SCIENCE SHOCK: Not a single record of purified virus behind COVID-19 pandemic… is virology actually quackery?

SCIENCE SHOCK: Not a single record of purified virus behind COVID-19 pandemic… is virology actually quackery?

Some 137 institutions in nearly 30 countries so far have admitted that there’s not even a single record of the SARS-CoV-2 virus having been purified from any patient sample by anyone on the planet.

“What it has come down to is a very simple question: How does a virologist identify a new virus and then show this virus causes disease?” said Dr. Thomas Cowan in a virtual call aptly titled “Virology on Trial.”

“I’m talking about the exact steps that every medical professional, every medical doctor and really every human being should know, because we’re all affected by events, which are all based on the existence of a virus, and the theory that this virus causes disease.”

Cowan said that 58 different government health agencies, when asked under freedom of information requests, say they have no paper describing the isolation, purification and characterization of any SARS-CoV-2 virus from any human being who tested positive for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). (Related: Spain: Ministry Of Health forced to confirm it has never isolated the SARS-CoV-2 virus.)

He added that it’s the same thing with other diseases. “No HIV has ever been found from any person with AIDS; no measles virus has been found directly in any fluid with anybody sick with measles and on and on,” he said, noting that different institutions like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Robert Koch Institute and the Pasteur Institute agree with that.

Nobody can find a virus directly from the fluid, any fluid of any sick person. Every virologist would say that is not possible, Cowan said. “That is not how we find viruses. So we should be all very clear about that and not make that mistake.”

Cowan explained that the role of epidemiology in science and medicine is not to prove the existence of anything or prove causation, but instead to suggest hypotheses that can be tested.

People readily blame a virus if many of them get sick, or when they get sick in one place and spread it to another place.

“There is no virologist, or competent medical doctor, who thinks that any of these observations prove the existence of a virus, or prove that it causes disease. So please don’t make the mistake and use that as an explanation,” he said.

“If you think that because a lot of people get sick in the same place proves there’s a virus, you must think that Hiroshima was a virus. And if you think that if it spreads from one place to another proves there’s a virus, then you must think that Chernobyl was a virus.”

Read the Whole Article Here….

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Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago

I been saying since June of 2020 that it was a scam and that the virus did not exists. My mother told me at that time I should not say that. Well until they isolate the actual virus, I will continue to say it.

The murders need to be punished. I mean all of them, from Trump, to Fauci, to the doctors and nurses that pushed it. Yes even the doctors and nurses, they are trained in medicine and they should know how to research. They did nothing but follow the murdering CDC. Self induced ignorance is not excuse.

3 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

I remember Trump saying at a rally--not sure where, about Ivermection, Hydroxychloroqine safe and effective to take for CV. So, yes, he was pushing the vax, but before that he was pushing Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroqine. Just saying he did push vax, but that’s not all he pushed. He left it up to the people to decide, and isn’t that what’s got our panties in a bunch--the fact they took away our ‘choice’?! One has to decide and discern for themselves. There were many who saw the BS happening from the beginning with fauxchee saying one day one thing then something else the next. Red flag for me and many others. We watched the BS play out into the ‘must get the jab or else!”. This is where it all became theatrics to me and others who knew how to discern.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago
Reply to  Oma

And he is still pushing the shot and not the meds.

Hammers Thor
3 years ago

So, I have a question. If there is no SARS-COV2 Virus, how does Anthony Fauci have a patent on the HIV gp120 protein which activates LFA-1 on CD4 T-Lymphocytes, and which protein exists in both the virus and the “vaccine”?
“(Natural News) Early on in the plandemic, we reported that unusual HIV insertions had been identified in the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). This strongly suggested at the time that the virus was a bioweapon constructed in a laboratory.
Since that time, it has been further revealed that Tony Fauci of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) owns a patent on at least one such HIV insertion, known as gp120.
HIV’s gp120 protein, reports Igor Chudov on his Substack, is the one that activates LFA-1 on CD4 T-Lymphocytes and increases cell susceptibility to LFA-1-targeting leukotoxin, according to a 2011 study.
Interestingly, gp120 just so happens to also be located in the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, as well as in the spike protein of all covid “vaccines.”
In a nutshell, gp120, as applied to the spike proteins in both covid and covid injections, effectively destroys the body’s immune T cells in the same way as HIV. And gp120 specifically is used to deliver HIV into the lymphocytes via the LFA-1 receptor.”
More disinfo?

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Hammers Thor

They had the kill shot way before the virus was released, they just needed to perfect it’s spread.

3 years ago

Do we actually need to believe these same “scientists” (technocrats) that claim GMOs are safe? I think not…