Never Going to Happen

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2 years ago

There is precedent. But. Biden’s handlers can’t allow it and Ukraine would need a new leader. EU would have to eat too much crow and Russia can’t agree publicly. Other than that…it could happen.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  Janice

Didn’t Trump call for sanctions on Russia for building the pipe line? That would not be the guy to send over there to negotiate this.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

It would have been better if you had stopped supporting the Nazis in the Ukraine when you where president Don. Maybe if you had not called for sanction on the Russians for building the pipeline, I would have said why not give him a shot. But you are in on the pissing with Russia as much as anyone else.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

The US and Nato have backed Russia into a corner, I believe Putin, and take him at his word. Trump? What will he do, exactly the part they want him to play, sorry the trojan horse has lost my respect.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago

Pullleeesseee! More theatre.

I am Sam
I am Sam
2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester


Elder Son
Elder Son
2 years ago

It has always been about economic warfare.

How dare Russia build pipelines! How dare Russia sell gas and oil to Europe! How dare Europe buy Russian gas and oil! Bad Russia! We’ll lose BILLIONS and BILLIONS of dollars!

We need to just cut the crap and admit that this has always been about economic warfare… and Trump is no sterling angel in this. That they baited Putin by giving Ukraine the green light to send thousands of Ukrainian troops and artillery on the border with Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics while Trump was president, before Russia entered Ukraine, and after Biden was s-elected.

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Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

Why would Russia negotiate? They already did negotiate twice on Ukraine issues but the West ignored the treaties. Minsk 1 and Minsk 2. The US even broke the Black Sea treaty. The US has a long history of breaking treaties. Ask the Indians.