If We Are In Fact Legion, Why Won’t We Trust In Ourselves, Our God And Stand And Fight?

I’ve been struggling with my thoughts as of late. I’ve just been thinking a lot about the situation we find ourselves in and I’m pretty frustrated. T.L. Davis published this article yesterday and it was as if he was in my head all day yesterday. I had one friend whom I forwarded his article to say that if it didn’t have T.L.’s name on it he would’ve swore I wrote it. Great compliment as he has influenced me greatly over the years.

Evil is winning. Most people could care less. We’ve got the “SuperBowl” to worry about don’t you know? Perhaps everyone has just become numb to the nonsense that we are hit with on a daily basis. Every day it is something new. Every day we are hit with another slap in the face. Every day our “government” says “what are you going to do about it?” Our answer so far has been absolutely Nothing!

When is it enough for you? What has to happen for you to say I’ve had enough? I wonder what my kids will think of me as they get older and see that I didn’t do anything to stop the Tyranny that we are faced with. I feel as though everything I have done, everything I have said, everything I have written, has all been for nothing. I’ve spent the last 15 years of my life trying to battle this evil through the “proper” ways. It was a waste.  Now, no one seems to want to come together to do what actually needs doing. We are down to that one final option, we must fight.

Are you ready to be brave and stand up for your children? For all children? I often hear parents say they would take a bullet for their kids. Would you? Would you really? When is it enough? Would you stand up for yourself? Would you defend Liberty for yourself and the future generations? Why must we continue to wait for trouble to show up on our doorstep before we act? That’s not much of a plan and I don’t much like dying a martyr.

I’ve accomplished much in my life. I’m a nobody. But I’m afraid for my children’s future. I fear the world we are leaving them. Rebellion to Tyrants is our only option. Physical action not “voting” is required of us now. As T.L. says “We all die, it’s just a matter of how much pain and anguish goeth before the end.” I don’t want my kids to be surrounded by darkness, read my writings in the future, and ask why didn’t I do anything other than gripe about it?

We are free to choose the time when we act. Should we wait for a time when people will listen to us? When will a good majority of the population be willing to listen to our point of view? Probably never. Strategy is knowing your enemy and choosing the time to act. Our enemy is known. Hopefully you know your local enemies. Those of us that value Liberty are not getting any younger. What good is all our training and weapons if we are not willing to do what our Founding Father’s warned us to do should this day ever come?

If we are in fact legion in number. If we are in fact armed to the teeth. If we are in fact guided by a faith in God. Why won’t we trust in ourselves and our God and stand and fight?

It’s a grim future that nobody wants but that is readily becoming our only path forward. The seeds have already been planted, nothing is going to stop what is coming. The outrage and anger is growing by the day. TPTB hate us and everything we stand for. They despise that we won’t bow down and let them rule over us. They hate us for not obeying them and thinking for yourselves.

This is an elimination match. Either Communism wins or Liberty wins. There is no other way. You don’t compromise with people who wish you dead and think the world would be better off without you and your way of thinking. They will never leave us alone. We must eliminate them. Every last one of them.

On which hill will we die? We are already on that hill. Will you die fighting? Or will you die a coward?

It’s time to quit using our mouths and words as our weapons of choice. This life is beginning to feel like a prison. While no one wants war, at this point, it is acceptable to me. Evil must always be destroyed!

Nobody wants to be first. The longer we wait the worse it will be.

I don’t want to die a coward.


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2 years ago

In order for masses of people to raise up and do justice, it has to get a lot worse. When they see their loved ones are hungry and dying, then they raise up. And that is the fact of human selfishness! It has to get painfully personal.

2 years ago
Reply to  MeRowsh

The government took our wealth, health, culture, children and freedom. And we did nothing. They poisoned a majority of our people by modifying their DNA. These people are now dying “suddenly”. And we did nothing.
They stole multiple elections, are instigating WWIII and collapsed our economy. And we did nothing. I am not saying that the time is right to restore Liberty. But it is as close as tomorrow.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

“I am not saying that the time is right to restore Liberty”…. Actually, the article says exactly that. You say we’re all cowards for not doing it.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe

I will say it, a nation of cowards.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Not a nation of cowards but a nation of lazy jerks, narcissistic pigs and no care of anything but pleasures.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Phil

Yes, that too Phil.

yes,it is time
yes,it is time
2 years ago
Reply to  MeRowsh

by that time many vaxxed young men will have died or will be too maimed to engage in the animated contest of Liberty. time is mos def against us.

