Questions on Presidents’ Day

I will confess that I do not like “Presidents’ Day”. Coupling George Washington with Abraham Lincoln is secular blasphemy (although we are told that this day celebrates “all” US Presidents).

So the questions on this auspicious day are:

1. Is the valid President of the United States in East Palestine, Ohio or is he in Kiev, Ukraine?

2. Is the valid President working to help US citizens who are in the midst of a chemical crisis or is he in Ukraine trying to initiate WWIII?

3. Is the valid President sapient or is he cognitively impaired?

4. Do you want a President who puts America first or one who puts America last?

The office of the Presidency has become the seat for global terrorism. Many would disagree but the pandemic, J6 political prisoner incarcerations, Nord Stream bombing, election theft of political offices at every level and the bankruptcy of the nation to fund their power and slush funds are a few examples. You may disagree but here is the real question:

When World War III breaks out, who will join with us to defend US hegemony?

You may not like the above statements. You may not care who is President. I understand but right now, I do not want a brain dead puppet leading our nation into a nuclear conflagration.

David DeGerolamo

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Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
1 year ago

Would a valid president continue to push a shot that has murdered people?

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I would like to see them both charged for their crimes. We all know who the only group is that is legally allowed to enforce the Laws of the Union. That is the group that legally should make it right and they do not want to do it. This why We are where We are at.

Last edited 1 year ago by Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I am not sure accepting evil for any reason is what God would want us to do. But if the amount of people will die off is what they are claiming, would there be much of a difference? Also if the shot is the mark of the beast, he did far worse by being the father of it and pushing it. Since once you take the mark you are doomed to Hell. This would make him at least a demon. Just some thoughts that crossed my mind.

1 year ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

The CLOT SHOTS are NOT the MOTB yet…but are the prelude to it. The “Vaccine Protocol” that has been instituted will lead to it, but the actual “Mark” will be a physical mark of allegiance…it will be a decision. It will not be in any disguise.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
1 year ago
Reply to  Gen.Patton

It is worldwide, it emits a number and they tell you that they want to make it that you cannot function in society without it.

Would willing to bet your eternal salvation on it?

1 year ago
Reply to  Gen.Patton

I don’t think the clot shots are the MOTB, yet, however it may not be much of a decision and may not be visible to the eye. Rev 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
Causes” also mean ‘makes” . In implies not on the surface, Greek here is “Epi”

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Gen.Patton

The mark of the beast is, you serve him with your physical work as in hand and serve him with your deeds as in mind, that is the number of man.

Last edited 1 year ago by tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Gen.Patton

Not to be contentious, because I used to believe like you as well; it was my assumption. But where in scripture does it say it will be an (informed) decision? Where does the bible say the mark will not be in any disguise? I have assumed that, but I start to question my assumption, considering the bible doesn’t actually say that, and Satan is the father of lies, and has been a liar from the beginning. Why would he tell the truth and NOT lie?
I used to be in an adversary squadron in the Navy…we always lied and were sneaky, always deceived and tricked. We wanted to simulate killing the fleet any way we could; deception gives one a great advantage. Satan is our adversary, and a deceiver. How many Christians asked God before they took the shot? My sister did, and God said no so she didn’t, but her husband the doctor did take the shot, because he asked his Christian doctor friends. I hope you are right, but I don’t see any biblical support of the concept that the mark will not be in any disguise and that it will be an informed decision.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

We all have choices. We all choose to sit idle. It is our duty to enforce the Laws of the Union and We do not. I know there are reason. But none here want to meet and just talk. Without at least that much, nothing else will happen.

1 year ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

I want that meeting to simply talk in person.


Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
1 year ago
Reply to  Dana

tangle 70 gmail

Wes Rhinier
1 year ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

I’ve met with so many people face to face. I’ve called people and spoken over the phone. You know what most people want? They want to know they are not alone in their anger at what we are faced with. However when you offer “solutions” you get reactions like, “we can’t do that” “it’s not time yet” “have you lost your mind?” “I have bills to pay” and I could go on and on. “What can five dedicated guys do?” We’ll never know because nobody is willing to risk their lives, fortunes and sacred honor to fight this great evil we are faced with!

