Russia Could Shut Down Huge Chunk of US Power Grid in One Move

A Russian decision to halt the supply of enriched uranium to US power companies would take many of America’s nuclear reactors offline within a year, leading to a spike in electricity prices beyond the current price inflation, and potentially leaving some areas of the country unable to meet demand, an analysis in The Hill of “Russia’s nuclear power dominance” warned.

The report, penned by former Department of Energy Under Secretary Paul Dabbar and Columbia University energy researcher Matt Bowen, pointed out that nuclear power accounts for more than 20 percent of US electricity generation capacity. Nearly half of the uranium used by the country’s 56 operational nuclear power plants is imported from Russia, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan.

Dabbar and Bowen noted that although Russia only mines six percent of the world’s uranium, it controls some 40 percent of the global uranium conversion market, and 46 percent of total uranium enrichment capacity.



In case you forgot:

Russian Uranium One Deal And Hillary Clinton

To recap, in 2015, Breitbart News editor Peter Schweizer claimed that donations to the Clinton Foundation were behind the Obama Administration’s controversial 2010 deal that gave Moscow control of a large swath of American uranium interests.



No uranium, no fertilizer and no gas. I do not know who played us more for fools: Russia or the traitors in Washington, D.C. This is where I say this is not going to end well. Except we already are in their end game and are living it. The above article from Iran is well sourced but I have to wonder how long they can keep this information censored here.

We may have a nuclear winter this year. It may not be the one we expected.

David DeGerolamo

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2 years ago

 I do not know who played us more for fools: Russia or the traitors in Washington, D.C.”
It’s expected that our foes would try to cripple us but it’s NOT from those whom WE hired to protect us.
EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM should be hanged for their treachery!

Roth Harbard
2 years ago

“We hired …”? More like were selected to rule us.

2 years ago

You vote for immoral leaders. You get immoral outcomes. People think there are no consequences for voting for people who think it is ok to kill babies in the womb. They fail morality 101. If they are immoral they will always make self centered decisions to enrich themselves at the cost of the country also. Now it’s time to pay the consequences.

Last edited 2 years ago by keepvigilant
2 years ago
Reply to  keepvigilant

All the traitors in this case came in riding the coattails of Kenyan-born Obongo. They should all hang from lamp posts until only skeletons remain.

2 years ago

Russians played us?!? Me thinks you have drank too much liberal koolaid from the media. I need you to think back to 2014: what was happening in that region, at that time? Crimea, Donetsk, and Luhansk regions of were under “civil war”. The AZOV neo nazi brigade was attacking those regions and no one offered them arms to defend themselves. Hell, the best Obummer offered was blankets and MRE’s. To save people, Russia took in Crimea and watch, helplessly, as thousands of ethnic russian ukrainians were being slaughtered. At a point, Putin went all in and started killing nazis, who the president of ukraine admits are a part of his military. Understanding the past relationship, of russia and ukraine: the hate is great towards russia. Now, if you have already attacked and killed fellow countrymen, trying to turn the world against russia, by setting up false flag events, to frame russia and Putin, would be a great thing. And the loss of a few, sacrificial people, would be a mere loss, to destroy you enemy. Did you ever stop to think, Why has the whole world come to the aid of Zelenskyy? Did you know his coming to presidency, was funded by Sorros? This makes Zelenskyy a deep state actor. And all the countries that have, pretty much given aid, have deep state paid for leaders. So, this make all those against russia, coming to the aid of one of their own deep state actors. Also, if you back into the Trump era, Putin was talking how much he hated the deep state, and put out an arrest warrant for Sorros. And one of the final stabs at those in charge of the deep state, Putin rejected the petro-dollar and set up the petroleum rupel, and making all sale of their crude oil in Gold. Two other world leaders tried this and failed: Saddam Hussein and Kaddafi. Both of these men were talking selling crude oil for gold, just before they were killed. Now, these were no where near good men, but their deaths were direct cause and effect of how they wanted to sell oil, not what they did in their lives, people, country, or the world.
Here is an article, questioning the validity of the claims that Mariupol theater was all on the russians.
Information concerning the AZOV and their actions on Donetsk and Luhansk.

2 years ago

Thank Hillary for that

2 years ago

(Personally) I think russia is being quite ….Cordial/Restrained/Neighborly, considering what we are doing to them, across the board.
Proxy warring, is one thing..bit the outright theft of Money and Possesions from some of these russians that have Zero to donwith the govt.

I, would not be.
But thats just me.

2 years ago
Reply to  Chris

putin has been very restrained but he is very ill, probably terminal. next one up most likely wont be a putin.

