REAL? When I saw New York Governor Kathy Hochul’s State of the State address I was convinced it was an AI joke. No, this is real.
— @amuse (@amuse) January 17, 2025
h/t @Osint613
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…. And it probably cost millions of (tax payer) dollars to put that together so they could prove beyond any reasonable doubt that they are not serious people.
They should’nt be anywhere near the levers of power, let alone in authoritative positions. They’re literal children, in adult bodies.
… further evidence we should repeal the 19th.
Hit the nail on the head with the children in adult bodies. Unfortunately they’re everywhere! They never grew up and had life lessons shred away their youthful innocence.
Noo Jork excelling again….. at the nadir of competence and sanity…
SONG and DANCE. Literally, why are you not amused?
(Say something positive…say something positive…)
I remember that song from when I was a kid.
Losing wars has consequences.
rebel yell!
I’m thinking that those folks have gone full tilt, plumb crazy. Silly dancing around like some hollyweird awards show.
Right?!?! Exactly! WTF does gyrating around on stage to music have to do with governance and the ‘state of the State’? It boggles the adult mind! Makes perfect sense to a 13 year old girl.
This goes right along with “bread and circuses”
So, what does this say about the voters in New York? Blumenthal in CT? Aunt Nancy Graham in SC? I go on about the other states but what’s the point? Amerika ist verloren. Bleib ubrig.
It does appeal to the creative type that never amounted to anything of substance; the “artists” who are on trust fund scholarship, the emotionally stunted 30/40/50/60+ year old. Secede and re-form the fUSA into four or six quadrants.
WOW! that was cringe squared!
WTAF was that? The voters of New York voted for this and deserve what they get good and hard.
Meanwhile thousands of New Yorkers are jitterbugging their asses right out of the state taking their money and tax payments with them. NYC has lost 30% of its wealth.
They need to lose another 30%.
For starters.
These clowns are quite full of themselves, aren’t they?