Our apathy is Why We are in the Situation We are in Now. What Will You Say When Your Children Ask What You Did to Stop the Tyranny and Destruction of Our Constitutional Republic?

quote-those-who-would-give-up-essential-liberty-to-purchase-a-little-temporary-safety-deserve-neither-benjamin-franklin-283040  - Full30

Seems as though the Deep State isn’t sure which way to go at this point. Do they focus on Covid or do they focus on Gun grabbing.

I think we’ll have a “mass shooting” every week now until they can get their gun confiscation laws rammed through. Which I hope they pass every crazy bill they want. Seems as though the fear of Covid has wavered among the sheep so it’s back to gun confiscation, the wet dream of commies everywhere.

I’ve been doing a lot of watching of people and talking to people over the last few months about the situation we find ourselves in. I always ask, Why are you wearing a mask? Most people respond with things like, “I don’t like the looks I get from people when I don’t have it on.” Or “I’m afraid of the confrontation that may come from not wearing it.” Or “because it’s what our government has told us to do.” People have lost the ability it seems to critically think for themselves. I don’t know how many of these mask sheep own firearms, but I guarantee they’ll be handing them over when the government says to turn them in. For if you can’t even stand up for the right to breathe fresh air, you sure aren’t going to stand up for a gun.

Look, the 2020 election was blatantly and deliberately stolen in full view of the entire world, while the mainstream media provided cover for the deep state. And yet we have done nothing. The sheeple continue to wear their mask and take this experimental vaccine, which isn’t a vaccine, in the hopes of the government promise that we can go back to “normal” if you just continue to do as we say. Newsflash, the world that was in January 2020 is never coming back without a fight. It seems the conditioning of doing nothing and blindly following what the government tells you has been a great success.

Our nation is no longer governed by the Rule of Law, so why are you blindly following the orders of this Deep State regime? We outnumber these fools if we would stand together, yet they force their agenda down our throats, and we gladly eat their shit sandwich. Finally I’ve noticed some who are beginning to ask the question, “how much longer are we going to put up with this?” Hopefully the numbers of those asking that question continues to grow.

We are at a crossroads of sorts now. Our apathy is why we are in the situation we are in now. I understand that people are afraid, but if we do nothing we will all soon be slaves. Yes it is going to be painful and sacrifices will have to be made but isn’t securing freedom for our children and grandchildren worth it?

And don’t you dare say that we can right the ship by voting over the next two elections. That ship has sailed. We have used the soap box, the ballot box, and the jury box to no avail. All that we have left is the cartridge box.

Most people have already proven that they will not actively resist this Deep State. That’s ok, most people did not actively participate in our Revolution that established this once great country. I understand most people just want to be left alone and to raise their family as they wish. Sadly they are not giving us this option. They are forcing their agenda on us at every turn.

We will never be stronger than we are right now at this point in history. Every day now they are chipping away at our freedoms and taking more control. The left, this deep state enemy, they are united while our side can’t agree on the simplest of things. It does us no good to fight among ourselves while facing an united enemy. Our only real disagreements seem to be about strategy. Most people on our side don’t think it is time to go hot, but they also recognize that the odds of getting out of this peacefully are shrinking by the day. The question is how do we get the best possible outcome and remain true to our principals, and I’m not sure that there is an easy answer to that.

What will you say when your children ask what you did to stop the tyranny and destruction of our Constitutional Republic? It is time for us to pledge our lives, fortunes, and sacred honor.


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Richard May
Richard May
3 years ago

Brother; we are having a summit of America’s Black Robe Regiment in Knoxville. It would be an honor to have you as my guest. Please let me know if you are interested and I will provide more details.

3 years ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier
3 years ago
Reply to  Richard May

Go to a summit of America’s Black Robe Summit? Really?

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
3 years ago
Reply to  Richard May

Good morning! I’m in Fairfield Glade, TN. My strategy has been letters to the editors of loca newspapers. In 3 years I’ve had a dozen or so articles printed. If that’s a strategy you’d like to pursue, please email me, stansylvester59@aol.com.