2 years ago

While the big circle (politics and such) matters it’s what we do with the little circles that matter More.
Killhouse rules are in force
1. NOBODY IS COMING TO SAVE YOU. Whether an event lasts a few seconds, a few hours, or even a few days – you have to work as though nobody is coming to save you.
2. You are your savior, so start working because EVERYTHING IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. You are your security, you are your medic, you are your rescuer.
3. You are your own best resource to SAVE WHO NEEDS TO BE SAVED. Nobody wants to save your life more than you, so set yourself up for success by having the simple tools and knowledge to do so: do what you can with what you have. Recognize that nobody is in a better position to start saving your life than you.
4. Sometimes saving lives means you have to KILL WHO NEEDS TO BE KILLED. It has been almost 15 years since I first wrote “the more effective you are at taking a life, the more successful you’ll be at saving one” and nothing in the intervening time has changed my mind. Be swift, be decisive, be final.
5. Mostly, ALWAYS BE WORKING. There is always something you can be doing to improve your position. Always. Because nobody is coming to save you.
Rule of 3’s applies. Get busy folks, the door to easy preps is nearly closed.
Protect your family, they are the future.

Hammers Thor
2 years ago

“We may have a nuclear winter this year. It may not be the one we expected.”
Wow. THAT particular scenario has not been in my thinking. I have been anticipating major power disruptions this fall and winter, but I assumed it would be due to lack of natural gas and coal.
Just bought three cords of wood, and have about half of it stacked for winter. Got a couple trees to take down this summer (dead) to use to add to the stock. Also building a ram pump from the creek (a tremendous blessing) so we don’t have to carry water up the hill when the power goes out.

Claude Ramains
Claude Ramains
2 years ago

Whoops! Ya didn’t think that one through very well did ya Jo.
If Trump had given congress this many brain farts they would have been screeching g like rabid harpies for his impeachment based on mental incompetence and national security.
What I love about the American people is that they’re not averse to torches and pitchforks and a good old fashioned witch hunt…. Especially when there are actual witches to hunt.

2 years ago
Reply to  Claude Ramains

as will the ability to pump gas.

enn ess
enn ess
2 years ago

So does this mean those lectric cars they are trying to force us into, the charging of them may be a bit on the iffy side. Asking for a friend, Inquiring mynds wanna know.

Barbara Douglas
Barbara Douglas
2 years ago
Reply to  enn ess

There is no such thing as an ALL electric car. They ALL require gas to get started no gas no electricity

2 years ago

Barbra Hybrid cars use gasoline motors mostly like a self-propelled generator to keep the batteries full. True Plug in Electric Cars like the Tesla and such do not have a gasoline engine at all.
Better to say that all electricity aside from a tiny amount of irregular “Renewable Wind” is powered by conventual energy.
Even Solar Power Plants mostly have natural gas generators to support and back them up at night and cloudy days. Thus, when TX had that natural gas pipeline freeze during the blackout last winter those solar plants were ZERO Energy.

2 years ago

Yes, the dreaded EMP attack which Congogrease (too busy butt-uckfing Americans) never took it seriously and for good reasons. They are commies too.

2 years ago

We wouldn’t have to worry about uranium or uranium reactors if USA entities at Oak Ridge, Los Alamos, Livermore and even private industry would get off their ignorant asses and develop thorium molten salt reactors. Google thorium reactors, thorium, Kirk Sorenson, Copenhagen Atomic Waste and more. YouTube TEDx also.

Barbara Douglas
Barbara Douglas
2 years ago

First the disclaimer! I am not a fan of Russia or Putin. However to blame ANY of America’s troubles on Russia or Putin is totally and singularly leftist thinking! ALL OF AMERICA’S TROUBLES SHOULD LAND SQUARELY ON Biden’s skinny little shoulders! And NO place else! Accept of course the idiots that support him! I believe they are going by the name democratz, or maybe its communists, or maybe LGBTQSOB! Probably all 3!👵🤬

2 years ago

Barbra, you give that sponge brain sock puppet Biden too much credit. As Musk put it so well in a Tweet “Biden’s not in charge, the folks running his teleprompter are in charge. WHO are they?”.
Why is this important? Because standard Socialist tactics is to use one Useful Idiot (Like Biden) to do the dirty work so when folks rise up in fury the Socialists can POINT at Biden and Dump him (and save their own hides).
Those cockroaches then hide a bit inside the bureaucracy and rise back up later to *hit over everything again.
A fair number of those “idiots” that voted for Biden are having buyer’s remorse but cannot force themselves to wish for Trumps return. Hard to get folks to accept just how duped they were. That’s why carnivals continue to dupe people year after year without being driven out of town with pitchforks and flame.