Elder Son
Elder Son
2 years ago
Reply to  MeRowsh

In order for masses of people to raise up and do justice, it has to get a lot worse.

By then, the masses of people won’t be thinking the Founding Rebels, the constitution, freedom, liberty, morality. They’ll be thinking through their painful stomachs.

2 years ago

Pick your battles carefully. You don’t have to go ball to the wall or zero to mach-1 in one second. Start by pushing back on the smallest issue in your local area. Keep your shoulder on the door until it is pushed open. Get folks to rally behind larger issues. Keep the pressure up until you succeed.

Dams break because of a small leaks that turns into a large structural failure. You will have wins and looses but, stay the coarse and we will succeed. Good luck.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kooper1

sniping and ambushes work well. Time for fighting issues in debates and courts is long gone, along with the due process thing (see Jan6 political prisoners, no charges no bail no rights) due process now is flaming arrows into the fort.


[…] If We Are In Fact Legion, Why Won’t We Trust In Ourselves, Our God And Stand And Fight? […]

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

I know excuses are crap, but here are my 2 cents worth. No one wants to do anything because we are not in a position too. So off the top of my head.

1) We have no real community as a whole.
2) We have to mutual support outside small groups.
3) We have no communications that really matter.
4) We have no relationships outside very small groups.
5) We allow little things to stand between.
6) We are not willing to travel to create relationships. IE clannish.
7) We cannot support ourselves for any amount of time.
8) We have no real plan for the future.
9) We watched and read too many movies and books and not really focused on reality and history.
10) We allow things and people to keep us from coming together and building something. We cannot let them go.
11) We really do not want liberty bad enough. There is a part that clings to what was and what could happen if this and that was not there anymore.

Note when I say We I am talking about the group of freedom loving people, not individuals. If you take it personally as an insult, well, when you throw a rock into a pack of dogs the one that yelps that loudest is the one you hit. Seriously grow up, this is not the time for spoiled little but hurt feeling and crying in the corner. This is the time to get serious and really think why We cannot build anything besides the 4 guys that I drink beer with on the weekends thing. The signers of the Declaration of Independence where not neighbors by any means.

Am I wrong with any of this? What are solutions for these problems? Time is short.

To Wes, in the end, you decide if you die like a coward. If anyone is standing besides you are not does not matter. It only matters that when your time has come, that you stand tall for a righteous cause. It has nothing to do with others. I will pray for God to give you wisdom, strength and peace.

Last edited 2 years ago by Thomas Angle
Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

Like minds -- Founders

2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

Excellent thoughts. Padraig Martin did a post on Gab a few months ago about how every successful revolution constructed a parallel system of law, economy, social safety nets, etc to give people a viable and working alternative to the system they are trying to overthrow. Those on the right and patriots lack this. We all hate Antifa, but I for one admire their organization and leadership. If we had something like that in dissident circles we would be way farther ahead.( I think that a lot of what prevents this is professional agitators (feds) keeping the dissident right divided and fighting each other.) I’m sorry, but anyone can stand up and preach to the choir, saying ‘Fight!’ Ok, when? Who goes first and kicks this off? Then what? Are there people and organizations ready to take over the crucial functions of the failed government or are we working to create a Mad Max type of anarchy? Who can lead us? I would like to see more posts on local organizing and propaganda ops, building parallel systems and economies. Gab is a good start, but we need more. There are many of us who would be better at this kind of thing than being on the ‘pointy end of the spear’ so to speak. Also there is the very real possibility that while we are organizing and building, the present system might collapse from it’s own bloat and corruption, and things could change with far less violence than most anticipate, IF we were ready to step in with a parallel system that works, even what they call a ‘minimally viable product.’

Last edited 2 years ago by Stryker
Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  Stryker

social safety nets”

I have no interest in a group that thinks this needs to be a viable government function.

Who can lead us? Jesus is King. The Bible lays out how a civil society should be run.

There are kind of parallel systems around, Amish come to mind.

