Shut It Down

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Jim bob
Jim bob
21 days ago

Damn Rino’s

20 days ago
Reply to  Jim bob

Wasn’t RINOs this time. True conservatives like Thomas Massie & MTG voted against it because it was just a ploy by Mike (the snake) Johnson to get his continuing resolution spending bill passed. They said that the Mike Johnson already made a deal with Chuck Schumer to have the SAVE act stripped from the overall bill once it got passed by the House.

21 days ago

Every. Single. Time.

21 days ago

Was this the SAVE act? or was it something else?
If SAVE act, in I’m not badly mistaken and I don’t think I am, it should have been stopped since it would do nothing for this election and had things in it that needed to be stopped.
Go read bill.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
21 days ago
Reply to  lordchamp

Kabuki theatre!
Are you not entertained? To borrow a phrase…

kal kal
kal kal
20 days ago
Reply to  lordchamp

SAVE was an end run to legitimize DACA.

20 days ago
Joe Blow
Joe Blow
20 days ago

TINVOWOOT…. what’s it mean, though? Like, boil it down for me, like I’m a 5 year old.
LOL! Sorry, that’s sarcasm. I’m just amazed at the abject stupidity of the masses of people.

wv citybilly
wv citybilly
20 days ago

And yet another fine example of what to think about Republicans. It’s all wrap yourself in the flag and talk about god, while hiding behind political correctness to do exactly what Democrats do . . undermine the sovereignty of this once great country.

20 days ago
Reply to  wv citybilly

Citybilly……can’t argue with facts and logic….I am a MAGA conservative and the games that are played make me sick….its the shell game….