Instead of Allowing Their Political Power to Grow Out of the Barrel of A Gun, It is Time for Our Liberty to Grow Out of the Barrel of A Gun.

I spent the weekend off the grid with my son, so I have some catching up to do. It was brutally cold with 50 mph winds, I hate weathermen, they never get the forecast right.

I wanted to get this out there though as I thought about many things this weekend.

So much is happening right now, but let’s look at the Trucker Protest.

I’m sure I’m going to get some hate here, but what exactly has remaining peaceful in their protest gotten them? Frozen bank accounts, arrest, trampled and killed by horses? And all they did was Honk? Was there any resistance or pushback at all? Did anyone fight back? Canada’s government heard them, and responded with violence.

I don’t think our government is worried at all about these law abiding citizens, driving their trucks and honking their horns. Our government is willing to use force. They are lawless. How will our truckers respond when greeted with violence? How will those of us that support them respond? Maybe this will be the spark that set’s it all off, as I hope we will respond in kind.

People have asked if I am going to DC to join in with the protest. Nope. I will not. The only way I would go to that hell hole would be armed to the teeth with enough people armed to the teeth, ready to throw down and free our political prisoners from Jan 6th. Otherwise you are just setting yourself up to be the next bunch of political prisoners held without charges, or your rights. We are in a war, it’s time we start fighting it like a war.

It’s time to quit playing nice. It’s time to quit following the rule of law that our government has long since discarded. They will have their thugs arrest these truckers and anyone else that is supporting them, and they’ll do it with a smile on their face. And what will we do?

The time for talk is over. The time for peacefully petitioning our government for our God given rights is over. Instead of allowing their political power to grow out of the barrel of a gun, it is time for our Liberty to be taken out of the barrel of a gun.


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tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

Wes you are exactly right, the time for peaceful protests and voting are moot at this point, the demented biden regime advised trudeau how to handle the trucker protest. This last weekend antifa shot five people in a park in Oregon, no big deal just another peaceful protest. I just received a call to action from team America about the trucker protest, I am not participating unless it is a call to muster at this point. Biden will use the full force of the federal goons and clowns in action against the truckers. It is time for good men to do some bad things and take our country back.

3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

The protesters that were shot were Antifa.
Since the convoy is scheduled to drive through Maryland, they have to be unarmed. Until firearms are planted. So it will not be a call for muster, but another useless exercise like the Bonus Army protest.

enn ess
enn ess
3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

They listen but will not hear. They refuse to listen to all those beneath them. They are the elites, the rulers, all others are to obey, to submit, to perform and work for the morsels given out. The peasants must seek permission to hunt the game in the kings forest, to provide food for the kings table.
This will not stop until at a certain time of year a certain portion of Switzerland becomes a smoking hole in the crust of the planet. I dunno, it might have been a magma eruption or it coulda been a meteor strike. It’s happened before. Strange things happen upon this earth.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Yes I just got word that 1,000 truckers will be coming through our town on wed, was thinking about getting pictures of the government goons license plates and faces and trying to post them.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Thank you I left that out.

ron martin
ron martin
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

I’m 78, have many weapons, one trigger finger and Macular in shooting eye. I’ve had more adventures and near-death episodes than Indiana Jones but will I fire the first shot heard “round the world?”. Probably not because there is no one behind me to fire the second and third shots. Our side has no leader, no unity and no plan. Pray, prep and persevere but know that over six million Jews were murdered by about 5000 SS/gestapo because they had no guys in the front row that would take the sacrificial first step. That is how minority Nazi, communist and totalitarian rulers obtain and keep control over the majority. Yes, we are many and the hardcore elites are few but even fewer are those who will step out first and sacrifice their life for the many. We are in a spiritual battle with no human solution. Perish the thought that I am resigned to accept slavery, depressed or live in fear. I know damn well Who wins this war even though much woe lies ahead. Trust only in our Father and His Son and you and your family will be among the chosen few who will not be blotted out of the book of life.