2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

No social safety nets? If I should die in this battle or undertaking some form of ‘direct action’ in the service of Liberty, what happens to my wife and children? ‘Tough shit, let them starve’? What happens to those wounded or crippled doing the same? What happens when Patriots are jailed for exercising their rights? At least Antifa bails their people out of jail and provides medical help to those wounded while involved their direct actions.
Is Jesus leading your armies? Has He given you any plans, strategies and commands lately. Are you acting on any of these? (I say this as a Christian) Where are your leaders going about the task of organizing our society according to Scripture?
Are you Amish? Do you know any Amish people? Will they let you and your family avail yourselves of their system and resources? What parallel systems are you involved in or trying to build?
Our inability to answer these questions and failure to build these systems and safety nets is why no one is jumping up and volunteering to do what so many, including the author of the OP, are goading us to do.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  Stryker

Government social systems are socialist. I do not want a part of them. There was time when family took care of family. Then there was the church that also helped.

As far as knowing Amish, I grew up in an area with the largest community in the world. No they will not treat you as one unless you are one. No matter if you are a brother or sister in Christ.

Yes, God told me to post what I posted. These are things that we should be thinking about an addressing and as you can see, crickets.

But there is no use in doing something if that something does not have a support net. Ask the LaVoy Finicum. Died alone in the snow.

2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

He didn’t mention it having to be government social systems. As the Amish were brought up, what social systems and according safety nets have the Christians established for their own, and by extension, for cultural Christians? They wouldn’t even come up with an insulated, protective economy for their own. How long will their capitalist dollar allow them to ‘just be left alone’, as islands unto themselves?

2 years ago
Reply to  Z-La

The Mormons have also done a great job of this. If you lose your job, as long as you are paying your tithe and are willing to work at a job doing stuff for their church, your bills will be paid and your family will not go hungry. I’m not Mormon, but we could take a page from their play book.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  Z-La

That is why I said I am not in agreement of it as a government function.

The Amish was the only example I could think of. They do have their own “banks” and a social network, that takes care of their own. Now sure how long they would last, but I am willing to bet a lot longer than the 5 guys alone thing. The area I come from, there are about 40,000’ish there.Imagine if there was a place there 40,000 liberty minded people lived. What could be done. Well I know, because nothing would happen int hat area without our approval. It is that way in the county I grew up in.

Just to be open about this, I am not a lover of them. As a whole, I find their religion to be not Christian and they do not like outsiders.

2 years ago

Excellent! I feel anger in crowds that was not previously there. People just act like they don’t have time for the people tearing up the world… I believe its Last Days in slow motion and noone is paying attention.

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
2 years ago

Time is not on our side. Continuing to focus on waking sheep, is a waste of time, energy and resources. Things have gotten bad, some folks may be cruising the storm in a yacht but many more are clinging to a raft and they are taking on water. Those tent cities, not all low life scumbags. Things are bad. We need leadership and unity. No way we can keep the entire continent, think region -- they do -. Lots of us, but scattered from sea to shining sea. Stop thinking about the United States, that’s gone. We are the founding fathers.

2 years ago

Because of the very problem you suggest Wes, (Normalcy Bias), we do not have the hearts and minds of the majority. As long as they can watch their super bowls and take their boats out on the lake the satanic communists will rule. The mob has got to feel real pain before we can end this.

2 years ago

Why? Simple the American male has become “pussified” between feminist women, a .gov that pushes tranny and fags all day, on top of white replacement, interracial mixing, and jew-owned everything is leading the way…

2 years ago
Reply to  CPB

Definitively weak males consist of those that ask and demand women to have abortions. It’s taught men to control and dominate women, and be irreverent for the lives they helped procreate. This can’t all be blamed on the democrats and satanists for allowing this.

“The Boy Crisis Explained -- Why America is Producing Weak Men” -- Valuetainment


2 years ago
Reply to  Z-La


“The Rise of Weak Men -- Breaking Down Toxic Masculinity in America Today”

I would disagree with the positing that socialist men have less options than capitalist men, and that capitalist men individually have more women in that they tend not to be of the feminine or seeking marriage variety, but rather tend to be aspiring towards capitalistic endeavors. Hence, the men are essentially getting more masculine qualities attributed to themselves.


