I’ve heard it so many times. “This is the most important election of our lifetime!” What are you going to do when this next most important election of your lifetime doesn’t go the way you expect or want it to?
I don’t even laugh anymore when people tell me we have to try this one more time, we can win this election. I just shake my head in disgust and walk away.
I’m tired of people telling me that violence will not solve the issues we are faced with.
You know what’s not going to solve our problem? Continuing to do nothing! We are so screwed! Why won’t the good people of this “country” organize and stand up against this evil we are faced with? Will people fight after losing this next most important election of their lifetimes? Or will they fight after the election is blatantly stolen?
The Deep State cannot allow Trump to win unless he is their stooge and in on it, which is perhaps the only reason they haven’t assassinated him as of yet. He is useful to the Deep State in facilitating our Destruction. Trump says many of the right things, but I have not forgotten the many actions he took that were against us. Will the sheeple rise up once their Lord and Savior Trump has been wronged and had the election stolen once again? Or will it take his assassination by the Deep State to bring out the fight?
These are Dark times we are currently living in. I am just one man. I feel very alone in my thoughts. There is no future for my children or grandchildren. We should not be passing this fight against Evil down to them, for they do not stand a chance.
We wait. The darkness grows.
Soon there will be nothing left to fight for except survival of yourself and your loved ones.
I’m disgusted and angry that I am useless to affect change. That I must wait for evil to come to my doorstep before doing anything about it.
I wish we could organize. I wish we could unite. Because together we are mightier than they are and they know it. It’s why they keep feeding everyone that tiny bit of hope. Hope that they can vote their way out of this mess. Hope is not a plan.
Yes TINVOWOOT, the not so supreme court has weighed in on there treason as well. Just what documents were used for that ruling? You know what the comments will say Wes, you first and on and on. I stand with you, there is only way out and that involves violence, if that offends you, BFYTW is my answer to you and your sensibilities.
Texas is standing as an example for all of us to follow. They are not bowing to the all ignorant, half brained FJB. I continue praying for Texas, as we may all need Devine help. But I am keeping my arms ready, as should all of us. The time is almost here.
Abbott is a fraud. Look on a map. Shelby Park in Texas is a tiny spot on the border. The Texas Mexico border is 1254 miles long. And it’s wide open.
Abbot is listed on the Mother Weffers membership of Governors and has attended Davos multiple times. AJ reported Abbott received a considerable bribe for the “transitory cities”.
Wes why did you call Trump “our Lord and Savior “?
He is but a man. Jesus is my Lord and Savior.
Trump is only a man.
Please explain.
Did you read this embedded link in the article? https://ncrenegade.com/trump-still-has-a-death-grip-on-our-side-only-we-the-people-can-save-us-from-this-evil-not-trump/ That’s all I really have to say on Trump
A link to your article.
So again I ask you why you call Trump “Lord and Savior “?
Did it help unite the patriots?
Just what have you done to unite, all you do is criticize.
I see a valid question, not criticism.
Wes gave him the link, still he criticizes.
Tom, you sure like me when I am agreeing with you.
Peace brother, your town is hwy 101 for the illegals. I bet they are in the local TruckStop right now using the toilets, while their busses are fueling.
I looked up some facts for a friend who was big on all those well-armed hunters (outnumbering the US Military) in America.
Seems Wisconsion has almost 10 percent of its population as registered hunters.
How many showed up when Burn Loot Murder came though their cities in “mostly Peaceful Protests”?
Asking for a friend.
You know I could do the same comparison to many events in recent US history.
Do they fear us? SHOULD they fear us?
And we wonder why the Deep State just keeps on provoking us. Agents of theirs on even this site no doubt yelling “it’s an outrage, we gotta DO SOMETHING”. We gotta organize and have meetings, training and such.
They must be shuddering in FEAR of us if they are trying to pick a fight, am I right?
As a history buff I note that Stalin himself had Patriot groups set up just to ID the real troublemakers for the Stasi to sweep up. You know not the talkers but those that really train and spend real money on equipment needed.
In our OWN Revolution it didn’t start in 1776. It started in quiet discussions between men of honor sending letters of correspondence with trusted messengers almost a decade before the party started.
Seems it was a death sentence to be caught so fomenting revolts. Not like chatter on an open website is such a fomenting event, eh?
SNIP: For more than a decade before the outbreak of the American Revolution in 1775, tensions had been building between colonists and the British authorities.
