Majority Of US Companies Will Require Workers To Provide Proof Of Vaccination

It looks like American colleges won’t be alone in making vaccination mandatory for any students who want to return to campus next semester. Despite the White House’s determination that vaccination shouldn’t be mandatory by law, more than 60% of American companies are reportedly leaning toward requiring proof of vaccination from their employees.

According to a new survey from the Rockefeller Foundation, 65% of businesses will offer some kind of incentive for employees to get vaccinated, while 63% said they will require proof of vaccination before workers can return to the office.

Another 35% said disciplinary actions are on the table, including the possibility of termination, for those who refuse vaccines.

The survey, released Thursday, represents the responses of 957 businesses across 24 industries. Most of the respondents were US businesses with 250 employees or more.

Even after employees have returned to the office, testing will remain a critical piece of the safety plan provided by most employers.

Looking ahead, roughly two-thirds of employers are planning to allow employees to work from home full-time through 2021, and 73% intend to offer flexible work arrangements when the pandemic is over. However, 73% of businesses want employees to work from the office at least 20 hours a week.

Read the Whole Article Here…


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Lisa M Andrews
Lisa M Andrews
3 years ago

My understanding they cant on an experimental vaccine which this still is without allowing a religious or other exemption
My employer has required us to complete a questionnaire before working … daily … they have added the question … have you been vaccinated with the option of saying NO as a way to exempt the answer

3 years ago
Reply to  Lisa M Andrews

HIPPA? I am curious to know if that can be used against this. Since it is your right to be private about your health care. If you know of anyone who has tried that approach please let me know how it worked.

Ack Ack
Ack Ack
3 years ago
Reply to  tangle

Did HIPPA prevent you from needing to provide proof of a having a current MMR, and other childhood vaccinations required by law, to enroll your children in school or be employed in certain workplaces?
There’s your answer.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ack Ack

I understand fully how they break the law. Just wondered it anyone has tried it yet. Every once in a a while things actually work.

3 years ago

Rev 13:19 -- 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

I think every Christian should really consider how this is being sold. Whether it is the mark of the beast or a predecessor, it is being defined as it. When you are before your Almighty God and asked why you received something defined as the mark of the beast, what are you going to say? God, I did not have the faith to trust in you to provide, I was afraid of dying, I was just plain afraid, etc…

The time is coming where out faith will be tested. Remember God is in control. This world is just a passing place where we as Christians do not belong. We are just passing through and there is a better home waiting for us. The only thing that matters is that we work God’s will, stand strong int the Word, preach the Gospel and stand against Satan’s minions. Because in the end we all will answer for our lives and there will be no excuses taken.

If you need prayer to stand strong please feel free to ask. It is our duty as Christians to pray, not only pray in general, but pray to support our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Administer a shot, then scan an iris or a fingerprint, and link the two records securely; then, with another scan, an official can call up these details to find out if a person has been immunized.”

Robert Housholder
Robert Housholder
3 years ago
Reply to  tangle

Your right on Tangle, the fact is it IS the :Mark of the Beast” as in Rev 13:17 the name of the beast OR the number of his name, Fact is both are in there and will be used for ID Luciferase, meaning (light bearer) another name for satan, and the patent number on these is WO060606 for the coming antichrist, he don’t have to be on the scene till later.Also the computer number is 666, and all transactions go in and through a computer these days.As in the time of Noah, all blood was corrupted, by the fallen angles, with the exception of Noah and his family, that’s why the flood !

John Toothman
John Toothman
3 years ago

Just came out of a meeting on this. Right now they throwing out bones to see who’ll jump on it. I’ve told my boss that I will not be taking it. He said that they can’t force you to take it because it’s not FDA approved.

3 years ago

Kill em all.
Really, what else is there to say or do when it comes to this level of tyranny ??

3 years ago

Without “law” to Require an Employer to demand this, the Employee who refuses the ‘Vaccine’ and is Fired has an open-and-shut Wrongful Termination suit. There will be plenty of (((lawyers))) who would Jump on a large company that did this.
I almost wish I was a Payroll Employee, so I could pull that…

3 years ago

And soon enough, they will DEMAND everyone be chipped to remove any possibilities of fraudulent vaccine certificates.
At which point, they can all kiss my old, fat, white, Bible-Believing, ass!
I will NOT comply!

Otis D
Otis D
3 years ago

I just read an article that NY’s vaccine pass port or whatever they are calling it is malfunctioning.

people who’ve jumped thru all the hoops thinking it will buy their freedom are still finding themselves in chains. I have no sympathy.

Robert Housholder
Robert Housholder
3 years ago

Its Illegal, and unconstitutional, by Federal law ! Sue the Employer !

3 years ago

If the government and big pharmacy want this then it will be forced on you one way or the other. You have no constitution anymore, no rule of law that is on your side and no bill of rights and it will end up that no lawyer will take these cases for fear of losing their law licence or intimidation of their families . Gov is already doing that as we speak. Why do you think so many Drs and other professional s shut up after the initial cry out against the covid mess? They were threatened with their license and knew it wouldn’t end there. Pay attention to what happened on Nov 3rd. Your protections and rights only exist if there is a gov to protect and abide by them. They don’t anymore and this has been coming for a long.time. Take a good hard look around you as to what is actually going on and get your head out of the old paradigm. Gov is nothing but force and control. They are holding hands with pharmacy and corporations to stomp you with the New World Order and doing a good job of it so far.

3 years ago

I wouldn’t bet on it.
(((The tribe))) are the ones behind this whole thing.

Davis Rick
3 years ago

That’s a big FUCK NO! Fuck you and your vaccine you communist pile of shit!!

3 years ago
Reply to  Davis Rick

They’re literally threatening to “force” people by restricting them from jobs, from travel, ability to participate in banking system, ability to go into grocery stores to purchase food for our families and more.
When it reaches this level of absurdity, it really is time for some good ole’ fashioned killin’.
And if we don’t do it to the (((perps))) at this stage we’re the biggest useless pussies on earth.

3 years ago

It’s illegal.
Until it’s not.
If it ain’t the mark of the beast, it’s close enough for me.

The War Wagon
The War Wagon
3 years ago

“PROOF of vaccination, eh? I believe that’s here between my pocket Constitution, and my CCW license”…

Dana Henry
Dana Henry
3 years ago

This nation can not survive without a free, honest, independent press.
At some point, in the future, if this country comes off the rails, I see a scenario similar to what we see in Mexico and third-world countries. There “journalists” and officials are targeted and encouraged to get with the program. Americans are the way they are because they do not know the truth. The Left is the way they are because they don’t fear repercussions from hiding the truth. They’re proud of their lies. There are never any consequences for any of their behavior.
We wouldn’t be in this situation if there was old fashion accountability for everyone.