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
3 years ago
Reply to  Richard May


Richard May
Richard May
3 years ago

Anyone interested in attending the meeting of America’s Black Robe Regiment can get info by replying to me at:

3 years ago

Yes OUR apathy is real gift to the Leftists. I NEVER thought I would see the say a group of “protestors” could make a group of Americans bow down before them. I never thought I’d see a so called independent state/city compound would be allowed to exist at all in these United States. Never thought I’d see businesses and city institutional buildings being burned to ground. Yet we lived it w/o response of any kind. “Protestors?” Really????? I am sickened by lack of law enforcement from the gov. state and local, down. The police are the issue???? Give me a break? What happened to our rule of law??? I try to stay off the net because it raises my blood pressure and makes me sick. But I must say I have come to the conclusion that APATHY is our enemy and a great asset to the communists that abound.

3 years ago
Reply to  valerie

Ok, so I’m not going to disagree with you, but I will ask this question which is one I have asked on other sites: What target(s) or mission(s) would be appropriate for any militia to consider at this time to effect a change in the right direction for the Republic?

3 years ago
Reply to  AngryPatriot

Well stated. It is a version of what I have been asking for some time. We have NO leader. That would be someone that has the ability to be protected and stand up for what is right (Constitutional). If any of the “average Americans” do a Tim McVey (sp), we will get the same consideration. To attack the enemy from such position of “weakness” is useless and a waste of Patriots and resources. The leader will have be credentialled to some degree and that will give that person the required “PROTECTION”. The “Divide and Conquer” approach will continue to be successful without that Leader!

michael j
michael j
3 years ago
Reply to  AngryPatriot

How about surrounding the PFIZER plant in Kalamazoo, MI like they used to confront the abortion clinics? Cause thats what it is- a post-birth abortion of all humanity. a GENOCIDE MILL. Then Gate’s estates, Soros’ homes… there are MANY nonviolent actions Americans should take. EU and all the rest of the world had 3/20 mass demos against lockdowns. Where were YOU?

3 years ago
Reply to  michael j

This will not be accomplished without Violence.that idea left the building” in November 2020

3 years ago
Reply to  AngryPatriot

are you a special kind of stupid asking for input on that ?
same for anyone dumb enough to respond.

Obama's boyfriend
Obama's boyfriend
3 years ago
Reply to  AngryPatriot

Start with every individual who violates the Constitution. Every politician that regards the Constitution as a “suggestion” deserves no mercy. Every judge, teacher, lawyer, soldier, bureaucrat who thinks he is above the Constitution needs to get a harsh lesson.

3 years ago

Small cells acting locally and covertly. Target those who ignore the Constitution, and those who ignore their oath to support and defend. These are the domestic enemies we seek.

Richard May
Richard May
3 years ago
Reply to  AngryPatriot

The target would be the narrative of the socialists that a militia is domestic terrorism and the mission would be to change the narrative. Speak boldly that a militia is written into the federal constitution and most state constitutions that were formed before 1814. Rebuke the attempt to redefine the word militia. Instead of staying ‘grey man’, start working within your community in service to it. Show up in uniform to clean up after a storm; establish a working relationship with your sheriff, get involved with helping churches, have pancake breakfasts in the local park. Become the public IMAGE OF AMERICA.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

Yes it is time, as you stated we will not be stronger than right now. God bless.

3 years ago

You asked the wrong question, “What will you say when your children ask what you did to stop the tyranny and destruction of our Constitutional Republic?”. For people my age who have grandchildren, the question the grandchildren will ask their parents is “why did your generation destroy the great country you grew up in by voting in communism and tyranny?”. You see, it is the Millenials and younger who are the driving force behind this suicidal stupidity. I know enough of them to know. In the words of the greatest man who ever lived, “forgive them father, they know not what they do.”

michael j
michael j
3 years ago
Reply to  Dearthlater

Yes, and these Millenials were raised and trained into their path by us. WE created the world- and them. America no longer has men, it has eunuchs and crypto fags. Stop passing the buck. Manup and take responsibility and ACT or stfu and accept slavery. No one else owes it to you, to secure your freedom for you.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dearthlater

Voting in?? The current admin was not VOTED in my friend. And they are quite happy that you BELIEVE it was.

R. Shooter
3 years ago
Reply to  Dearthlater

This isn’t a question just for the parents. We have all played a part in this. This didn’t come about with the millennial generation. Past generations have allowed this abomination to occur because we were conformable in our lives and didn’t care. I hope my grandchildren ask about their grandpa. I hope they are told that he died helping to right a wrong he did nothing to stop when he was young.
I Pledge my life my fortune and my sacred honor. In Jesus Holy Name.

