He Is Correct

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7 months ago

He is right, I remember in the early 1970’s my doctor telling me 240-300 was normal, until big pharma began convincing the doctors it was not normal and they needed to begin handing out statin drug prescriptions and telling the patients it was dangerous to have such high levels. All propaganda to sell there demon brew to a trusting population.

tom finley
tom finley
7 months ago

I never paid attention to the cholesterol BS and have never been tested for levels.

ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
7 months ago
Reply to  tom finley


7 months ago

Statins also suppress the body’s synthesis of CO-Q10, which is necessary for cardiac health in a number of ways.
So, if we take statins (with all their side-effects) to “reduce our 280 cholesterol”--to “help” our heart health--we reduce our own body’s natural protectants of……….heart health.
FBP. F Big Pharma.
Food in moderation + exercise + do not smoke + minimal EtOH = A Better Life.
The only thing in my life that is in excess is skepticism.

7 months ago
Reply to  TakeAHardLook

Also, if your cholesterol is in excess and you are concerned, consider Red Yeast Rice--a supplement, no Rx--as an assist.
Research it. It is quite powerful and BigPharma/FDA would love to regulate it--probably, to kill it off--leaving the way open for statins.
As always, run it by your MD.

7 months ago
Reply to  TakeAHardLook

As I understand it, the statin like component of red yeast rice has to be removed in order for the product to be sold in the US.

7 months ago
Reply to  TakeAHardLook

The only thing in my life that is in excess is skepticism.” Well said, and the more skeptical the better. On a scale of 1-10, for the times we find ourselves living in, a good healthy score for skepticism should be at least a 20. Personally speaking, I don’t completely trust anyone or anything but Jesus.

Hammers Thor
7 months ago

Interesting you post this today. I went in for a bloodwork panel per my new Dr request. Looking at my bloodwork from 5+ years ago, my cholesterol was 105, which was labeled as HIGH (99 was the threshold). I’ll know today if I’m about to die of a stroke or heart attack when I get my new results… LOL. Maybe I should switch to margarine and vegetable oil for my cooking. Perhaps I’ll switch to a vegan diet, IDK.

Yeah, I’m kidding.

7 months ago
Reply to  Hammers Thor

The best cooking oil to use for maintaining good health is plain old-fashioned lard. Always has been and always will be.
And that is what Dr. Mercola says.

ray greun
ray greun
7 months ago

When I started EMT school in 1990, normal blood pressure for a male was 100 plus your age for the top number. Then that was changed to put more people on drugs.

Hammers Thor
7 months ago
Reply to  ray greun

Well, I guess I’m 20 years old again. Awesome. Who knew? Thank you for that!

7 months ago

In Europe, they have age-specific cholesterol “normal” ranges that take into account the NORMAL increase in cholesterol levels as one ages. Cholesterol is something of a “stress lubricant” that rises as the stresses of life take a bigger and bigger toll on the body. We instead have a magic number that generates a TON of business for bigPharma (for those that are stupid enough to fall for the lies).

ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
7 months ago

The human brain requires cholesterol and consists of about 20 percent cholesterol. Note the rise in Alheimer’s and dementia as the pharma-medical-industrial grift machine began screeching about the harms of cholesterol in eggs, butter and beef. Additionally, margarine and seed oils replaced “high cholesteral” foods and are known carcinogens. We have used singularly animal fats, coconut oil and olive oil for many years now. Big medicine and Big food toil perpetually and with great fervor to destroy the health of Americans. Ted Broeur at Health Masters sounds the alarm about statins and the true nature and necessity of cholesterol.

ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
7 months ago

…and to boot, my blood pressure averages about 118 over 70. At age 60.

7 months ago

What the medics don’t tell you is that if you’re on these drugs for many years you develop NASH… leading to liver failure! They’re out to make $$ while killing us! Evildoers! God warned us to stay away from Pharmakia (as much as possible)