Please be patient as the site is under attack and will either time out or be very slow. I suppose we should consider this a badge of honor. I hope that people who are against the Republic start to wake up and consider history: they are nothing more than useful idiots to the Communists.
David DeGerolamo
How do we continue to follow you? Thanks for all that you have done if I don’t get another chance to say so. Be well, stay safe and we shall prevail. God bless you and yours.
Is there still no confirmation that the Insurrection Act was supposedly signed yesterday? Monkey Worx made the claim, as well as former Navy Seal Michael Jaco. On 1/8, Mike Lindell, the “My Pillow Guy” put out the following:
I follow Jeffrey Prather and although he posted multiple articles yesterday via his Patreon site, he said nothing about the Insurrection Act being signed and things going hot.
Is there anything concrete to any of this?
My guess it’s just another false hope. What worries me is why they keep spreading all this false hope. Is it to keep us from going hot until they can have their boots firmly on our throats? To buy time? For what? Something is up and I don’t know who is involved. I would trust no one or anything you hear.
Gosh, I sure hope not. I’m “very skeptically optimistic” at this juncture.
I just finished watching the following:
If what that Danielle says is true, we should find out by end of day today…or maybe not!!
Interesting… Guess we’ll see before long…
Your right. I hate to be the sceptic, but how many times do you let them pull the football away. Ultimately it comes down to the One in charge. He foretold every thing that is happening not to scare but to prepare us. I’ll tone down skepticism so as to not lead people away from the real hope which is in Jesus.
Maybe there is money in the “Q” hashtag clicks?
Well, ‘hope for the best, prepare for the worst’.
Being sober-minded is a great attribute right now.
I have a few female friends that are devastated over what is happening. I constantly have to tell them to ‘be sober-minded’, use balance in assessments, but understand that the Prez’s voice has been taken and the coup is complete.
People cannot hear anything from their President right now. At all.
This is a digital coup. Totally organized.
The Left knows that telecommunications and digital/cyber info is where it is ALL at.
Theyve already ousted the Prez.
With 75,000,000 Trump supporters, it would not be all that hard to DDOS any number of sites without bots. Just saying.
Post this sites address numbers ?
As Adams did for his site:
Thats brilliant
They still hitting ya???
Site seems good for now.