Quote of the Day

Being elected to a post wherein one pledges fidelity to the Constitution, who, by legal wrangling, eludes that obligation and obfuscates their intent is nothing but a traitor and should suffer the traditional fate of those who chose to defy their sworn oath. I don’t give a rat’s ass how they justify it, they are criminals in government and must be opposed in the most strenuous of terms.

T.L. Davis

All We Ever Wanted

It is as Thomas Jefferson once said: A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take everything you have.

It is big enough to take everything we have, because it is big enough to take from us the most important aspect of US, it has taken the individuality, the innovation, the creation of the American. It has turned us into nothing other than subjects of a popularly elected government. It has turned its principles on its head and made us into a bunch of government dependent fools. Is this who we are? Is this what makes us run?

There are those of us who would gladly be minutemen of the Second order, who would rally to the cause and put forth our lives to defend what is supposed to be ours by birthright. But, who would support our loss, our sacrifice, or would the rest simply wag their heads and say we did it the wrong way?


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