Major Daniels
Major Daniels
3 years ago

Only when the American people feel pain and hunger will there be any movement. There will be no revolt as long as Americans receive payment to lounge on the sofa & drink beer and can shop Walmart. As soon as we see food shortages and Wiemar type inflation you’ll see action until then…the sloths will gladly accept tyranny. You cant extinguish 30 years of educating our children on the “joys of communism” over-nite…they must endure pain first to create a movement! Besides if you wait 6-8 months most of the VacTards will be gone. Meanwhile read up on USMC Mao’s Guerilla tactics for the arrival of Chinese & Russian Troops: https://www.marines.mil/Portals/1/Publications/FMFRP%2012-18%20%20Mao%20Tse-tung%20on%20Guerrilla%20Warfare.pdf Semper Fi Patriots!

3 years ago
Reply to  Major Daniels

Bravo. We tend to fall into “duality” sometimes- sometimes on this subject, and likewise in the religious sense. This IS how things are supposed to go. Assumedly, being backed into a corner is coming should we exist long enough- and I do believe the actual Tribulation is about to begin- as in, any day now- not week, day.
People would assume I mean to sit back and do nothing. No, it’s a time to be sober and vigilant, that we may also be courageous and strong to endure what lies in front of us. It ain’t about roaring out haphazardly to “fight the tyranny” directly- whatever that means. Sure we ought to be ashamed at letting it happen, but what allowed it has been predestined since before the beginning- it’s our sin nature. Period.
God will be glorified, eternity is ahead and all life is eternal. Know thy destiny.

michael j
michael j
3 years ago
Reply to  TomS

Then they will continue to follow the NWO plan- the masses will fight and kill off each other, not the true problem, the NWO. When its all leveled for them by the mob? NWO will come in a sweep up the spoils. Like zionists did after inciting decades od Shia vs Sunni wars.

3 years ago

Spot on, brother.

3 years ago

there will be no children to ask questions..

3 years ago

Two things are becoming clear in terms of the (((communist))) Propaganda effort -- the “Coronahoax” is on its last legs, and significant Pushback will begin with Summer Weather. One can already see the (((mainstream Media))) shifting from “Coronavirus” 24/7 to “Mass Shootings/Gun Control”.
I expect to see Weekly, or even more frequent, ‘faked’ or ‘set-up patsies’ “Mass Shootings” with the attendant screams for “Assault Weapons Bans” and such. IMO, the Best thing that could happen, in terms of breaking the Stalemate on Violence is the bolsheviks “Pass” Every kind of non-Constitutional “Gun Control” that they can invent. The Sooner enough people are affected by obvious bullshit ‘laws,’ the sooner a Triggering Event, like the “Bundy Ranch” incident happens.

michael j
michael j
3 years ago
Reply to  Gryphon

the self-Chosen are way ahead of us, as usual. Synagogue of Satan plans in centuries…. https://www.israel365news.com/187480/800-year-old-prophecy-and-hidden-torah-codes-gog-and-magog-before-pandemic-ends/ FBI-DHS Deep State stooge Hal Turner been drumming up an audience to get the Russia vs US war going for his paymasters. Once the last two obstacle superpowers are destroyed? Israel steps in w/ 3rd Temple to rule to world (using its next host, China, as bludgeon/ ally).

3 years ago
Reply to  michael j

Read Revelation again. I tend to lean toward the interpretation that china is the dragon (in satan’s direct deceptive control), the bear is russia, the leopard is germany/EU, the lion is great britain. In Daniel 7 there was an eagle’s wings there that gets torn away, which I believe to be usa/america. If all those forces come together in these last times it will surely be worthy of the comment in revelation that says -- who is able to withstand the beast or who is able to make war with the beast?
And yet we read the so called beast is fighting till the end with different elements -- the satan does not take complete power over all. For if he did there would not be war till the end, till the return.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tribulation

More than 50 Years ago, I used to listen to the ‘schofield buy-bull’ preachers on the AM Radio (mostly to Log finding the Clear-Channel Stations) and it was the same Nonsense, trying to interpret 3000-year old sand-nigger fairytales to current politics. “Armageddon” was always ‘just around the corner’ but never happened.
What We are seeing today is another version of History repeats itself; a Decaying, Overextended ‘Empire’ Dying as it chokes on Foreign Wars and Lazy Immigrants wanting free shit from the Productive.
And as always, the same (((parasite class))) Foments War to Steal from the Producers.

