Vote, speech, guns, etc; They’re not rights if the government can take it away at anytime, they’re just privileges.
The truth is we’re a country of privileges that dwindle every year.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

A Biblical command. ? Do not add, nor take away!
How many of His actual disciples did this? Are there records of these disciples raising an army, or using these weapons in defense or offense of Mashiak or of themselves? Nothing out of the “Catholic Church” will be accepted. His original 12! What did they do? How did they pass? Did they follow Him?
i ask these things as a man who does have weapons and ammo. And yes i have killed animals. i have some to butcher right now.
It would be nice for those who continue their lies and false witness to Stop. Better for them to stop!
i believe we (mankind) have led and allowed ourselves ourselves to be led astray for at least, almost two thousand years.

Last edited 2 years ago by a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

I dont wonder at all why you cant be armed in DC or any other liberal schitthole

Gloria Pruyne
2 years ago

Sadly, “We did not fight.” is so true. But we must fight evil tyranny while we still can. I’m striving to do that in Eagle Forum..