NEA backs Biden court-packing and demands ‘repudiation of white supremacist culture’

The National Education Association, the endorsement of which in March helped push Joe Biden further into the lead against Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, has delivered its wish list to the Democrat, and it includes icing ICE, packing the courts with liberals, and curbing school rules such as zero tolerance.

In its 50-page “NEA Policy Playbook,” the nation’s largest teachers union also urged Biden to adopt a long list of liberal policies to limit the expansion of charter schools, to block teachers from having guns, and to grant amnesty to hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants.

The report is expected to be closely studied by the Biden team, which sought the NEA’s endorsement.

See the entire article here…

It’s okay. Really, it’s fine. Keep sending your precious children, your offspring, your FUTURE, to public schools. “Oh yeah, the schools are bad, but MY KID’S SCHOOL IS GOOD…” you say.

BS. Plain, simple, uncomplicated BS. Your kid’s public school wants you dead. Have you not figured this out yet? The NEA wants you dead! If you do not toe the communist party line, you are the enemy, you are just trash to be discarded, especially if you attempt to teach your children about freedom, and America, and Christianity. They are liars, criminals, and child-abusers. They are indoctrinating your babies to hate you, to hate America, and to hate freedom.

“What else can I do? I can’t afford private school, and I have no idea how to homeschool, and we both have to work, and excuses!!!”

Figure it out. Twelve years of your life now, to protect the innocent children you gave birth to, or their entire lifetime. Or, if you are a grandparent, you have an even greater responsibility… how’s that? Because your children are sending your grandchildren to public school. Who taught them to do that, mmm?

You have several decisions to make NOW. Not tomorrow, not next week, not next year. NOW. If you are the man of your household, then be a man, dammit. No more excuses. You see what is going on. You are reading this post because you KNOW what is going on. Now make a decision to do something about it right freaking now.

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About Hammers Thor
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3 years ago

That is why many are sending their kids to church schools here they get a decent environment are taught very well and receive faith based training and that can only make a better nation! Costs- yes, but there is the ASTCO program where all state taxes can be sent to the church school of your choice and if all the parents do this it helps their children and all of them so they can go there. Research this and find a school that you want to send your kids or grandkids to!!!!
It is truly serious that the public schools are rubbish anymore nad are indoctrinating our children to hate their nation and upbringing which that is Wrong on so many levels….freedom is freedom and we created it for the world nad by heavens this nation better stay free or we will die in a 2nd Civil War to keep it!
Better; get on your knees and pray for the sins of this country and humbly ask for forgiveness, so that the Lord will heal our land!

Publius Huldah
Publius Huldah
3 years ago

How anybody can permit these subversives to “educate” their children is beyond my comprehension. GET your children out of the public schools!

3 years ago

Everyone need to STOP paying school taxes they are destroying the minds of our young. It’s past time to stop this legalized extortion. Get the NEA out of our schools. Roy Cooper and most 90% of NC’S politicians are to blame for this. Roughly 8%of your tax dollars go to the university system and boy just look at what they have done to our young adults they have radicalized them.