The Merkel revelations this week have shown the world that the West betrayed Russia and bought time to build up Ukraine to initiate this war. The Western media has covered up this admission and still continue to publish propaganda instead of facts. Russia has now stated that one missile launched into Russia will start WWIII. This is what the West has been wanting: world war to cover up the collapse of the corrupt Western governments that are now bankrupt.
David DeGerolamo
Russia’s Special Military Operation has now been ongoing since February, yet there are still an immense number of people still saying that the situation should have been solved through diplomatic rather than bellicose means. With news this week regarding Merkel’s revelations concerning the Minsk Agreements, this article shall examine whether peace ever was an option and how the war is a result not only of political excess, but also an absence of common sense and good intentions on the part of Germany as well as others.
Berlin Betrayal.
Politicians both past and present are wont to give interviews if for no other reason than to remain in the spotlight, yet the revelations made by Merkel may have far-reaching effects for both her country as well as for Europe on the world stage. In the interview, she is quoted as saying:
‘The 2014 Minsk Agreement was an attempt to buy time for Ukraine. Ukraine used this time to become stronger, as you can see today. Ukraine in 2014-2015 and Ukraine today are not the same.’
She then went on to state that:
‘it was clear for everyone’ that the conflict was suspended and the problem was not resolved, ‘but it was exactly what gave Ukraine the priceless time.’
She also said that at the time, she doubted that NATO member states could provide the same amount of assistance to Kiev as they do today.
In simple terms, all the apparent peacebrokering and hopes for a lasting truce in the region were never the intentions of either the Ukraine, France or Germany.
Cheating Chancellor.
The fact that the German leader acted as she did comes as no surprise when considered with the benefit of hindsight, yet the fact that Merkel is now publicly admitting that Germany was making every effort to stymie Russia through a bogus peace deal demonstrates the disdain that not only Berlin, but every Western capital has for both human life and for Russia.
Perhaps the USA needs to be defeated on the battlefield. Decisively. I see no way other than that to stop the corruption of the globalists running the West. Defeating the US military shouldn’t be all that difficult. Larry Johnson summarizes here: https://sonar21.com/the-war-in-ukraine-has-exposed-the-weakness-of-the-u-s-military/
Don’t misunderstand my comment. I don’t want any of ‘our’ boys killed or wounded in a useless war with Russia or China. However, not many of ‘our’ boys are even in the US military any longer. Let the woke get what they’ve earned. The rest of us can rebuild.
The tricky part? Avoiding nukes.
I understand what you are saying but, I also know that once you open a Pandora’s box like this, anything is possible, and it won’t be good.
The world wants war, needs war on all fronts. we can see why, we can see history. And yes we know it is coming.
i have been convinced for a number of years, ( last 2-3 winters this will be the one)
Just slow down and consider this. Are we cowards for not taking their bait?
we see the lies of the Jan 6 fiasco.
we are absolutely convinced that we see their evil, Yet we do not fall for their trap. Are we cowards for holding the peace, of speaking about peace?
Mashiak seems to appreciate ambassadors of peace.
we see the direction of much of society, world wide. we were warned. Are we told we can or are to stop it? Do not think so. we are to endure, to become set-apart from this world while giving warnings (if this is your calling.) There are different talents and different gifts bestowed by His Spirit. we are not all the same, but we work for the same goals in this manner. The Body of Christ is a unified body in this way. Just make sure you are on the correct side.
When political leaders speak of peace while lying straight to our face it is evil, it is violence. we believers also know that evil has already been judged and their day is come.
A commenter the other day( along the lines of) said something about if we were present and an atrocity was right in front of us how our reaction would be immediate. i agree. Local. Be there for your family and your neighbors, this is so much bigger than any of us can even imagine.
If you are estranged or having problems within your family, friends, touch base, plant seeds. seeds not bombs.
Feel like i kind of rambled there.
The question of cowardice is moot at this point in time: the course is set and we can only prepare. Pray and trust in the Lord.
i know.
Pretty Good Observer post, not the usual.
The Psych Element | Advice for the End of the World
I’ve followed Ben Davidson of “SuspeciousObservers” for years now. Not daily, but off and on. He is a very bright individual and he knows a lot about the interactions of the sun and how its cycles affect the weather here, along with volcanic and earthquake activity. He talks a lot about the reversing magnetic fields. He believes what he says to the point that he moved to Arizona (or New Mexico?) I believe to get away from the coastlines.
He never used to come out in front of the camera as he does now. He has also started talking about “light” vs. “dark” as in evil vs. good? Anyway, I don’t believe he is a Christian as his comments on this subject is always in terms that appear to be either new age or mystic in nature. Now, as I always say when it comes to talking about the fruit of others — his salvation is between him and the Lord and I am in no way judging his heart. However, his outward expressions tell me he is new age.