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
1 year ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

For what it is worth, I lost my job and had to move to a place I did not want to go because I would not take the shot. So I am wiling to risk a little. Like you said, we’ll never know.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

Well I am willing, I am in NW Az. you have my e-mail

Wes Rhinier
1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

Another problem… those willing are spread far apart

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

Yes, I know few and far between, I do not have an encrypted e-mail either. But we have to start somewhere and there is no better time than now.

1 year ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

because they’re gutless and without any moral compass and honor any longer. Everything is good and great as long as they can attend football, basketball and baseball games weekly and drink their beer at home watching the garbage on cable tv owned and run by wicked business corporations.

Last edited 1 year ago by Phil
1 year ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

A team of five dedicated men could wreck enough havoc to bring down their local ruling regime. The question is whether or not they have the support of the other 90% of the community. If they do, they’ll likely live to fight another day while the “authorities” look like keystone cop fools (anyone get fingered for the Moore County formers despite the efforts of the stinking Eff Be Eye?) If they don’t, they’ll likely become political prisoners.

1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Starting April 1st, you be coded “delinquent” upon you next doctor’s visit and go on “the” list. Rule #1, no doctor visits!

1 year ago
Reply to  kal

then you lie to them and tell them you got all your shots, just like our leaders lie to us on a daily basis as well all the liars in the bureaucracy. My stupid ignorant jack ass of a doctor had asked me if i had my shot and booster shots and I told him, Yea i got all my shots and he didn’t take it any further, In the meantime i will never take that poison into my system and alter my DNA and what God has created us all with. just be smart about it and lie to them when they ask you, they won’t take it any further.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

David, with all due respect, don’t count me in with the “we all know” group. I’m in the “all wars are banker wars” group. They decide if and when we go to war.
As far as Donald, he had 4 years to blow the lid off of 9/11 as prez. By helping keep the real planners of 9/11 hidden, it allowed today’s president to reside over mayhem.
In his inaugural address, Donald said he would drain the swamp. I smelled a rat then. Since when does someone brag about bringing down criminals before pulling it off? He never heard of JFK? Pulleessee.
On 9/11 Donald did a street interview in NYC. He said that planes alone couldn’t have brought the towers down. With the trauma and shock of that day, his bold proclamation went nowhere. He dared never mention it as prez when he would have had the world’s attention and it would have made a difference.
While campaigning for prez, he said he saw “dancing Muslims”, not dancing Isrealis celebrating as the towers fell on 9/11. This help solidify the gubmint narrative as well as continue to hide Israhell’s involvement.
As prez, he hires Rudy Guilliani as his lawyer. Rudy was a former federal prosecutor who was mayor of NYC on 9/11. It was Rudy who in 24 hours managed to start having WTC steel cut up and hauled away. This was a crime site. Metal should have been tested for explosives. Thankfully, Stephen Jones tested some dust from ground zero. He found traces of thermite, an explosive conduit.
I use the filter of 9/11 to evaluate a politician. There are some things that they know they cannot talk about. Others are geoengineering and of course the truth about Covid and the jab.
This leaves the politician to dabble in showboating and/or scripted theatre. It matters little who is in the white house.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

This great site is a step in the right direction. I’m thankful for all you do in this noble fight.

1 year ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

you are right on but i can go even farther about the world trade center buildings, i have it on good source the three buildings which includes no.7 were wired for destruction years before that day, they were wired around the 85th floor and the ones involved knew exactly where to place the thermite charges which bought down the two buildings, then the third building. I do know on that day the majority of Khazarian jew workers were not at work, and why is this, think outside the box on this and you will find you answers on who was involved at the DOD, CIA and other major players.

Last edited 1 year ago by Phil
Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
1 year ago
Reply to  Phil

Phil, thank you for taking the time to respond. Most of my awareness comes from Christopher Bollyn. He will be the first to tell you we don’t know everything about 9/11 but he learned a heckuva lot!

