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30 days ago

Breathe deep the gathering gloom
Watch lights fade from every room
California people look back and lament
Another day’s Lithium energy spent”

30 days ago

A major fire at one of the world’s largest battery storage plants was a ‘wake-up call’ for the industry, official says

SNIP North County Fire Protection District Chief Joel Mendoza said at the press conference that every battery rack inside the facility has a “fire suppression system,” but it wasn’t enough.

“In other incidents that we’ve had, that system has worked perfectly,” Mendoza said. “In this particular case, that system was not sufficient. It was overridden and that led to fire overtaking the system and eventually overtaking the entire building.”

I wonder how long before THIS Comment from the Fire Chief is Memory holed? The fire suppression system was OVERRIDEN…

The Deep State is fighting back and like choosing the Telsa Truck targeting Telsa battery storage gives Musk a “Black Eye”?

The Tantrum Wars has begun.

kal kal
kal kal
30 days ago

We are aware that the bidum administration has allowed Chinese PLA (People’s Liberation Army) member to enter the country through the southern border. This is documented. Thusly, how is anyone surprised if they are caught producing mayhem?

30 days ago

California has now officially exceeded the carbon footprint and pollution output of China. Way to go.

30 days ago

Are there any chemicals in the massive, superheated plumes of toxic smoke above the battery factory that are “known to the State of California to cause cancer and reproductive harm”?
Asking for a friend.  

The Southern Nationalist
The Southern Nationalist
29 days ago

NC has the Toyota Mega Site (Lithium battery plant) in Guilford/Randolph County, I wonder how many homes will burn and wells polluted when that monstrosity catches on fire?