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
3 years ago
Reply to  michael j

Yesssss! Ahahahaha!!

3 years ago
Reply to  Gryphon

With this uptick in false flags a sure certainty, and all manner of mind control and islamist terror pushed by our own intel agencies, we all must be armed at all times, if possible. A quick end to the terror that will come by gun owners will blunt the trauma of the mass shooters psychological advantage of “numbers killed”. They will still come for the guns but there will, hopefully after the smoke clears, be more folks on the gun owners side.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tribulation

Tribulation , Brother Trib I’ma call you . I have been studying the scriptures most of my many years and it appears to me that the timing will be at the middle of the tribulation when the remnant will be taken away . If the pre-trib folk are right I will be glad to congratulate them on the way up . Even if the post-trib folk are correct I look forward to resisting with all the supernatural gifting He will supply us . May your tribe prosper and multiply in these last days brother .

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
3 years ago
Reply to  robert

Don’t major on minors.

3 years ago

Well! How do we unite instead of just talking a good game! Nobody offers any solutions! Who is going to be our Paul Revuere or George Washington to get us out of this mess!!

Dana Henry
Dana Henry
3 years ago
Reply to  Martin

You can’t offer them in public exposing a game plan and drawing attention to yourself and group.
Our nation’s trajectory could be turned around in short order once we get the order.
Everything said in public gets you a visit in private.

3 years ago

CONTRARY TO WHAT MANY BELIEVE,THERE ARE SO FEW MEN in america the fight would be lost,BUT there is a silver lining to this,OUR FATHER sees 95% of the men are cowards,girlymen and queers..SO HES SENDING HELP,the RUSSIANS AND CHINESE MILITARY,OH,and you better believe they’ll kill you to if they get the chance,BUT,their primary job will be to hunt down ALL the police gangs and military and Kill them,THIS has got to be done, as they are your enemy,even though you love them,THEY DO NOT LOVE YOU,they all work for SATAN,who is your worse enemy.WHEN the WAR ends,you’ll be surprised at how few men there were in america,ITS A SAD THING,but those of you who are men will be able to look your children in the eyes and tell them,WE STOOD UP ,get close to the LORD a lot of you will be meeting him face to face,and you better be PRAYING HE KNOWS YOU..this is going to be the worse bloodbath in history..THOMAS JEFFERSON warned you,IF you ever allowed standing armies they would steal your freedom and liberty,then everything you owned,then come after your children and young women…ITS happening NOW..HE WAS RIGHT…SO get on your knees,REPENT OF YOUR SINS TO HIM AND PRAY HE”LL PROTECT YOU ,that bullet that would have killed you will miss you..HE WILL PROTECT those who call on him for help,GEORGE WASHINGTON was on his knees before every battle,and HE WON THE WAR..you can too,IF you really want too..READ PSALMS 91,the LORD is on the job for you..SO are his Big warrior angels,you’ll understand this VERY SOON…

3 years ago

For the time being… let them make their laws, do not worry, in the end what seems like apathy is the calm before the storm, two things they will not be able to achieve at this moment, neither forced vaccination nor disarmament, and they know it very well but they are looking for something else … forget about the truculent ‘legal actions’ … there are limits that they will not be able to surpass for now, at the last moment civil disobedience will become generalized if they hurry … more to be feared is if ‘the snake’ is patient and continues to set up its rings around …, read, false flag attacks, more viruses … in the medium term it could induce some States to secede from the Union and in the long term it would be the weakening and destruction of America under foreign forces: China, NWO — that is the real danger.

michael j
michael j
3 years ago
Reply to  AlagainstNWO

keep dreaming and smoking that weed. China is merely the nxt USA superpower, steered and owned by the jews- just like Russia and US and before it.

3 years ago
Reply to  michael j

It was quite revealing that bebe rolled right along with the fraudulent election results. Didn’t even bat an eye at the fraud.

