The battle continues. On two fronts, it appears.
On one side Grifter-in-chief Palpatine, and his sidekick Jar Jar Kneepads, abetted in the fraud by their spokesholes at the local versions of Pravda and Isvestia, which is just about every newspaper and broadcast radio and TV station, in every market, coat to coast, save a token opposition and a few stragglers, is amping up their perpetual gaslighting of the challenges to this election, and cranking up the volume and tempo of their relentless drumbeat that the Hidin’/Kneepads ticket was victorious, and that therefore President Trump ought to get it over with and commit political seppuku.
This with zero electoral votes awarded anywhere, and about 90 such in total doubt, with fraud so widespread and rampant it’s visible from satellites in space.
Natzsofast, Guido.
There’s at least two problems with that: first, it ain’t just about President Trump anymore. It’s personal now, because the Leftards have already openly called for enemies lists, re-education camps, and worse. The only way for them to walk that back with any good faith is to apologize, and kill themselves. Lest it be in any way misunderstood, that was not a merely rhetorical suggestion. You asked for a fight to the death, you got it. Win, lose, or draw, that goes away only when those who called for it are dead, dead, dead.
Secondly, what’s the rush?
I’m with Aesop. Steal this election, and it’s war.
I’m down
Putting it mildly. The American Communists are now exposed and feeling invincible because they “own” everything. But, even if our election process is sanitized, treasonous no-goods are exposed, caught, criminalized and convicted…there is a basic problem within each of us. We have let this get to this point because we were conditioned NOT to be the bad guys at all costs. I was raised on the ‘ugly American’ self loathing. This can be illustrated by a very personal event in my life. When my husband died God gave me the grace of seeing S. for who and what he really was. I ‘saw’ that S. had protected me many, many times even to the point of being the a-hole. God loved S because he knew what was right and was willing to sacrifice himself to protect his people. It’s the same here. We must not tolerate any longer anything we know to be an abomination to God, disrespect of great country, or disrespect for our family structure. This includes refusing to pay or allow our children to go to socialist colleges. It also includes refusing to participate or tolerate denigrating conversations without standing up for our God, country and family. We can no longer afford to be the soft good guys. One axiom I have always found true is: the weak will get you killed every time. The American Communists are morally, spiritually and often physically weak. To kneel to them is false compassion/tolerance for their sick cowardice. God loves the fearless, the warrior. As Americans we are fearless. As children of the Living God, we are loved.
Never prior to, nor since, has there ever been an assembly
of genius gathered together which brought forth our Founding
Documents. This was achieved by the Divine GRACE, of GOD !
As such, each generation is CHARGED to protect, that which is
a blessing directly from the Hands Of GOD, for those who’ll follow
after us. To shirk our SACRED DUTY is nothing less than SIN.
The time has come for ALL decent Men AND Women to mobilize…
To DEFEND this Republic…to route the enemies of said Republic…
and RESTORE what we should and are, supposed to be.
A REPUBLIC, that shinning city on the hill, an example TO ALL,
that those who FOLLOW GOD, can, and WILL thrive.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Prepare yourselves…
The SACRED MANTLE of DUTY has fallen upon our shoulders.
It’s time, it’s OUR time, to defend that which we’ve been
CHARGED TO PROTECT…with our lives, if necessary.