I suspect George Washington would tell us to shut up in tavern chatter and get busy. But then again, What Do I Know, I’m just a criticizer, unlikely to unite tavern talkers.
Do or do not, there is no try. Yoda
I do not care if you agree with me or not, just saying.
Apparently you didn’t read this… https://ncrenegade.com/trump-still-has-a-death-grip-on-our-side-only-we-the-people-can-save-us-from-this-evil-not-trump/
There will be no uniting as long as Trump is in the picture. People are relying on him to save them, instead of them saving themselves. Trump is not the answer. Trump did some good sure. He is not going to save us from this evil. Just read… https://ncrenegade.com/trump-still-has-a-death-grip-on-our-side-only-we-the-people-can-save-us-from-this-evil-not-trump/
Thank you, Wes, for the clarification. Unity is something to aspire to, but I doubt that the Founding Fathers were quite as united as our History Books tell us.
As long as the World Economic Forum see Trump as a serious threat to their power I am amused. Anything that twists their panties is a good thing in my book.
Not like American Patriots have ever (I looked it up in WEF site) caused any real concern to the World Economic Forum.
Trump is still not my Lord and Savior. He’s a man, subject to the same errors in judgement and able to be misled by “Experts” that surround EVERY President in US History.
We are not going to vote ourselves out of this mess. I think I’ve made that point clear often enough previously.
I’ll close with my usual:
Protect your trusted friends and trusted family. Far more valuable than gold when things get spicy.
I enjoy watching him make heads explode as much as the next guy, however, he is not going to save us and I wish people would wake up to that fact.
I hear you, Wes.
I submit that those that have eyes to see and ears to hear have already gotten the message.
We’d be in a heap ‘O Trouble if the chatterboxes here were our foxhole mates.
A bit like the Milita that Washington had to beg to stay for at least one round of fire before fleeing from the British Regulars.
YEP, Real History Fact there ™.
I’ve SEEN Civil War in Bosnia during their ethnic cleansing. I shudder when I hear keyboard heroes talking about your “Skinsuit is your Uniform”.
I’ve got a few skinsuits in my MAG I’d happily kill to defend, so there is that little issue.
I’ve seen a young lady beaten half to death BY HER FAMILY before being tossed out onto the street bleeding because she loved someone not of the “Approved Religion”.
Gee just a few weeks ago He was a “Fine young man” a Banker with good prospects, not a %^&$#@* Muslim.
How do I know about that? I personally knew the ambulance crew that picked her up and took her to the hospital. I treated her wounds.
Shortly before hospitals turned into murder and rape centers due to the “Civil War”. And the ambulance crews (mixed Christian and Muslim) were disbanded.
So, forgive me if I’m not eager to see the killing of little brown people (or insert your fav hostile sort here) overseas become a in CONUS sport.
For the non-military CONUS means Continental US, aka within our 51 states. War for most of us has been a spectator sport we cheer on our Military Sport ball Team, not the crackle of OUR own Home ablaze.
Protect your trusted friends and family.
How about little white people being raped and murdered? Every country this invasion has happened in is what happens, oh DEI is that what your talking about? I thought I was reading a script off CNN evening news.
Are you posting drunk again Tom?
Or are you feeling offended by American History?
What pray tell HAVE YOU AND YOUR WELL KNOWN OPEN MILITA DONE about the Raped and Murdered little white people?
Here comes Tom’s “Mysterious Oh Were doing things” OPSEC and all that posting, along with “Somebody gotta DO SOMETHING” comments.
I am amazed you’re not actually DOING SOMETHING for all the TALK, TALK, TALK you do.
But I’m not a HERO like you. I don’t shout “Somebody got to DO SOMETHING” almost every day here.
No wonder Washington had to beg some of his Milita to at least hold the line and fire ONE FREAKING Salvo before fleeing.
Again TINVOWOOT, the I have seen war and it is violent and bloody and I am the last word on war, because I was in Bosnia, do you really believe what you are saying? The invaders or little brown people as you call them are not sleeping on our streets and sheriff offices or hotels, does that offend you? Also does the militia offend you, I bet you and your trusted servants refer to them as right wing zealots, as to drunk, BFYTW.
Ok Tom you saw Vietnam, google check. Ended 1973. If you were 18 years old and there when it ended today your calculator check your at least 69 years old.
ANY Other more recent wars you’ve been involved in?