Patrick O'Halloran
3 years ago

It is not American apathy at all and I’m tired of this sidestep. The world is run and controlled by transgenerational sociopathic secret societies who the average persons is unable to get their minds around their diabolical behavior. We cannot capable of competing with them unless it is out in the open warfare. However, they are cowardly and work their evil in secrecy. They have complete control of all world governments, corporations and large private organizations. We are no match for them. They have all the money and all the power through theft. They are amoral. We are not. We cannot compete in their world of evil.

3 years ago

That’s why exposing their evil agenda to the public is so important. Once people see what their real intentions are, we will win some (but not all) people to our side.

Dana Henry
Dana Henry
3 years ago

Patriots have the resources, talent, motivation, and organization to affect major change right now. The trajectory of destruction our nation is in can be slowed down/changed. We can sew discouragement on the Left It’s not one size fits all. I trust leaders will percolate to the top when the time is right. I’m as impatient as you wondering when is that time.

John Toothman
John Toothman
3 years ago

All I need is a time and rally point. I want my grandchildren growing up free. Too long we’ve been shit on, pushed and robbed by the government.

Weneed Itnow
Weneed Itnow
3 years ago

I don’t think it’s apathy. I think censorship works and has for thousands of years and it is working now. The real problem is we’ve been betrayed by so many in leadership that it is hard to get wrapped around how best to handle that and overcome it. We need a unified game plan and this would be over pretty quickly, which is why the censorship. People have been trained by MSM over the years so until we meet that situation with a unified action plan that overcomes the censorship then it is just infighting between and among us conservatives/patriots/libertarians/americans/etc. Reading articles isn’t helping either as people want action -- reading just gets people mad with no outlet. And any-old-Joe can’t just step up and organize to the level we need to overcome this right now across the nation. I think we need alternative media to step in and work together to unify everyone with simple and workable solutions to the problems. Try the unification in one area and then start moving around the nation as momentum builds and then release to the leaders who by then would have stepped up to take over. We really need alternative media to unify the message and action steps right now at the grass roots level.

3 years ago

The United States is a company, not a country. The President is the president of the Company UNITED STATES previously seen on the Dun and Bradstreet website, has since been removed. Now, does the outcome of the election make sense? The president is whoever the Federal Reserve want him to be, regardless of any election. The election is pure theater.
Google: Biden Times of India
The Constitution was archived on March 9, 1933 with the passage of the Emergency Banking Act, that is to say the Union of States under Article lV Sec, 3 cl. 1.of the Constitution Afterward, the American Revolution the Definitive Treaty of Peace 1783 was signed:
In the name of the most holy and undivided Trinity.
It having pleased the Divine Providence to dispose the hearts of the most serene and most potent Prince George the Third, by the grace of God, king of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, duke of Brunswick and Lunebourg, arch-treasurer and prince elector of the Holy Roman Empire etc., and of the United States of America….”
Congress made all needful rules and regulations for the British subjects that remained in this country, assets of the British East Indies Company Article 1V Sec. 3 cl.2.
So how did we, the American inhabitants, become British subjects under the 14th amendment?
Your birth certificate (the energy and labor of your biological property) was hypothecated (pledged) to the Federal Reserve as collateral, which was deposited into Treasury authorized by the Emergency Banking Act 48 Stat. 1 Title lV Sec. 401 and the Revised state statutes regarding perfected security interests under statute. See RCW 62A. 9A-311 (a)(1)  under a declared state of emergency (war) RCW 1.04.010.  See 1950 ex.c 16 sec. 1 “declaring an emergency” is used interchangeably with war.  Your assets, such as a STATUTORY warranty deed in FEE ​simple were pledged to back the FRN’s. Fee is feudal, you agreed to having a feudal overlord.  RCW 64.04.030  “Every deed in substance in the above form, when otherwise duly executed, shall be deemed and held a conveyance in fee simple to the grantee……..” .
There are other security interests like a certificate of Title to your car, for example.
This is in every states’ statutes. This is an oversimplification of the condition we are experiencing today.
The good news is………………………
Lex semper dabit remedium Translates “The law will always give a remedy”And the law did.

3 years ago

Thank you, kindly, for your awesome work. It is refreshing to know like-minded people exist. I have been listening, observing and watching since I was little girl, young girl. May Christ Jesus, who is The I AM that I AM, who is The Alpha and The Omega, who is The Redeemer and who is The Fulfillment of the Promised Covenant continue to Bless you, guide you, lead, watch over, protect you and hold you in His care. Thank you immensely for your work and extending yourself to We The People.

