Interesting: Shocking Live Blood Analysis After Vax

h/t Comment Section

This was posted on a social media site. We are expecting more Dark Field Microscope Images will be posted showing the CATASTROPHIC changes in the blood of people who have taken the deadly injection…which is NOT a ‘vaccine’ by ANY stretch. Here’s the text that was posted with this image.

“I have a friend who is a Nutrition Microscopist. She is an expert in her field and has helped me immensely. She has many clients who took the so-called vax and asked them to come in for a free blood analysis. To her utter horror, this is what she saw. The top image is of completely healthy blood and blood cells before the ‘vax’ injection. The blood cells changed drastically over the next few days. The third picture (bottom center) shows countless, foreign nano particles (white specks) that show up in your blood shortly after the injection. Your body can NEVER detox from this and eventually those nano particles will enter every cell in your body.”

What this means, in short, is that you will never be the same and your health will be heavily impacted for the rest of your life…however short that many be. This is, without question, a crime of mass genocide against humanity.

Read the Whole Article Here…

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3 years ago

Are there any in the readership who can validate the shocking facts stated in this article? Seems like a decent lab, like the one Mile Adams says he has, could replicate these findings.

Perhaps some of the noted MD’s who have been out front in resisting the propaganda pushing these jab s ( Frintline Doctors), could help get these facts validated and disseminated.

Thanks for this article !!

3 years ago
Reply to  173dVietVet

why is no one talking about canada and how this virus started in canada… had CCP sientists working on this here in canada….i know the whole story about this…..

3 years ago

We need more info on the possibility of altered/contaminated blood after being injected with the COVID ‘vaccine’ experiments.
The American Red Cross is not specifically screening blood donors who have had the COVID ‘vaccine’, but they are screening for convalescent plasma donations.

3 years ago

Exactly! We were told the Red Cross DOES NOT CARE if a person donating has had the death jab or not!! Under NO circumstances don’t get blood from anyone! Stay healthy… drive safely… and stay out of the hospital. If surgery is needed, ask that your own blood be collected and reintroduced. Don’t even let them give you the Covid test!!

Drew the Infidel
Drew the Infidel
3 years ago

Agreed. Remember Thalidomide?

3 years ago

Even if true (and it likely is) I hesitate to pass it on to those I know and either love or appreciate; because many have already taken the shot or, if not, are not interested in reading and absorbing information. They are too busy with their lives to pay attention to what is going on around them beyond their immediate sphere. I’ve even gotten criticism from some of them for sending anything. After all, it’s fake news on questionable sites. Besides, I’m an old man and a conspiracy nut; so what can I possibly contribute to benefit someone else’s understanding. As time goes on and things get worse, I can be assured that I am definitely on my own and too far away to assist even family. They, too, will be on their own.

3 years ago
Reply to  EddieHnatko

In totally agreement with you on this.

3 years ago

I don’t think I would be putting this out. Not a expert, but I read about darkfield microscopes. From what I read, that first picture is bass ackwards. It should be the background around the cells should be dark and the cell should be bright. But the tell is “taken from social media”. What, feces book?
Perhaps this is just some Gomer putting out content on the net for attention. Or perhaps this is dis information, flooding the net to distract from where they (whoever or whatever “they” are- swamp or sewer?) don’t want you to look. “Look! The Goodyear blimp!”. Eye on the prize. The destruction of our US Constitution.

3 years ago
Reply to  NOG

Ah, you might want to do an internet search for images. I found quite a few similar to this. It might have to do with the model of the microscope and settings.

3 years ago

Always interested in any new info on the jab. I take all new insights and information on the topic with a grain of salt. I hope I’m wrong, but somehow I instinctively know that those who took the “vaccine” are doomed…I warned them all and they looked at me as though I were the crazy one.

3 years ago

Yes! I agree with you. I have told my adult son not to take it and sent him articles as well as other friends and coworkers. They ALLL took the jab and think I’m some crazy conspiracy theorist who has no clue about vaccines work and I don’t know what I’m taking about.
I’ve noticed ppl who took vax are different and you cannot reason with them at all! You can show all the proof but still won’t believe it. My son doesn’t speak to me hardly anymore and friends who I’ve know for years don’t come around anymore.
It’s sad to see how many are deceived and perhaps sealed their doom.

Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
3 years ago
Reply to  Sherrie

Sherrie, you are not alone. Many of the people that I know who took the jab did so because they wanted to be part of the group. For them being part of the group is more important then the side effects that may be in the long run be most unfavorable.
You are correct that it is impossible to reason with these people because they will not review any information that contradict what their friends believe. Most of them lack the ability for independent thought.

3 years ago

Sherrie, same situation here in the Netherlands. All my friends seem to have no problem at all taking the jab. Think I’m the nutcase, way too suspicious. But I recognize the feeling Williamtheresolute describes, something to do with intuition, instinct, whatever. I just am not able to ignore that. Whatever the consequences.

3 years ago
Reply to  Sherrie

I hear you people think you are conspiracy nut when you try to tell them the truth they are closed off to this.

3 years ago
Reply to  Sherrie

“I’ve noticed Sheeple who took vax are different and you cannot reason with them at all!”


3 years ago
Reply to  Gryphon

Wow. Sounds like people I know. Is it just their foolish pride or something in the back, or both?

3 years ago
Reply to  Philip

My take on this is that it’s a perception of authority, and a willingness to acquiesce to that perception. Also likely a muddle of cognitive dissonance.

3 years ago
Reply to  Gryphon

They are probably in denial. The truth is too hard to handle after you’ve already taken the jab.

3 years ago
Reply to  Sherrie

Sherrie I feel your pain, as your experience with friends and family has been mine as well. Know that you did your best to warn them, after that there is nothing you can do, but protect yourself from the transmission and shedding of the spike proteins which happens after the bodies natural killer cells are killed off. Sadly these pharmaceutical companies knew about the adverse reactions from these experimental shots. Death, strokes, heart attacks, seizures and 80 autoimmune diseases just to name a few. My advice is to pray for their protection from harm or evil, to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. “for they know not what they do”.

Shawn may
Shawn may
3 years ago
Reply to  renee


3 years ago
Reply to  Shawn may

I had 3 very detailed warning dreams about not taking this vaccine beginning about 4 years ago.
The last 2 were specifically about this being instigated and developed with help from aliens ( I interpret fallen angels ).
The last one was about the “aliens”
appearing like humans having completely taken over behind the scenes…even in hospitals all over the world…trying to make sure everyone got the “vaccine.”
Even being there sometimes giving it to humans themselves.

Robert Housholder
Robert Housholder
3 years ago
Reply to  Charlotte

Yeah I believe your right, as the shot has “The Name of the Beast” in it Luciferase, which mean (Light Bearer) another name for satan, Revelation 13:17 tells about that,and Revelation 14:9-11 tells what happens to those who take the mark.There is great deception these days just as the Bible said there would be, “Strong Delusion”.That’s the Covid !

Robert Housholder
Robert Housholder
3 years ago
Reply to  renee

I to Sherrie, my Mom took the jab, as she lives in an old folks home, and the snakes conned her, I did give her info and article before she took the shots, she said she didn’t want it but the snakes made her feel guilty, and she took it. She now don’t sound very happy either. She is 95 years old.

Shawn may
Shawn may
3 years ago
Reply to  Sherrie

When blood flows up to the horses bridle then they will say why didn’t you make me not get it

kris t
kris t
3 years ago
Reply to  Sherrie

Its best for you if you don’t see them in person now because the vax’d are transmitting it now like a microwave bot. unfortunatly

Robert Housholder
Robert Housholder
3 years ago
Reply to  Sherrie

I agree, I to have seen the change in those who took the shot, My Dentist used to be joking a lot and friendly, but after the jab he lost his happy joking self. Its like it took the happy gene away from him.I’m thinking all these Zombie, movies and the “Waking Dead” movies, was a per-planned events, that will take place in the next year or two. just think no job , no food, no life. Sad times now, but the Bible said it would be this way at the end of the grace age, this IS the last generation, Many people don’t read the Bible or believe the reality of our day. However we have been forewarned, The answer is Jesus Christ who IS the Savior !

3 years ago

My wife got the shot as she was pressured at work. I’m retired and volunteer at a nursing home where the shot is not mandatory… yet.
They already know I will walk if they make it so. The article above states that those who got the shot have about 2 years left. Not gonna tell my wife. I’ll live with that knowledge.

Mrs M
Mrs M
3 years ago
Reply to  Bubby

I’ve read doctor’s recommend making a pine needle tea (google it) to help fight the jab. Also high vitamin d 10,000 IU’s/day, zinc, vitamin c, and magnesium.

Last edited 3 years ago by Mrs M
Hammers Thor
3 years ago
Reply to  Mrs M

Here’s a link for pine needle tea:
Since I am now suspicious of everything, I wonder about the info presented in the article and it’s source.
This is from SOTN (I also question their veracity… like I said, suspicious of everything) about the CIA Disinfo program:
So, is the article above a CIA disinfo site, or from a freak pathological liar, or is it real?
Question everything.

Shawn may
Shawn may
3 years ago
Reply to  Bubby

please read flaking from vaccinated making spouses very sick from what is flaking from their skin. God help us .

a follower
a follower
3 years ago
Reply to  Shawn may

This reply is for anyone who can or will listen and consider:
Every agenda seems intent to divide us. Every cause ,every response ,every “answer to the cause. Even down to flaking of skin. Am i now to live in fear of my family ‘if’ they have taken the shot?
Do i not feel the Masters presence and His protection? All these things serve a purpose.
As Hammers Thor said, question everything. What is the purpose of all of this? Fear, hatred, division?
Seek the opposite. In the Bible in and (throughout) the answers and opposite of this world can be found and discovered!

Last edited 3 years ago by a follower
Tony Evers
Tony Evers
3 years ago
Reply to  Bubby

I am in the same position. My wife also got the jab a couple weeks ago. After I expressed my concerns. I am very worried for her and my other family

Robert Housholder
Robert Housholder
3 years ago
Reply to  Bubby

Its Illegal to force one to take the jab read the article also makes and tests.

Wake up
Wake up
3 years ago

As much as I have warned against the Covid vaccine since early 2020, your so called expert friend needs to go back to school! The lighter area in the center of the RBC’s are due to the concave shape of the blood cell, which is normal! Before embarrassing yourself anymore, I suggest you do real research! Articles like this cause pro Covid vaccine people laugh, which only allows them to discredit falsely the dangerous truth about the experimental vaccine!

3 years ago
Reply to  Wake up

This is true; however, the more alarming thing which is happening is the PROOF of vaccination which is being required to enter shops, at least in my town in NM. I was told at a small downtown bookstore 2 days ago, “You are no longer welcome to enter this shop without your shots.” Whether the shots are dangerous or not, they are creating a system of “clean” and “unclean” which is going down the dangerous road to Dachau (which my USAF father took me to at age 11, and I NEVER forgot.)

Robert Housholder
Robert Housholder
3 years ago
Reply to  Sue

That’s the new part of the system, to buy or sell, only those who have been vaccinated ? Sneaky way satan the deceiver is working on the people. Believe Jesus and NOT the snake !

3 years ago
Reply to  Wake up

I am sure no one is concerned with the second picture. The third and fourth, however, are clearly not shadowed by the shape of the cell…If the pictures are real, I’m sure there will be more reported in the future. Calm yourself and be nice.

Robert Housholder
Robert Housholder
3 years ago
Reply to  Wake up

And so if this was fake, is that why a Magnets can stick on the Injection site after one gets jabbed ? There IS nano-particles going into your body !

Guest Technologist
Guest Technologist
3 years ago

Looks like an echinocyte or more commonly called a burr cell. They can occur in a person with a kidney disorder or a change in the lipid cell membrane. They can also be created with a normal cell by changing the pH of the solution the cell is in. I would think that if medical technologists or pathologists were seeing this on a daily basis we would already know about it. So call me skeptical.

3 years ago

YUP — even a few of those crenated RBCs in a diff can indicate a problem

3 years ago

So you removed my comment?! Fine. I am a licensed medical professional… 30 years! Graduated with honors! ER experienced and more!
Now I trust you not. I’m against the vaccine and have warned for months against it, with facts based on real scientific and medical research! I corrected you and your ‘friend’ regarding basic science facts!!! If you can’t stand being corrected and it bruises your ego, nothing more you post is worth reading! You are just as deceptive as those you accuse! Shame on you! You are making real truth tellers look bad, and just hurting us all! Dishonest people like you are not helping to get real truth out regarding the many dangers of the vaccine. I will be sure to warn others to stay away from your site!

Tish Payne
Tish Payne
3 years ago

More reason not to take the jab.

Jim Carcie
Jim Carcie
3 years ago

Since these results could easily be verified -- and haven’t been -- makes it highly suspicious as a hoax. What real evidence there is against the vaccine is bad enough.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jim Carcie

I could apply your same logic to the denials and repression of Covid-19 being made in a lab for the past 16 months.

3 years ago

If you’re Dumb enough to take the jab of your own free will, die.

2025 years ago

Whether or not the blood photos are legit or not is of question. However, there is some truth behind the post — specifically, the issue of nanoparticles. Remember, the person who wrote about the photos was not the scientist.
Here’s the reality — Nanoparticles are part of the mRNA delivery system for the COVID “vaccine”. I’m unsure if we will ever learn much about them in relation to this injection because those specific nanoparticles are proprietary to the vax corporations. Nanoparticles have been around and used in other medical treatments but the mRNA injections are of a new type of “vaccine.” We are not being told much about these new types of “vaccines” — a serious blunder by our government.
The medical term “vaccine” was recently edited so that these COVID injections could be considered by the FDA for their emergency use with COVID. They’re NOT live attenuated vaccines, nor are they inactivated vaccines — they’re different and that is the huge reason for concern.
We know that vaccines elicit immune responses that protect against infection. That’s what they have been crafted to do.
We have also ALWAYS believed that vaccines protect us against infection, making us immune. Well, this isn’t so with the COVID ‘vaccines’ — the 3 main ‘vaccines’ used in the US are supposed to be created to provide immune responses. So they do that, yes, but the specific SARS/COVID virus behaves differently than other viruses because of that spike protein. So these COVID ‘vaccines don’t necessarily protect against infection….they mostly guard against serious side effects from COVID. The ‘vaccines’ don’t provide immunity like regular vaccines. Unfortunately, many ignorant/stupid people think they’ll be immune to COVID with those injections.
So there is blind-faith that comes with people getting these ‘vaccines’. And there are also concerns that these ‘vaccines’ also elicit other responses, including death in much higher numbers than any other known ‘vaccine’ EVER distributed in the world’s history. Then there is that pesky little issue called ‘the future’ because those little lipid nanoparticles may or may not disappear in a person’s lifetime….and we don’t know anything about their application with respect to these COVID ‘vaccines.’
Nanoparticles have been used for many years (applications in medicines, industry, physics, bioengineering, chemistry, etc) and some are biodegradable and will disintegrate, some are non-degradable and won’t. Depends on what the nanoparticles are, and Big Pharma isn’t sharing their proprietary info.

3 years ago

We should start a group to connect with, “All of That said NO to the jab’, hell we could be the only survivors left on earth!

3 years ago

We are in the CONTROL GROUP! 😉

claude ramains
claude ramains
3 years ago

AI censorship is stopping my computer from showing the photo evidence.
No pics and when I go to download the whole article it just won’t do it.
That in itself is enough evidence for me that this article is the truth

3 years ago

It’s a venom not a vaccine

3 years ago

We do not know whether the body will never detox from this.

3 years ago

The SHEEPLE of this country have bought into all the fear-mongering of Dr. Fauci. All you need to know about all of these covid vaccines is that they were rushed through creation in 9-months, they have never been tested at all, never been certified as being safe, all of the vaccine manufacturers have stated that this vaccine is experimental, you take these vaccines at your own risk, and all of the vaccine manufacturers are immune from all lawsuits!!! in simpler words, they don’t even stand behind the vaccine that they created!! Only a damn fool would take these vaccines!!

3 years ago

A friend and I have a debate on the issue of shedding of vaccine particles after someone takes the covid vaccines. What is the impact on non-vaccinated people when in the close physical proximity of vaccinated people? Can we as non-vaccinated people see adverse health impacts from being around vaccinated people?

3 years ago
Reply to  LogosAletheia

True as to the spike protein causing the vascular damage, false as to self-replicating, false that it gets out of the bloodstream and into the air. Most probably it’s excreted in feces after the liver gets done with it. And pine tea… here’s where that comes from --

3 years ago

I don’t buy this particular piece of work at all, but there *are* actual and quite disturbing findings -- “Data have demonstrated the elicitation of binding and neutralization antibodies against the spike protein by the mRNA-1273 vaccine in humans, thereby inferring that spike protein was produced and induced an immune response. However, critical data demonstrating the direct production of spike protein via translation from the mRNA-1273 vaccine in these studies are missing, precluding a full understanding of the vaccine mechanism. Here, we provide evidence that circulating SARS-CoV-2 proteins are present in the plasma of participants vaccinated with the mRNA-1273 vaccine. … These data show that S1 antigen [spike protein] production after the initial vaccination can be detected by day one and is present beyond the site of injection and the associated regional lymph nodes.” Clinical Infectious Diseases, ciab465,
Here’s why this is important and should serve as a reason for immediate cessation of vaccination with these vaccines: “The team then replicated this process in the lab, exposing healthy endothelial cells (which line arteries) to the spike protein. They showed that the spike protein damaged the cells by binding ACE2. This binding disrupted ACE2’s molecular signaling to mitochondria (organelles that generate energy for cells), causing the mitochondria to become damaged and fragmented. Previous studies have shown a similar effect when cells were exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, but this is the first study to show that the damage occurs when cells are exposed to the spike protein on its own.”

3 years ago

More -- Why #1 You Shouldn’t Get Vaccinated And #2 Should Minimize Contact With Those Who Have: “Sterilizing immunity is based on the recognition of a diverse set of molecular targets associated with the pathogen. The primary reason vaccinations create sterilizing immunity for e.g. measles virus is that like natural infection, immunization against a weakened/dead measles virus produces immune memory to multiple unrelated molecular targets (Fig. 1A). The same is not true for other RNA viruses like influenza, making inoculation against influenza imperfect at best. The biology of coronaviruses offers human immune systems an even less diverse set of molecular targets than the measles example (Fig. 1B) Reinfection from these viruses is expected more often than for influenza, and sterilizing immunization against coronaviruses remains impossible. *There is strong evidence, however, that natural infection builds immunity to a broader set of targets that crucially also includes non-spike proteins present in coronaviruses*. Unlike natural infection, infection after non-sterilizing immunization may be producing variants of concern (VOCs), all of which have their relevant mutations within the coronavirus spike protein.
Fortunately, the consequences of non-sterilizing immunization on viral evolution have been observable in livestock for decades. One pertinent example of how non-sterilizing immunization can lead to quiet but dangerous escape variants in chickens is evident in Marek’s disease. In this example, what started out as a mild disease that rarely led to death has evolved after years of blanket non-sterilizing immunization into a disease that causes wide-spread lymphoma and near 100% mortality in unimmunized birds. Similar case examples include infectious bursal disease virus in poultry and feline calicivirus. In no uncertain terms, non-sterilizing immunizations are expected to cause an increase in asymptomatic transmission of stronger, more dangerous, viral variants over time. In the current case of SARS-CoV2, these stronger variants would be the strains that escape neutralization by spike protein-targeting antibodies, which is already unfolding globally: Geographies with significant immunization are starting to allow for more virulent breakthrough strains. Logically, *prevalent breakthrough infections among immunized individuals as recently reported also render a health COVID-19 vaccine passport program meaningless*. In effect, applying the biology of non-sterilizing immunization to human populations is creating a generation of more dangerous variants — not because of the sheer number of global infections, but because non-sterilizing immunization programs encourage the virus to evolve in this extremely undesirable direction heading into 2022.
Currently, the public understands the EUA for immunization against SARS-CoV2 was granted with the knowledge that non-sterilizing immunity was the only expected outcome. The public remains relatively unaware of the extent of potential breakthrough infection risks, and not enough effort has been made to date to collect and assess to what extent immunized individuals can be infected and contagiously shed active virus. Therefore, an assessment by public health authorities should commence immediately to quantify the scope and duration of both asymptomatic and symptomatic infections of immunized individuals. If even only a small fraction of immunized individuals can be infected and spread the virus with less severe disease manifestation (as can be inferred from recent data), these individuals are a primary potential source for more dangerous new variants (VOCs) of SARS-CoV2. If there is any significant asymptomatic infection of vaccinated individuals, continued immunization beyond vulnerable populations should stop immediately; otherwise, the list of VOCs will continue to grow unabated.” -- references deleted, available in original. 
This is only the first of five reasons not to get vaccinated, the others are documented in similar fashion.

3 years ago

Fortunately, Signal allows me to delete a text that hasn’t been displayed.

3 years ago

A new eugenic shot aka vax is almost ready, here’s the new guy on the scene: Kayvon Modjarrad ….go research him and I’m with those who have family who have been vaxxed, both my parents got the jab after I pleaded with them not too…Thank God I convinced my son not to get it for his daughter ….May Christ guide us through
I send emails to the heads of universities, the mayor, heads of school districts and so on with articles showing the adverse reactions and deaths involved, I also call it genocide, I suggest you start emailing local officials and ask them if they wish to be named in lawsuits that are being filed

3 years ago

I just want to pray for everyone who got the jab and thank everyone who gives the right information and not fake news CNN, MSNBC, Fox