It is said Yah works in mysterious ways. Perhaps Ben will reach a few, others can not?
i believe he is trying to wake people from all walks of “religion.”
And yes i had some of the same thoughts of New age.
Ben Davidson, the voice of SuspeciousObservers is obviously on a discovery of things beyond the physical. It appears from his recent posts, including this one, he is talking a lot about “the light”. I’ve never seen any mention of God and, he has segments in the above posted video of a Hindu (I believe) and of Jordan Peterson, who is on his own journey of discovery.
I posted the following on his channel under the video.
It is important to understand that Lucifer (Bringer of Light) was the Archangel cast down to earth, with approximately 1/3 of all the angels that defied God Almighty. Lucifer, now known to us as Satan, is always counterfeiting Gods Word and His Creation. Be careful …be very careful of who & what you follow. The statements made by Jordan and Sadguru are good and valuable. But, it is important to understand that there is only one way to the true light of God, and that is through his Son, Jesus the Christ.
Ben, it is obvious that you are on a journey of discovery in what can best be described as the spiritual world. I pray that this journey (one I took about 35 years ago) brings you into the true light, that of Jesus. If you have not already, I encourage you to pick up a bible and start by reading the book of John. Then, I would recommend the book of Romans.
God Bless you, Ben.
Luke 21: 8
New King James Version
And He said: “Take heed that you not be deceived. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am He,’ and, ‘The time has drawn near.’ Therefore do not go after them.
John 14:6
New King James Version
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
“Mashiak seems to appreciate ambassadors of peace…”
Matthew 10:34 -- 34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
I would beg to differ on that part. We are to rebuke all evil where it stands. We are to stand up and preach the word. We are not to think if I stand in from of a gay bar and rebuke the devil will it cause trouble. We are also commanded to obey the laws of the country unless they contradict God’s laws. We the People are to be enforcers of the Laws of the Union. We are all part of the government and we all carry the power of sword. So every illegal act the federal government commits, We are responsible for if We do not stop it.
Let face it, the church (as a whole, say 90%) is dead. They peach blasphemies, sit silent pray with other religions and lead others down the pathway to Hell (the list is very long). They look to hide in fear and do not trust the Almighty God to follow his commandment. All this is a culmination of a dead church. If the Church did what is was too do, we would not be here.
If we are not hated in the world, we are not doing our job.
The Sword He speaks of is Truth and He is the great divider with this sword.
You are correct: If we are not hated in the world, we are not doing our job.
You need to do some more studying:
There are many more clarifications on this passage. We cannot willingly submit to evil: we must pick up the sword and defend ourselves.
i think we all do. i am not ‘willingly’ submitting to evil, it would appear not many of us are.
Rider on the White horse.
Also see what evil is up too and need be will respond in kind.
As it is right now, i am still in defense mode, also prepping to an extent. i just can not get on board the offensive train for many reasons. Primarily my faith.
i believe many are in this mode, not because they are cowards, nor are they doing nothing as the accusers seem to say. There is much more going on here than what the world is ‘transmitting.’
In many ways i believe the sheep and the goats are being separated. There seem to be two lions. Only One deserves our Loyalty and Praise.
Wherein in time past you walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now works in the children of disobedience:
Lots of ways to fight, resist. I am in the process or the attempt at setting up a summer camp facility. Vacation Bible School on steroids. 5 day sessions. Each day focus on two of the commandments, what they mean and how to apply them to everyday life. Educational greenhouse -methods of growing and foraging, archery-pellet guns, pocket knifes, trapping. Bushcraft -- shelter fire, water. Basic first aid. I found a place that would fit the bill, so I am now preparing to sell a property or two and get the ball rolling. What got me here. I wanted to sponsor a Trail Life USA troop but was told at the time I must be affiliated with a church. Not a fan of organized religion, this way I can still offer all the children and parents access to this type of facility. Trail Life, American Heritage Girls, Independent groups. If you want to learn the Word, the skills and confidence. Don’t know what part if any I will play in the day to day, maybe ride the mower like ol’Forest, it’d be a fine job.
5th Generation starts with this generation.
loserfer can’t take them all, not if I can help it.
Why is Russian dragging this war out? I don’t want to hear the 5d chess thing. I saw what that was all about with Trump. It would make sense to me that they would stream roll the Ukraine, kill all the opposition and set up a the old government what was removed by our Nazi coup in 2014. From the beginning this whole thing seemed odd. But when both side have ties to the same people and they both push the shot, I think we are just being played again.
