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27 days ago

The Forest Service needs some commercial level thinning.

27 days ago
Reply to  Quatermain

Along with EVERY FEDERAL AGENCY, ALL TOP level(down 5 levels), need to be GONE! It’s not just policy, it’s culture, mindset and propaganda.

The Southern Nationalist
The Southern Nationalist
27 days ago
Reply to  Jolie1

First agency to go should be ATF

27 days ago

Yeah, the DEA, NIH, CDC, FBI, the department of education and homeland security should all be dissolved. FEMA funds now in the budget moved to the states-to help the people like in NC, FL, GA affected by the hurricanes, floods, tornadoes and then gone too.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
26 days ago
Reply to  Jolie1

YES! So many of the federal level agencies can easily be abolished and any funding or legislative needs turned over to the states to handle as they see fit. State’s Rights is the answer to so many problems!
The savings in salaries alone would be a huge bump to the budget. All those buildings and vehicles that no longer have to be maintained on the federal dime… Give the equipment to the states like they do w/ old military gear. Sell the buildings off. Gawd it makes so much sense… but leviathan will never shrink itself.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
26 days ago

Here Here! The 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution makes the mere existence of that agency a federal crime. We all have a right to access arms without ANY RESTRICTIONS. The agency only creates restrictions. Good bye!
Alcohol and Tobacco can be handled by the existing law enforcement mechanisms, we do not need a federal level agency exerting control over its citizens on special subjects. That’s just the camel’s nose sneaking under the tent, as we have seen. It can and should all go back to States Rights!
… that really highlights the problem. Who works for whom? The way these federal agencies act, we have to get and beg permission from them. Remind them that they work for us, at our pleasure, for our benefit. Why in the hell would I need to ASK permission to do anything from anyone at the fedgov level? I PAY YOUR SALARY, YOU WORK FOR ME!
It’s the root of all the problems w/ the police -- they think we’re here to support them, not the other way around. You see it in their actions every day. Go to the DMV, does that person act like you are their employer? Need a building permit to put up a shed in your pasture? Who do you think is in charge in that situation? You?
Its the whole system that’s been inverted. That’s the root of all the problems with government, not the existence of bureaucracy itself. The bureaucrats have usurped control from the people, and we have put up with it. That needs to be restored post haste.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
26 days ago
Reply to  Jolie1

Truly is. I noticed that during the election process. The division line in our country had a lot to do w/ who signed your paycheck. Huge swaths of this country rely on Uncle Sugar, and I don’t mean SNAP, Welfare, and Section 8.
Then take all the private companies that live off of government contracts… That’s a lot of people. Those people, AAAALLLLLLL those people, have the same, managerial-class mindset. They do nothing but shuffle paper all day, but they’re crucial to the operation of the business. Just ask them. It would fold if they didn’t check their eMails incessantly.
We saw that on display many times, they truly believe it. Look at twatter… what organization in the world can you even think of that can function BETTER on 20% of the work staff? It defies every business lesson I’ve ever learned. And FedGov is 10x worse. THAT will crush the economy, all those people looking for work, who have no appreciable skills? They’ll end up on The Dole.

26 days ago

Massie is one of very few if any congressmen that are trustworthy (((not compromised))). It’s seems like there would be a higher assignment.

26 days ago
