I post Ann Barnhardt’s articles in their complete form because she does not keep them as separate archival posts for the future. I empathize with her because I have been in the same situation. People want to have hope in the political parties but our history proves that our only hope is in God and the people. This is not a message people want to hear. Is there a difference between the truth and an individual’s version of the truth? In some cases. Ann Barnhardt nails this one on the head.
David DeGerolamo
A little confluence of events this week has brought to the fore of my mind the sad, sick reality that most people in this culture are so far gone that they WANT to be lied to, and will seek out and attach themselves to liars. While it is nauseating to behold, it is also interesting in a clinical sort of way.First, I helped some guys out in outing a con artist blogger earlier this week. What was fascinating was watching people cling to their “friend” even while being beaten over the head with objective evidence over and over and over again. Seeing it on a micro level was jarring, but then I realized that it was exactly the same Stockholm Syndrome variant that keeps people loyal to these scumbag politicians and cult leaders. People get themselves into such “herd” and “team” mentalities (which is just a fraction of an inch away from being a “gang” mentality) that they will do absolutely anything for the psychopath that they are attached to. Think Hitler. Think Jim Jones. Think Obama.

Which segues into my speaking engagement Thursday for a Tea Party group here in Colorado. As I was setting up my PowerPoint and clicker, one of the Tea Party fellows came up to me and told me that I shouldn’t talk about islam to this group, and that I should refrain from any “extreme facial expressions.” I poop you negative.

Well, as you can imagine, that was like dangling a steak in front of an already irate and half-starved Rottweiler. My interior response?


It is certainly satisfying to witness to the truth to people who want to hear it. But you know what is even better? Witnessing to the truth to people who DON’T want to hear it – to people who WANT to be lied to.

By the end of my talk two-thirds of the people had gotten up and left. A third didn’t want to hear the truth about islam – for fear of being called “racist” – and the other third didn’t want to hear the truth about Romney and the Republican Party in general. You all have probably seen my takedown of islam – it is on my YouTube channel, link to your left – but you may be wondering what I said to infuriate the rah-rah Tea Partiers about Romney and the GOP.

I call this the “So, You Want To Be President of the United States, Huh?” lecture. It goes a little something like this:

1. Europe alone is sitting on $70 trillion in unrepayable bank and sovereign debt. That $70 trillion in unrepayable, bad debt is ITSELF the collateral on at least $700 trillion in derivatives. And that is JUST EUROPE. For perspective, the GDP of the United States is $15 trillion, and the GDP of the entire planet is $63 trillion.

What’s the plan, Mitt Romney? What’s the plan Sarah? What’s the plan, Rick Perry? What’s the plan Rick Santorum? What’s the plan Ron Paul? What’s the plan Michelle Bachmann? What’s the plan Paul Ryan? Unless you have a detailed plan to deal with that objective reality, which can not end in anything less than a truly royal clusterbungle, you need to sit down and shut your mouth, because you’re not even remotely serious. And if you DARE run for POTUS or VPOTUS and DARE raise money for your campaign and refuse to acknowledge this objective fact, much less provide a detailed plan for dealing with it, you are nothing less than a sociopathic, money-grubbing, power-hungry, carney hack grifter.

2. The U.S. Dollar is soon going to cease to be the global reserve currency, replaced by a new Sino-Russian backed and controlled currency.

What’s the plan?

3. The U.S. economy is a massive debt bubble that MUST and WILL collapse by at minimum 50% of GDP. The United States government MUST spend LESS than it receives in tax revenue. Therefore, the U.S. government must reduce in size by something like 75%.

What’s the plan?

4. Social Security and Medicare MUST END. These Ponzi schemes will CEASE TO BE, one way or another. If they are not ended voluntarily, they will destroy and collapse the entire government and economy.

What’s the plan?

5. The “Ryan Plan” assumes massive, prolonged GDP growth for decades on end which outpaces new debt creation. FACT: Since 1980 there has not been ONE three month period in which GDP growth exceeded new debt in the United States. (This is the Denninger Axiom.) In other words, Ryan’s plan is built upon a big heaping pile of unicorn manure. And he knows it.

So, what’s the plan?

6. Nuclear war is now all but inevitable with Russia, China and the islamic caliphate on one side, and the United States alone on the other.

What’s the plan?

7. Abortion MUST be totally outlawed in the United States. Even if every point above was to be addressed and miraculously solved, so long as this nation engages in cult child sacrifice it will be cursed to destruction.

What’s the plan Mitt? Sarah? Rick? Newt? Michelle? Ron?

There is no plan. There is no plan because it is all a total and complete joke. It is theater. These people aren’t competent to run a nation, much less solve the largest problems in all of human history, which are all occurring simultaneously. It is a con game to enrich the oligarchs, create the illusion of democracy, and to create false power paradigms.

The RINOS in the Tea Party simply don’t want to hear any of this. They want to be on a “team” and root for “their guy” and thus delude themselves into thinking that they are actually accomplishing something. Most people, at the end of the day, want to be lied to. They want someone to stand up and tell them that everything is going to be fine just as long as “we” get “our guy” into office come November. Rah-rah-sis-boom-bah. Yay team.

You want more proof? Behold the ever-more-nauseating site, which published the results of its Who Should Be Romney’s V.P.? poll over the weekend. Now remember, it is all irrelevant because the Republic is already dead, but this just shows you how utterly fake the entire system now is – including the conservative blogosphere. Do you know who won? Bobby Jindal. Again, I poop you negative. Jindal, while a pleasant enough fellow, would be just about the last guy you would want to put on the ticket. He would be ruthlessly mocked to destruction by the media, but even more importantly, and proof of how sickeningly corrupt the system is, Jindal, like Obama, is NOT constitutionally qualified. He was born to Indian nationals six months after they immigrated to the U.S. He is not a natural born citizen, meaning a citizen born to two citizen parents.

Golden boy number two over at HotAir is yet ANOTHER constitutionally unqualified for POTUS/VPOTUS politician, Marco Rubio.

HotAir is clearly pandering to the Obama regime in the nonsensical tapping of Jindal and Rubio as the “golden boys” in order to quash any discussion of the Obama usurpation.

And please don’t forget my seven questions above. Do you honestly think Jindal, Rubio or ANYONE ELSE will EVER acknowledge, much less give actual solutions to any of those seven issues?

Even the majority of those who identify as conservative-right are completely deluded and just want to be lied to, pacified, entertained, and given a group matrix to dwell in, even if that matrix is a total sham.

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