1 year ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

I dont know about you but no one held a gun to my head to take the shot. We all had a choice. Most took the easy way out but we all had a choice. I have been unvaxxed since 1959.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

The current illegitimate president is a vile, putrid satanist. I will stand with my fellow patriots, their evil has infected every part of our society.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

Joe Biden Arrives in Ukraine Capital Kyiv to Show U.S. Support This is who he stands with, not the fallen Republic.

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
1 year ago

Watch Joe Biden walk. Listen to him talk. Take note of his actions, responses and morality. Study his body language during thought processes. Note his cowardess under pressure, his mockery and laughter at Americans in crisis. This is truly a man under demon possession. Joe Biden is home for thousands of demonic forces. But he has only one master.

Last edited 1 year ago by Arch Stanton
1 year ago
Reply to  Arch Stanton

depends on which one it is. I think there are three of them.

1 year ago

“When World War III breaks out, who will join with us to defend US hegemony?”

Ready and waiting. That’s the best I can do considering age and physical limitations.

1 year ago

I never thought my safety from nuclear war would depend on the sanity and restraint of RUSSIA but here we are. I go back all the way to the duck and cover days hiding under our desks in school. Felt a lot safer then with JFK as prez than the senile China stooge we have now.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  OldMarine

Yes, I remember the air raid sirens going off every Friday as well.

1 year ago

Hi Sir David. Thank you for you work of excellence and your super excellent work. I whole-heartedly appreciate your hard work, what you have to say and what you express. I agree with you down to the depths of my soul and my heart. You are bullseye correct! Thank you for this write-up and expressed sentiments. Thank you! as We The People are increasingly placed in destitution and bondage under the yoke of, not to be underestimated, genuine evil. It breaks my heart every day as many people are so perplexed, mystified, in denial, irresponsibly dismissive and have no deep rooted comprehension of what is happening all around us, to We The People; and the evil, evil, Pharisee, Sadducee’s, Sanhedrin, Luciferian class know how to use “blind,” dismissive and in denial people as a tool to do their bidding…. every. single. day! So that THEIR Diabolical plans manifest here on planet earth. May Christ Jesus always continue to bless you and protect you.

1 year ago

PedoJoe is only an Ice Cream slurping placeholder for Bath-House-Barrys’ 3rd term.
Anyone have eyes on Obama?

1 year ago

Let’s face the real truth, Pete Chest Feeder Bootysweat, Sniffer Joe, the EPA, and all sorts of alphabet agencies did Jack for the people of East Palestine Ohio.

Meanwhile, Sniffer Joe is hiding in Ukraine pushing for more armaments, ammo, more dollars without oversight.

Big government is not the answer.
This ship called ‘Merika is taking on water, lost her rudder, and bearing is directly towards the shore and it’s low tide.

The selected, not elected, Captain is ALOOF, the first mate cackles, and both locked themselves inside the captains quarters.

The powder is wet, pirates have been spotted on the horizon, and any method of life preservation was cut loose to make ballast available for more rum.

It was a nice experiment, but let’s face it boys. The ship is lost. It was honor to have sailed with most of you.

Both the clot shot authorizer and ole dementia Joe are birds of the same feather, I wish folks would recognize that….

1 year ago

Washington led troops against his own people after they just wanted to be left alone and use whiskey as barter for other commodities. Alexander Hamilton, a Rothschild agent, played him like a violin. Then there was the American Lenin, Lincoln. The grift started with the Constitutional Convention. Amerika ist verloren. Bleib ubrig.

1 year ago

Putin is scheduled to make a major speech tomorrow. It is interesting that the TPTB chose this time to send Biden to Kiev. Keep your eyes and ears open tomorrow. There could be a major event that takes place. Never underestimate the pure evil of the globalist oligarchy and WEF’ers.

1 year ago

I think all the leaders are pre-selected for us. They give you a choice of two people they have selected. Trump, I think was in there to deceive the conservatives. Biden is destroying what is left. Should we separate? Now that is what the communists have been working on for many years. If we separate, we will be opened up to an invasion. China needs our land and not us. Civil war then? I think we are in a no-win situation. I don’t know what the best solution is. We should have dragged them from office already.

1 year ago

We don’t have a ‘valid president’. We have a PUPPET. Who was INSTALLED via massive vote fraud.