“Weak Men ‘Are The Most Dangerous Men on The Planet’ -- Andrew Tate On Why Men Need To Be Strong”


2 years ago

Wes, I feel your pain! I have been a lone voice in my area, the crazy guy in the desert. I have alienated family and friends because “Your talk depresses me”. I don’t know what to say anymore. I can’t quit, it’s not in me to ever give up, but anymore I don’t see much use in talking. Nobody cares to listen let alone do anything. Our forest is on fire, a raging inferno, and we are told to vote for a new fire chief or start small and pee on the little bush on the edge of the field. I don’t know if there is anything that will stir men into action. If one man acts alone, he will be abandoned by the fearful crowd. I hate to say it, but Americans have grown weak and scared. A few of us will surely die, while the rest of America will wipe their brows in relief glad it wasn’t them.

2 years ago

In the book of revelation it gets bad and no one can do anything about it. Then God says enough. I think that’s where we are headed. Events are coming faster now than in the past. You can only control what you can. Which isn’t much. I’m glad God is a loving father and watches over us. Protect your family as best you can and trust in the Lord. Raise your children to know the Lord and you win in the end. They can have this earth and the sins. As an old Marine, I’m not afraid of charging the hill. However instead of running I’ll be walking with several stops.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

They have turned the fallen Republic into a vile satanic nightmare. Our children are subjected to child abuse in the government schools. I am ready willing and able to stand and fight, a call to muster is what is needed. At this point I am done trying to convince people, if they cannot see what has happened to our fallen Republic, we need to get busy, there will never be a better time than right now.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

Humanity sucks. That’s all there is to it. Burn it to the ground and get it over with. The survivors will rule. The future belongs to those who show up for it.

2 years ago

As was posted on the henrymakow website recently, evil is winning because they control the money, government and military. Also medicine, education, law, history, the arts, food, sports, science, technology, civics (which can now essentially be reduced to trendsetting, by those with the money, power and influence to direct the mass shaping of ideas), land, and even skills themselves that are acquired, tending to be controlled with regards to who acquires them; the stratification of the socio-economic purview. How can people in their right mind think this can be tolerated and allowed by their own unwillingness to organize and mobilize on their own behalf, whether in confronting such an encroaching action or fully intact method of governance and maintain their freedom? The highlighted issue here is that the people were unable to make the connection between institutions that are edifying and advancing versus hindering and devolving. This is telling as to the average citizen, and points to why there’s no possible way this country can be a constitutional republic. This lie and others, such as being a Christian nation and that unquestioning submission to authorities as the desired disposition being largely a decider of marketplace productivity, has been foisted upon the people for their entire lives. This is why many don’t respect America, the Constitution, or the territorial borders of this country. Maybe ‘give it away to poverty’ is now their motto.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Z-La

Bravo, Z-La! You spoke reality compliments of Henry Makow. It is easy to foment evil when the deck is stacked in their favor. To everyone on this great site, you are not cowards. Life is not fair. Nothing in life is garunteed including your child’s future.
Stand your ground in your area that you live. That alone takes courage. I cannot organize with you, nor can you organize with me. Your kids should know you did your best if they know what you have been up against.

Hammers Thor
2 years ago

The United States imperial federal government has become evil embodied, but it’s even more horrible than that. Evil typically implies some sort of intent, and something personal to it, something immoral, or wicked, or some unholy desire to inflict pain and misery.

Our government is worse, it has no intent beyond enriching itself. Everything, and everyone else, is utterly irrelevant. Where ordinary evil hates us, our government has no regard for us at all. We are not even a consideration. To the government, we are absolutely meaningless. This is what they have become. This is what WE have created.

Sure, there are elements in our government that take pleasure in causing agony, such as the FBI and the DOJ, but they are merely tools for the government to accomplish it goal of enriching itself. The children they rape, torture and exsanguinate, the patriots they imprison, the people in foreign lands they enslave so they can push some meaningless climate agenda that once again serves no purpose other than to enrich themselves… those lives mean nothing. To the government they ARE nothing. Our government truly embodies the term self-serving, a cold, heartless, entity without any form of morality or conscience.

