The United States Federal Reserve has been allegedly hacked by a ransomware group called LockBit.
— Shadow of Ezra (@ShadowofEzra) June 24, 2024
The declaration was made through a post on the Dark Web.
The group claims to have extracted 33 terabytes of sensitive banking information.
The data reportedly includes…
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Let’s hope they make the information as public as possible (not any financially-critical stuff that would harm innocents of course). The FED has NEVER truly been audited, and for sure if the people knew the global financial crimes it has been the orchestrator of, they would call for an end to the Fed immediately. Ron Paul was of course the most vocal proponent of abolishing the criminal and un-constitutional Fed, but even he wanted a complete audit so that everyone would know of their crimes. Maybe he’ll get his wish through the back door as it were.