We Can’t Move Forward without Restoring Justice

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1 month ago

Yes, as General Flynn has said, “it is VE+1,” we are beyond the hedgerows coming in. We must use out time now wisely to head off any and all attempts to stop the decertification of the election and also stop the attempts to handicap Trump from pursuing OUR agenda-America’s agenda. The real fight is now on to take back what has been stolen.

1 month ago
Reply to  Jolie1

Correction: the day should be VD+1, sorry for the oversight

Daniel K Day
Daniel K Day
1 month ago

I’m good with that.

The Southern Nationalist
The Southern Nationalist
1 month ago

Sounds like a plan!

Randolph Scott
Randolph Scott
1 month ago


General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
1 month ago

Day one--first thing to do President Trump, is to pardon and release ALL OF THE J6 people currently being held in prison or under prosecution… and then to RUTHLESSLY INVESTIGATE any and all people involved in their mistreatment while in custody or jailed… and burn these M-F’rs to the ground like witches in old Salem.

Next thing on the agenda--strip all of these so-called “52 former intelligence experts” completely of their security clearances--totally revoked, permanently and ban them from working for government agencies in any capacity (for life) or any outfit that has contracts with the US government or will have. They must be cut off at the knees.

Appoint special prosecutor to look into the Biden Biden payloa scandals--appoint a rabid pitbull who it literally foaming at the mouth and out for scalps…. not some pussy or pussies as before. Appoint a special prosecutor to go after Dr. Goombah (Faucci) for gross malfeasance and negligence while in office.

Start a court martial inquiry on General Milley-and strip thaf fat bag-of-guts for everything he has or loves.

Begin the process to break up the big media networks--bust them up until they are literally a bunch of one-horse outfits.

I could go on and on.

Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
1 month ago

Also, the invasion of our borders must be stopped and the invaders deported. Who is $ John Galt. RIP Peanuts the Squirrel.

Randolph Scott
Randolph Scott
1 month ago

Remove all of their pensions. Break these M’Fers. Hang those that are convicted of treason.

1 month ago

I heard him. His anger is justified. Pray for him. They say vengeance is the Lord’s and Jesus says to forgive. I say we can forgive but still demand justice as it says in our pledge of allegiance:

“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

A little justice for all is long overdue. May the hammer fall swift and true and let God have mercy on their souls.

1 month ago

…so make Bannon the new attorney general…

1 month ago

Amen brother.

1 month ago

These pig dogs in the federal agencies and many demonrat and rinorat leaders also need justice served on them, like prison time for treason and sedition, and starting with Obama first, and working their way down the long list of S-bag traitors. They have called this man fascist, Nazi, Communist, Russian Spy, etc. when all along its been the democrat party which is tied in with Russia, China, etc. who are the real spies.