That is what we face. That is our enemy. A faceless, amorphous, gluttonous entity of pure, abject evil, intent on achieving ultimate power at the expense of absolutely everything and everyone.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hammers Thor
2 years ago

I spent fifteen years or so in politics and struggling to convince Americans freedom was important and another fifteen or so encouraging people to become healthy and not rely solely on drugs. Then another decade encouraging folks to prepare for an uncertain future! I spent most of my retirement trying to help others, to no avail, I can understand if you can’t continue, but I finally got tired of pissing in the wind!

We have a nation educated in government schools and fed information by the controlled media. They know they are free because they can vote for Tweedle Dumb or Tweedle Dee.

People aren’t likely to change until things change and then it will likely be too late. Someone needs to continue to fight, I hope you can, I can’t, I am worn out and too old!

I really enjoy your site, thanks and keep up the good work if you can!

2 years ago

“Where there is no vision, the people perish.” -Proverbs 29:18. Sometimes I wonder if all the subliminal programming, the propaganda both loud and whispered, the decades of messages in video and print, tv, internet, radio, articles, interviews, discussions, speeches, essays and dissertations play some (large) part in leaving us anchored in hesitation rather than rooted in action. The criminal left doesn’t live in inaction. But, they fear neither prosecution nor persecution. Christians, conservatives and patriots do not have that luxury. I agree with those that suggest that “we” won’t take action until the level of pain gets high enough to spur action. Most of this problem started in the 1920’s and before. Most Americans before and since have been busy earning a living and raising kids. Meanwhile, a number of khommunist idealogues packed bureaucracies, the courts, the centers of mean inculcation, the media and powerful and likeminded parasites have paved their way for them. If someone had told me when I was 17 “You need to get a law degree so that you can one day become a federal judge(or professor, or news reporter, or author, or, or, or) so that you can protect and defend The Constitution and Godly and American principles in our country” I would have applied myself to a greater “vision” than to simply working hard for a living to provide for myself and my family. Probably less than 20,000 more men per generation for the last five generations could have stopped the communist creep in its tracks and preserved Our Republic.

Elder Son
Elder Son
2 years ago

Go to a Mall, sit down, and observe.

They are all feeding their baser instincts.

P.S. They will rat you out in a second.

2 years ago
Reply to  Elder Son


yes,it is time
yes,it is time
2 years ago

well, a lot of folks think Q ops are in full effect so no need to act. trust the plan right?

2 years ago

Good column. You asked: “If We Are In Fact Legion, Why Won’t We Trust In Ourselves, Our God And Stand And Fight?”

A few possibilities:

#1 The assumption is false and we are not legion. The great replacement is working, state-sponsored wussificiation is continuing, and the younger generation is thoroughly trannified.

#2 Things aren’t painful enough yet. This is the “wait ’til people go hungry” line. Problem for the good guys: If the rulers manage to keep bread and circuses going, things may -never- become painful enough.

#3 Insufficient coordination. State and as WRSA reminds us, local, local, and local. I think this is the optimistic possibility because of the room for improvement.

2 years ago

It does seem that evil is winning, but God wins the War! John 16:33 I’m reminded back in Egypt when ALL of Israel cried out for deliverance. It was then that God brought them Moses. Fast forward today -- until ALL the true church cries out for deliverance, will God do that (rapture). But it hasn’t; it’s enjoying the world too much. Expect the world to get a lot worse before enough Christians cry out! Revelation 6:9-11

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

“The attempt of a nation to defy the course of its judgment, apart from repentance, will, instead, set in motion a chain of events to bring about the very calamity it sought to avert.”

2 years ago

We are close! Yesterdays stats show over 40-million Americans cant pay their rent and will be evicted in the next 2-3 moths, utilities are rising monthly and food, well food’s at 28-59% monthly if you can find it…and eggs who thought we’d pay over a dollar or more per egg? More of us are dying and 85% of families report losing loved ones…recent estimates are now approaching 3-million loved ones have passed in the last 15 months. A govt that lies to you about the economy and employment would certainly lie about how many have died from the Bio-weapon! The Biden Chinese Balloon episode (brought to us by China and Pfizer) has opened many eyes to the fact…The Administration isn’t going to protect you! Revolt is coming soon…Celente says it best: When People lose everything and have nothing left to lose…THEY LOSE IT!