I know you mentioned your experience installing HVAC in the US prison system to tell us how “Soft a Target” they were when you were promoting busting out somebody in the Patriot Movement. So, you were civilian then. Did you get him out of prison, Tom?
Vietnam was OVERSEAS. Not one enemy action occurred in the USA. If you have information different, PLEASE POST IT.
My most recent live fire exercise was 1995 in a little place that had a civil war. The Population of that little place called Bosnia got to “Enjoy” rape, murder, family beatings as described above, NATO Bombing and in general get a lot of outside air exercise scrambling to find food, water, firewood, while dodging snipers on an often-daily event.
Some of our Bosnian workers I understand committed suicide after our camp and medical mission left country.
Nothing to live for I suspect. OR maybe like the Afghans we left in country after our night of fleeing, they were killed by various militia groups running the place.
So, please keep on TALKING Tom, don’t do anything lest we lose our most valued Military Adviser here on NC Renegade.
I NOTICE you didn’t answer the QUESTION of WHAT TOM’s Milita is doing to protect those raped and murdered little white people.
To answer your question on my age, I will turn 73 in March, do you know how many people were killed by the NVA after we left Vietnam, they also killed a million plus in Cambodia and used yellow rain on them. As far as being a military advisor, I have never stated such. You seem to do a lot of slash and burn comments about what people do or don’t. Just where do you want to go with your probing about the militia, I am curious, seems odd to me.
All I can come up with your problem with the militia is you stated a lot of your family are LEOS, is that it?
I have no problems with militias.
I have a problem with a HERO so constantly posting “Somebody needs to DO SOMETHING” in the comments of about every article on this site.
When are you going to do something aside from posting OTHERS Need to Do Something.
Your only 4 hours from the boarder. Kingsman AZ you’ve told us. I know that illegal busses refuel there.
But your just telling OTHERS to DO SOMETHING.
Say Hi to Ray your neighbor for me. I hear he’s got probation or something for Jan 6th.
And as I’ve said before, my family has a long history of service to this Republic in Military Service, medical field both military and civilian and yes even some LEO.
Is that a problem for a great HERO like you?
If you’ve done one single action for 100 of the times you bragged how FIT, Martial Arts, Vietnam Vet, TINVOOT and voting from the tree line in 308 the rest of us would find some bronze to make a statue for your heroism.
Should I start a collection for your statue Tom?
Yes, you should TINVOWOOT.
I would request that you put a plaque with all my comments you stated that you have filed, who else is getting there comments filed here? Are those comments being sent up the chain of command?
I agree with you and that for the link. We have much more important work ahead of us than spending our time discussing the pros and cons of Trump.
No one is coming to save us. Period. Accept that as fact. Everyone needs to stop looking for that little ray of hope. The only ray of hope is the muzzle flash from your rifle.
You bet Nobody.
To effect change one must initiate it. When the push comes to shove a few blocks down from yours neighbors, then your neighbors will rise up. People have to become might uncomfortable before they take action and they show their canine teeth. We will be become a nation of small wolf packs for some period of time. It ain’t going to be pretty.
Technical point: Solzhenitsyn died in 2008, at the ripe old age of 89.
I think this meme says it all.
I see a lot of Trump is not going to save us and We need to save ourselves. If not Trump then who is out there ready and able to be the leader, the rallying point? “We” will not save shit unless “we” can stop being “I” and start actually being “we”. Trump is not perfect, Abbott is not perfect, neither was Moses. But right now that is what we have. Benjamin Franklin said it best, Join or Die.
Here’s how to fix our country: “IF My people who are called by My name HUMBLE themselves and PRAY and SEEK MY FACE and TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS, THEN I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” -- 2 chronicles 7:14
We are doomed, as a nation. The country gave God the middle finger on the issue of morality. Now God has rejected great number up. Read Romans chap 1 to 2. The country has indoctrinated the youth with the Easter bunny and Santa Claus and everything else. Jesus told his disciples suffer the little children not to come unto me. Mark 10: 14-16. The nation is a liar for continuing keep In God We Trust on our currency. I do not trust trump are any of the candidates. Cause I know the prince and the power of the air in this world is Satan. The nations are controlled by Satan.
I wonder if any of our so-called minute-men from around the country are joining Texans to hold fast to the border fence. Everyone talks about uniting to fight the overthrow of our country and here is Texas taking a stab at it. Are they quietly being joined by those from Maine? Idaho? Minnesota? Arkansas? etc etc etc