3 years ago

TIME TO ignore the commies. There is nothing written in your Constitution to obey commies.
In fact, quite the opposite. The first people that should learn this lesson are the enfarcers. if they leave us alone then we can leave them alone i.e. ignore them or they’ll be an incivil war.
But cops say we need to pay our mortgage. OK, but what good is it if your dead?

3 years ago

great site GOD BLESS U

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago


Powerful and brutally honest speech. I will sign as well. Wish I had been there.

Last edited 3 years ago by NC Rob
3 years ago

For many Americans the answer is “What Children?” our fertility rate has been well below replacement for nearly 50 years, more if you count the Great Depression.
Even immigrants end up down the same path, Latino TFR below replacement is where Whites were in the 80’s and dropping faster.
Now as apathy, a society where we can’t get people to breed isn’t an energetic one. And note this is every single developed society except Israel who has a huge religious Jewish welfare underclass who doesn’t work but has many kids. Its at replacement with the bums becoming the majority.
To something Major Daniels said, with all do respect, the Cold war is over and the USSR long gone. The Russians won’t be a problem. They are a market driven Right Wing Christian society with a fairly small population.
Chinese troops are possible but its far more likely you’ll face woke Americans , conscripted soy boys and girls and Paycheck Charley LEO’s and Troops.
Now before you start thinking about that fourth box , don’t till you did the work. You aren’t big enough for the ride.
Your first goal needs to be to make trustworthy hard friends and your second goal is to figure out what you actually want society to be like. Leave me alone is a sure failure against people with goals.
Leftism is a patient, driven , subversive ideology and its not going away. If it came to a fight, hell even by winning elections you don’t get to go home after.
You’ll never be left alone. They didn’t go away with the USSR, they floated here after being run out of Europe
The Right’s impulse to feel the public square for the private is a huge chunk of the problem facing us. We did this, they filled the vacuum and we got Wokemerica
If there are public schools, your people must teach and must administrate. If there are seats you must fill them or the Reds will. And so on.
Modern “soft” society will always drift Left and your people have to be out pushing it Right.
Last bit, remember all the scoffing about President Obama being a Community Organizer . Sounds like grifting to us but truth be known, its really important. It got him elected to the senate and to the Presidency
You may not want to do about politics but politics wants to do you
We used to have churches and social clubs and such , hell unions for Democrats, grange halls, bowling leagues and having guys out there rallying the voters, riling them up, making them do the hard work of organizing our community
Till we can rebuild these things , maybe after, it might be good to make sure we have people even pay them to do this otherwise you get run over by people who do.
When you get there, move onto to the last question “How do I get enough power to live life according to my own customs.” than you are ready grasshopper.

3 years ago

hell,would they be permitted to ask?

3 years ago

…and I’m willing to wager that 99% of the people here still pay their slave taxes. Go figure.

a follower
a follower
3 years ago

What does the Bible say of war in the last days?
What time is it?
Is it america only or is this a world wide happening?
Is there a man ( a Leader) here on this planet to save you? A man with all the answers and a plan you can trust? If you have an answer,
what does the Bible say of this man?

a follower
a follower
3 years ago

Most people on our side don’t think it is time to go hot, but they also recognize that the odds of getting out of this peacefully are shrinking by the day.
i do agree.
“The question is how do we get the best possible outcome and remain true to our principals, and I’m not sure that there is an easy answer to that.”
For me this is not the question. What is the will of Yahuah (God), what are His warning signs and what has He said? What kind of people does He say we should be, and become, Now, not later!
What has he said is the path of the world and the worldly?
And are we seeking His guidance and His seal of protection, or are we being dragged along with the fears of this world and the men of it?
my children? Are His, He and they know what i am and what i have done. i am sickened by the worlds use of children to motivate anyone as a pawn.
Consider: i have seen the churches use this ploy, “do it for the children!”
We are all, collectively His children, age is not an issue, and some of us are failing Him miserably!

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
3 years ago
Reply to  a follower

Hey Follower. I hope you and yours have a great passover!

a follower
a follower
3 years ago

You too, i guess this is a little bit of a rare event? Passover the day after a sabbath? At least this is something i have read.