With all the corruption in our DOJ/FBI and it needing a violent enema, who is the most sadistic, cruel, calculating, pragmatically ruthless motherfucker Trump could possibly make AG?
— Larry Correia (@monsterhunter45) November 6, 2024
Because he needs to call that guy ASAP and tell him to start sharpening knives. These agencies…
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Strike while the iron is hot!
First thing I’d suggest President Trump do is to raid FBI HQ with teams of special forces units--seizing all laptops, files and so forth… then with the top, offending officials--suspend these rats without pay while under investigation. I’m sure lower FBI agents, formerly too afraid to come forward as whistle blowers would come out in droves and spill the beans on these top rats who’ve been weaponized by the Biden regime.
Something drastic and high-profile has to be done with the FBI day one--hitting the bricks running.
Right now I bet that the shredders and hard-drive scrubbers are working overtime to cover their asses as a new sheriff is coming tot town to kick ass and chew bubble gum--and he’s all out of bubble gum bro’s.
I bet their shredders are running red hot, for sure.
Ken Paxton. Period, end of story.
Great choice.
Put Ron Paul in charge of the Federal Reserve!
Dr. Ben Carson for dept. Of Education!
Flynn can run the Pentagon!
Bannon. Turn the table and rain fire and brimstone on those fuc%&ers . Michael Flynn.
If the dirt-bags who lied, cheated, stole and committed treason are not brought to justice, this is all for naught. Try Milley (for example) for treason, convict him via military tribunal using his own words and execute him 15minutes later and the idiots will think twice before doing this again. Then move on to the others.
Here, Here.
Milley, yes. Don’t forget Vindman. To say he went outside his chain of command is an understatement.
Examples must be made swiftly.
Make Rudy Guliani AG. I will be hearing the heads explode clear out here in North Idaho!
Oh gosh, that IS a good one… They yanked his Bar license in NY because he campaigned for Trump.
Here’s my list of candidates.
Not sure if the job requires a law degree. If so, it didn’t help the previous clowns. Just saying.
Pick me, pick me
Is VLAD the IMPAILER still available?
Mike Davis for AG for sure, although Bannon would be a more colorful choice.
Vengeance belongs to the Lord alone.
Retribution however…yes, let the punishment fit the crime- historically.
HISTORICALLY, the punishment for treason is death. The Donald needs to order the construction of a large gallows on the Capitol Mall.
Raiklin has a law degree and the demeanor to pull it off