3 years ago

I’m sad that you’re correct. I love America. I loathe the government. The Deep State won’t be stopped by peaceful protest. Our elected officials will do nothing. Let the fight come to us.

3 years ago

I’m 73 years old and in good health. I can’t run like I used to, but oh how I wish I were 20 years younger! I would join you on the front lines.

CM Dutch
CM Dutch
3 years ago
Reply to  PhilW

74 and just lost by long time wife. Nothing to loose and indeed very dangerous. While I do agree for the most part, feel they do want this side to fire the first shot. Lets make it a good one.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  PhilW

I will turn 71 in March, willing able and ready to answer the call.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

What call are you waiting for? Telephone? Email?

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Zorost

Or smoke signal doesn’t matter.


[…] ← Instead of Allowing Their Political Power to Grow Out of the Barrel of A Gun, It is Time for … […]

Al Buckner
Al Buckner
3 years ago

I AGREE 💯…..
If The Truckers Want To Make A Point and Create Results…Just
SLOW DOWN…It Worked In The 70’s….55-MPH Will make this country move like a turtle. But It Will Take ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL.
If you notice the organizers are asking ALL Bikers, Cars, RV’s, Buses, basically if you can ride Bring It On. And you join alone the route.
I See Trump Now…..Smiling.
I’m a God-Fearing man of God, but nowhere in the KJV does it say WE THE PEOPLE are to be doormats. I know it says turn the other cheek, but I will quote a famous line from a movie about turning both cheeks.
“It doesn’t say anything”.
Our Stupid Leaders like Pelosi/Schumer may try to do another JAN. 6…..IT WILL NOT WORK THIS TIME

Matthew 11:12….the Kingdow of Heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

Enough he is right, time to fight.

The Duke of New York
The Duke of New York
3 years ago

It is highly unlikely that the “freedom convoy” is ever allowed to reach D.C.. By broadcasting their intentions weeks before their planned arrival to an area which is already essentially barricaded and under martial law, they have ensured as much.

They will be harrassed every step of the way, and will meet the same treatment, or likely worse, than what eventually befell the Canadians in Ottowa (some of which at least will face the same illegal dentention and loss of rights as the 1-6 protesters are still dealing with).

The only hope is that the dissemination of their treatment at the hands of government thugs will enlighten more people around the country to support the fight against what is now clearly tyranical measures from our so-called public servants in D.C..

“Those who would make peaceful protest impossible, will make violent protest inevitable” -- JFK

Last edited 3 years ago by The Duke of New York
No Thanks
No Thanks
3 years ago

I completely agree! They were very stupid to run their mouths about the damn plans. And they will never be allowed to get close to where they wanted to be and or they will have some jerk-offs pull a False Freddy on them.
Folks we know damn well who we need to do with the “professional criminals” and rat-ba$tard$ in DC, in Govt in general and all the rest of them around.

3 years ago

DC is an armed camp once again. The convoy’s website states that they will not enter DC. Just another federal infiltrated diversion.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

We will see, they are not impenetrable, it is also to their disadvantage to be behind fences and bob wire.

No Thanks
No Thanks
3 years ago

Yes sir! You are absolutely correct. Trying to play nice and legal like you do Nothing but get your a$$ trampled by a damn horse, etc, etc. Our pathetic, blatant inaction has led to all of this mess my friends. Fight or DIE.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
3 years ago

I don’t have much money. But over the last several years I have armed and trained many right thinking young men to shoot. At my expense. I have educated many more on who the enemy is. It’s a force multiplier. A gift that will continue to give for years. Long after I’m dead and gone, globalists and commies will have to be looking over their shoulders. Until there are none left.

3 years ago

When Lt. Michael Byrd is found dead, then I will have faith in my fellow Americans..

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Chas

You never know nothing ever happens by chance alone.

2 years ago

Giddy up.


a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago