Well, my ball team suffered another loss last night. Our record for the season is now 3-4 with three games left to play. My kids are having fun whether they win or lose and they are getting better at this game called Baseball, which is what it’s all about. So please forgive me for my lack of posting over this last month.
How’s those gas prices in your neighborhood? We are up to $4.29 a gallon here and it seems to go up .10 every other day or so. My grocery store has shelves stocked, but the prices are outrageous. Jobs are plentiful although it seems hardly anyone wants to work. People are grumbling, but they’re not angry, and they’re not starving, so life goes on as usual. I try my best to keep my mind of all these troubles in the world we are faced with, for it seems I am powerless to do anything about it. It’s a sick feeling every morning when I look in the mirror and realize that yet another day has gone by and we, collectively as Americans, have done nothing to take our country back from these evil people who have stolen it from us. Will today be the day? I doubt it.
These communist are all up in arms over the leaked decision coming on Roe v. Wade. They are even calling for arms to be taken up to defend their right to kill babies and live perverted lives. They might actually have the stones to do it, unlike us.
People are all excited and talking about the 2000 mules movie. They are saying arrest are coming any day now. Ha, makes me laugh. I’d be shocked at just one arrest for any crime that has been committed by this evil government over the last many years. Ain’t never going to happen. They don’t fear us. They continue to flaunt their lawlessness in our face everyday and we do nothing but grumble under our breathe about it. Why do we continue to give them our obedience and “follow the Rule of Law”? We continue to play by the rules, while they continue to ruin the future of our children/grandchildren.
“Go ahead big boy, do something, grab that gun and start something.” It seems that comment gets thrown around a lot lately. At least I have written enough articles over the last ten years or so that my mind can be known by anyone that chooses to research me. I have tried playing by the rules. I entered the belly of the beast. I won for a short period of time, then this corrupt system chewed me up and spit me out in short order. People refuse to believe me when I tell them how corrupt it is right down to the local level. We don’t have time for those that have recently awoken to learn that there is no voting our way out of this.
I am amazed at the enthusiasm for the coming election. Did we do anything to fix the stolen previous election? Nope. What makes you think this time will be different? Voting harder cannot win against a rigged system. Many people know there is only one solution to the problem we are faced with, yet none of us are willing to band together and take that step. For it means that everything we know will be over, and nothing will be known about the future. Yet our Founding Father’s left us with specific instructions should the days we find ourselves in ever come. We are cowards and much lesser men than the men who gave their fortunes, lives and sacred honor to found this country of free men.
We are standing on a razors edge, and many people are ready to snap. But it seems nothing is going to push us over that edge. I am prepared and keep preparing, but for what? Will we take the necessary step to secure Liberty for the future generations? Everyone here reading this is considered a domestic terrorist by our own government. Maybe it’s time we actually live up to that name. I fear for the future of my children. I am worried about the world they will live in should we not act. pResident Brandon say’s that we need F-15’s and tanks to fight the mighty government. I say he is wrong and I say we call his bluff on that. The goat herders in Afghanistan did just fine.
What do you need from me?
We should not quietly into the night. We should stand and FIGHT!
“pResident Brandon say’s that we need F-15’s and tanks to fight the mighty government. I say he is wrong and I say we call his bluff on that. The goat herders in Afghanistan did just fine.”
Yep. Also remember that in a civil war, they and their families live here. Not across an ocean.
tis very frustrating for sure, nobody wants to be the nail as well as myself, at some point we are all going to have that to hell with it moment and cut loose, will it matter?
I agree 100% Wes, I have used restaint when it comes to violence, no more this is a survival situation. I am armed at all times and still practice martial arts. It is considered deadly force, it is a street style karate and I have been at it since the early 80s. I have been in more than a few fights and usually did not apply deadly force, but those days are over considering my age and the times we are in. I am still at my fighting weight of 165lbs at 71 years young. You have been and are someone I would call a brother, God family and country. Time to get busy restoring our Republic, it will be a cake walk with brothers like you, God bless.
It always comes down to WHO will enforce the unconstitutional gun rules against you, or will they honor the oath of office to support and defend the Constitution ! with the Bill of Rights. I don’t need no stinking permission to exercise my God given duty. Luke 22:36 is the final word !
I understand the frustration. However, it appears from the comment section that lots of geriatric folks come here. Preppers tend to stock up and hide in remote places to sit it out. Not too many young knuckle draggers. For those old folks, there are other ways to resist. I haven’t paid income taxes to the devil for 18 years. It was all legal. No criminal activity. I used the system against it’s self. I have armed and trained a number of younger guys, at my own expense, to ensure that the future is going to be trouble for the commies. Make sure you have a plan to pass your guns and ammo to “action lads” when you kick the bucket. Throw a wrench in the government works whenever you can. It’s slow and tedious, but the government is insolvent right now. As the currency collapses more and more, and inflation goes through the roof, opportunities against the bad guys will make themselves evident. Food riots soon? A dozen eggs at Aldi’s is over $5.50 right now, in NE Illinois. Diesel at $6.00 and climbing. Trucks will have to park. Shortages. Not ten years from now. Maybe ten days or so. Stay on your toes.
Geriatric? I bet I could run most of your younger guys your age into the ground! Wait for what? The time is NOW, we will never be stronger than we are right now. Where there a will there is a way, I have the will and I know the way.
“Most of your younger guys your age”. What? The younger guys aren’t my age.
Are you saying your geriatric?
Geriatric means old, not sick or infirm.
Wes, you have summed up nearly everything I am hearing out there in the general public. This is a situation where there are months if not years of shear boredom before the moments of shear terror. Patients is a difficult thing to control in times like this. I have to have faith in my God and the skills I have in times like this. Keep the faith folks. Draw the evil out into the sun lite for all to see. There will come a time when everyone shall stand on one side or the other.
We have to do only 3 things. 1. Pray for guidance. 2. Kill our enemies. 3. Pray for forgiveness.
This is a Perfect..Perfect example of Propaganda.
What have they been Preaching for 30yrs?
What has your Doctor been saying at most visits for 30yrs.
What have commercials and cooking TV been preaching for 20yrs anyway?
Hell my mother bought it hook line and sinker 35yrs ago!
They thinknsome of us Do Not Remember.
I have felt like most of you’re for a very long time now. As I see it, many many of us would set off in a heartbeat against the criminals presently in charge, not only here in our country, but proliferating throughout the world. Act locally, (here in Merka) and freedom gained once again will filter throughout the rest of the world (if not sooner there than here).
The biggest problem is most of us are not natural leaders, we have no national leader(s) we can get our energies behind. We all know there is only one major party with any hope, and they are mostly pathetic and follow along the commie agenda with merely a token objection now and again. Our elections need to be filled with many many new faces and ideas, with a return to the principles of our Constitution, not the entrenched has beens that accept “business as usual”, make it up as we go deep state mentality. Now the question becomes not “Who is John Gault” but “WHERE Is John Gault”. Not that elections will matter anymore. I suspect the next one the stops will be out and another fraudulent erection will ensue. The time of slitting throats is near.
The truth is we the people outnumber government 300-1…. If we had consensus of opinion and we went after them this would be over in 24 hrs. No amount of tanks planes and guns could stop us. The war truly is in our minds as Alex says we have half of the population probably more, that simply will not believe anything that isn’t on the nightly news PROGRAM on the TELL-A-VISION. I think we are already defeated simply because we cannot form that consensus of opinion. No one can find truth to believe in! If you do not have a relationship with God you are a lost person without hope. We have 10’s of millions of lost souls without hope wandering around and soon they are going to be hungry that is a bad mixture. Do not think that people realize how bad this is going to get.
Since we want to do something but just can’t quite do it…should we start building lots and lots of lampposts?
“I am amazed at the enthusiasm for the coming election. Did we do anything to fix the stolen previous election? Nope. What makes you think this time will be different? Voting harder cannot win against a rigged system. Many people know there is only one solution to the problem we are faced with, yet none of us are willing to band together and take that step. “
So I have a different take. Not saying I don’t agree with most of this post, but progress is being made every single day in an effort to fix the stolen election, or at least preventing it from EVER happening again. Perhaps you are not seeing it, but major efforts has been made to expose the massive fraud. Try watching Steve Bannon. Or Tucker Carlson or Grant Stinchfield. 2000 mules IS making a difference… have you seen the hysterical efforts by the left to try to discredit it? It just came out last week! They are panicking because the fraud is being systematically exposed (this shit takes time) and they (the communists) are discovering that MILLIONS of Americans are just as mad, and are making their voice heard IN ADDITION TO becoming poll watchers, dissolving the Marxist school boards in favor of conservative leaders, and doing something they have not done before… they are getting involved. They are doing real things and making real efforts to un-rig the system. Don’t minimize the incredible efforts that are being made by real patriots, and try to find a way to support them. Continue to be one of them.
Have you seen how many people attend a Trump rally? HE’S NOT EVEN RUNNING! The 2024 election is 2 1/2 years from now, and yet tens of thousands of PATRIOTS spend all day, sometimes in storms, sometimes in freezing cold, sometimes in burning heat, to watch President Trump speak FOR AN HOUR. When has that happened. ever???
This upcoming election, if allowed to happen, and if the cheating can be mitigated, will see the current crop of uniparty maggots removed from power forever. It might actually turn out to be a blessing that the theft was so blatant and obvious in 2020. If Trump had won, we would just have four more years of the same he went through, and the vile monsters he thought he could trust would still be misdirecting him.
Why do you think overturning Roe is the top story all day every day? Just because a handful of demons are demanding that they be able to get pregnant and then murder their babies does not mean they have the support of even a small fraction of the country. They are like a two-year old in a fancy restaurant throwing a tantrum. One child, and you can hear nothing else. They are trying to distract us from the election, the economy, fuel prices, the fact that they deliberately tried to poison every American with a fake vaccine that will kill millions who have taken it, and Ukraine. They are trying to distract us from figuring out that they are not actually incompetent, but truly intend to destroy our nation. Guess what… IT’S NOT WORKING.
Sure, there are plenty that are still oblivious, but more people have awakened to the globalists plans in the last year than in the last 50 years. They are coming to, and they don’t like what they see. They realize they have been lied to by the media (all of it), but Hollywood (all of it) by politicians (almost ALL of them), by big tech, by “higher” education (all of it) and by the Death Star Imperial Federal Government. People are recognizing that they like freedom, and the fact it’s being systematically stripped from each and every one of us is finally getting their attention.
I suppose a group of people could get together and start a war, but THAT IS WHAT THEY WANT. Surely you can see this? Don’t you realize that THEY ARE ALREADY DELIBERATELY TRYING TO KILL US? Vaccines, anyone? Why do you think they are pushing so hard, now? The time for war may come (we’re getting close), and we are all frustrated by this, but we don’t have the numbers yet to shut them down the way you and every one of us wants. Therefore, we either work tirelessly (we’re doing that anyway, so what’s the difference?) to scrape the deep state out of the halls of power by every legal means possible, or we “band together” and declare 1776 all over again. We all think we are prepared for the latter, and some cannot wait to get started, but the reality of that plan of action, once started, will be millions of Americans dead, millions more incarcerated, and the complete destruction of our nation. We all need to imagine what our country looks like, our families (what’s left of them) look like, what our farms look like, what our cities look like, and what disease, starvation, shredded limbs and shredded children look like. THAT is what the result of “banding together” might look like.
It took decades to get in the situation we are in. It’s like a rolling freight train that takes time and a lot of effort (effort like David, and you (Wes), and everyone else who comments here have been making FOR YEARS) to make it stop, and get it going in the opposite direction, but change is happening. What I think we really need to be doing now is making them as irrelevant as possible. Ignore them. Do not comply. Do not take the vaccine. Do not submit to illegal lockdowns. DO NOT TALK TO THE FBI. EVER. When they show up at your home, call your sheriff and let them know you have armed and menacing trespassers on your property.
There are ways to push back, and push back we are. Our forefathers planned for this likelihood and tried very hard to create a constitution that would provide ways for us to course correct without violence. We may well end up in war, but that does not mean we have succeeded. It means we have failed.
Progress is being made? How? By installing even more of the Dominion cheating machines? That’s progress?
Talking about and exposing the fraud that everyone witnessed with their own eyes is not going to do a thing. TPTB don’t care that we have exposed them. Name one high profile arrest of anyone that stole our elections? One? They don’t care that we expose them because they own the courts and the FBI etc. Nothing will come of this. I don’t see panic by anyone. The voting process was not changed after they blatantly stole the last election. They are not worried about this election. I hope your “Red Wave” happens, but I don’t see it. Maybe we barely take the house, maybe. Maybe we barely take the Senate, maybe. But what good did that do us in Trumps first 2 years? Nothing. “Lock her up” didn’t happen. Trump invited her to dinner and praised her. “Build that wall” Didn’t happen. I could go on and on. Voting is Useless and those first 2 years under Trump should have solidified that for anyone awake. TINVOWOOT.
I’ve done all these things you say people are doing now. Poll watching, precinct chair, Republican executive committee, etc… It does nothing because we are only given the illusion of hopefully being able to make a change. It is so corrupt right down to the local level you just don’t understand.
Trump is not our friend and I wish he would just fade away. Being the “Father of the Vaccine” should be enough for anyone on our side to discard him forever.
Hope…the quintessential Human Delusion, simultaneously the source of our greatest strength and our greatest weakness. The problem is choice. We need to choose to save ourselves from this tyranny instead of relying on someone to do it for us.
Our only Hope is to fight. I choose Fight!
New Mexico Audit Identifies Feature in Dominion Voting Machines that Allows Ballots to be Filled Out by Machine Itself They have all the power levers at their command, TINVOWOOT. Your vote will accomplish nothing but more of the same, time to water the tree of liberty.
The reality that is easy to forget…
“We all think we are prepared for the latter, and some cannot wait to get started, but the reality of that plan of action, once started, will be millions of Americans dead, millions more incarcerated, and the complete destruction of our nation. We all need to imagine what our country looks like, our families (what’s left of them) look like, what our farms look like, what our cities look like, and what disease, starvation, shredded limbs and shredded children look like. THAT is what the result of “banding together” might look like.”…
“Our forefathers planned for this likelihood and tried very hard to create a constitution that would provide ways for us to course correct without violence. We may well end up in war, but that does not mean we have succeeded. It means we have failed.”
Said it before. I’ll say it again. Not. Enough. Pain. Yet. Many of us are ready to roll, but not enough. We need more pain. It’s coming. Be thankful for every day we yet have to prepare and to enjoy semi-normal lives. Once the party starts, anything like normal will be gone, for a very long time.
Word. Go to You Tube and watch FIVE REASONS AMERICAN RIOTS WILL BE THE WORST IN THE WORLD. Or go to the JOHN GALT SHENANDOAH website and read his blogvel: THE DAY THE DOLLAR DIED. You can also read Selco’s book. Scary stuff. Everything was fine until one day it wasn’t. Plan accordingly.
The borders are open for a reason. The mostly men being let in will fight against us for them. They will reap the reward of owning what we have. It’s out of Lincoln’s playbook. He let people (Irish)in the country and put them on the front lines. He had Chinese slaves in Nevada mining silver to pay for his war.
Read history, it always repeats.
The Art of War
[…] My fellow compatriot here at NCRenegade made a comment on my article yesterday, you can read it here… I responded this morning, but I figured I’d go ahead and write a little more on it. Please forgive me if I duplicate some of my comment here. While I appreciate all the efforts being made to expose the fraudulent election, they are only reinforcing what we all already know. Constantly proving over and over again the many different ways they stole our country is fine and dandy, but what are we going to do about it? I don’t see panic from the Democrats. Not at all. If anything, they are emboldened. They are blatantly breaking the law as we speak by protesting outside Supreme Court Justices homes over the leaked Roe v. Wade decision and nothing, not one arrest has been made. You see TPTB own our courts, they own the FBI, the entire justice system that was supposed to serve us, We the People. You can’t vote in enough Judges to make a difference. You can’t vote in enough Sheriffs to make a difference. […]
We will all be writing the ending of MV’s novel ‘Absolved’ soon.