Questions, Questions, What’s Really Going On?

The lies, deception, exaggerations, obfuscations seem never ending. Everyone has an agenda and, evidently, feel anything is permissible in order to advance the agenda.

Did dark forces within our own government facilitate 9-11, or was it the Russians, the MOSSAD (Israelis), or just a bunch of Saudi Jihadis? Is the economic destruction of America a well executed conspiracy by traitors within or merely the ineptitude and stupidity of the ruling class … or greed?

Did children really die at Sandy Hook or was it all a hoax? What about the inconsistencies in this story as well as those in the Batman and Sikh temple shootings? Were there multiple shooters at the scene in each case, or is it just what it looks like – lone nut jobs taking out their repressed anger on innocents?

Are these mass shootings being orchestrated by dark elements of our own government in order to draw an emotional response to support disarming the American people? Could foreign governments be involved?

Those reading this will likely be well versed in all the inconsistencies in the Sandy Hook story, as well as the Batman and Sikh temple shootings. Those inconsistencies are obvious to those with eyes to see, and yet the media seem completely disinterested. They refuse to follow-up. They refuse to ask hard questions. Perhaps it has to do with their agenda?

But, let’s return to the foreign government angle. Up until this morning, I was convinced that the West had won the cold war. We broke the back of the Communist menace by the power of the economic superiority of free enterprise and will power of President Reagan. Maybe so, maybe, unfortunately, no.

If you have an interest in geopolitics and if you want to read the case put forward by Sovereign Deeds based on defector intelligence from Russia as to how we haven’t yet won the Cold War, I direct you to a Sovereign Deeds White Paper (HERE) on the subject. The paper goes beyond the danger of Russian scheming and how the Russians are likely behind much of world ‘terrorism’ to explore the corresponding Chinese danger.

Joel Skousen is convinced that Russia and China are preparing for nuclear war with America. See Strategic Relocation (HERE) for his thinking on this matter and his recommendations for protecting yourself and your family and preparing for it.

It would appear that China is preparing for something big as reported by The Communist giant is massively boosting stockpiles of rice, iron ore, precious metals, dry milk. Read the article HERE.

So, at the end of the day, who do we trust for the truth? Alex Jones? Glenn Beck? Or are they disinformation agents planted to ‘lead’ the opposition to the grand agenda? What do we really face? Blow back from Islamic ‘patriots’ due to our wars of ‘Empire’, an Islamic war to establish their religion worldwide, a Western elitist drive for a global one world government that micromanages every aspect of our lives, a Communist conspiracy to ‘bury’ us and establish Communist world domination, or … maybe it’s aliens?

Where is the truth? Who can we trust? I stand well back in an attempt to see the big picture, the grand design – to avoid the distractions put up to keep us confused and our attention diverted from what’s really going on behind the scenes. I understand that we are presented daily with misdirection and diversions designed for the specific purpose of hiding the truth from us.

The more I study, the more I follow the evidence, the more muddy the water becomes. Maybe it’s not one of the aforementioned dangers we face, but many or all of them, or a ‘Black Swan’ event we’re blind to. Maybe, as has been the case throughout world history, all of these power centers are simply jockeying for world dominion.

Am I frustrated? Absolutely! But then, I voluntarily took the red pill to come out of the Matrix and dive down the ‘rabbit hole’, so I shouldn’t be surprised. I almost, almost, envy those who remain in a blissful state sleep. So what’s one individual American like me, or you, to do? The next right and honorable thing; and let the consequences fall as they may. Protect our families, neighbors, and communities, prepare for hard times, prepare for war, and pray. Love each other and refuse to live in a state of fear.

In the end, maybe this life is all one grand test of character. How will we be remembered by our children and grandchildren and how will we be assessed by our Creator? Who knows? If you figure it out, I’d love to know!

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12 years ago

If I am judged to be acceptable at Heaven’s Gates, that is enough.