If they steam rolled ukraine, what would be the response of
“The United Nations?” (Legion)
Putin is smart and patient. The longer the war goes on, the more profits Russia makes on its resources on the world market. Look at the value of the Russian ruble vs. the USD. The West is depleting its military and financial resources. European countries are suffering inflation and energy shortages. Demonstrations against NATO and the war are increasing across Europe. Russia and China are using this time to develop international treaties and trade agreements as BRICS expands. Once Russia and China release the petrogold standard along with their newest best friend (Saudi Arabia), the Western economies will collapse.
The West has only two options: initiate WWIII to cover up their corruption and bankruptcy or economic collapse. I know which option they will take and so does everyone else.
All wars are banker wars. We were in Afghanistan for 20 years because we wanted to be. Once the heroin $$$ were no longer necessary, it was time to leave. The hardware got left behind and was blamed on being incompetent. Really? It was just more $$$ for the weapons industry to replace all that old stuff. The Ukraine was has dragged on because that is the marching orders from the banksters.
we are still fighting the “civil” war in many respects. Are any of them settled?
Have noticed the “winners” are not always the ones who are Right.
Agreed. War has always been used for these purposes. Plus, money is made by selling ‘beans, bullets & band-aids’ to both sides.
General Sergei Surovikin, nicknamed General Armageddon, is President Vladimir Putin’s new field commander in the war against Ukraine. Col. McGregor has suggested that he’s waiting for the ground to freeze before launching a final assault to end the war. He’s been using the time beforehand to build up his forces (approx. 500,000 troops) and to allow the Ukies to keep throwing men an equipment at the Russian lines to be chewed up by Russian artillery which reduces and degrades the forces Surovikin will face once he unleashes hell, which I fully expect him to do. One other benefit is that civilians are being evacuated from the field, even as far away as Odessa, largely due to infrastructure degradation (electrical, water, etc.) by Russian precision weapons. Images of the Ukrainian trenches around Bakhmut look just like those of WWI. I’d hate to be a Ukie soldier.
Nobody seems to listen to what Russia said. Special Military operation and they actually spelled out their goals.
Thus, so many Russia is losing diatribes when in fact looking at what Russian has done vs the propaganda shows Russia deployed a very small part of their standing army and so far has reduced the western trained troops in Ukraine to a few “Leaders” that flee leaving old men and raw recruits for Russian artillery. It’s ugly and cold in those Ukranian trenches.
Notice that Russia avoided damaging the civilian infrastructure as much as possible until the USA provided Ukraine with Long Ranged precision missiles and targeting data from our satellites and Orion aircraft.
Totally unlike the Shock and Awe of American warcraft where we blasted every power system, water purifying systems and bridges we thought we’d not need.
I personally feel Putin has been well aware of the US Plan to bleed Russia and “Cripple them” with sanctions. I think given what Russians DO vs wester propaganda that Putin’s goal is the social-economic collapse of the US and their lap puppies Europe.
It’s sad when the “Bad Guy” Putin is the one that is fighting the Globalhomo gay parade, and we the “Good guys” are ramming gay and child killing on the world.
It might not be the end of the world, but I prayerfully think you can see it from here.
Pray for wisdom and protect your families. The wounded beast always eats’ its own citizens.
I think you are correct Thomas. Too many good conservatives cut Putin a lot of slack and how “good” he is by the things he says. There is not a binary choice here. Just because we have a dipsh*# demented POTUS who is destroying this country does not mean that Putin is good. He knows how screwed up our country is with all the trans & LGBTQetc. BS. He plays on that with his supposed Christian statements and such.
Now, why did he not just come in with a shock and awe war tactic and end it quick and dirty is anyone’s guess. I do know that he also attended the Klaus Schwab school and unless he used it to find out what they are teaching, he is more than likely on the same stage as all of the other cabal leaders.
I supposed time will tell. The truth always comes out, although that me be still way down the road.
Don’t listen to what they say. Watch what they do. That’s been my credo for years when it comes to our politicians. However, when I read what the WEFers write and see what they’re doing, I finally have to come to the conclusion that listening to what they say is an indication of what they’ll do … to us.
Listening to what Putin says and watching what he does leaves me in the same place. Putin always does what he says, unlike our lying bunch. Only time will tell, but prior associations don’t necessarily taint a person beyond redemption. It is possible for people to have genuine conversions both politically and spiritually. As for me, I’ll take Putin at his word until or unless I see him break it. So far, he hasn’t.
10-4. I’ve become very jaded in recent years. I truly feel like I’m living in a matrix.
Funny how ya can’t find ANY of this in ….
“Corporate Mass Media” here in (O)CONUS